Introduction to Robotics/Printouts/Sound Waves
Date: 01 / 9 / 2025
Sound Waves
- Speed of sound
- D is the distance, measured in meters.
- C is the speed of sound in air, measured in meters per second.
- t is the amount of time the wave travels, measured in seconds.
- At 72°, sound travels at 344.8m/s.
- Convert to Centimeters
- We convert to centimeters because they are more useful, and it helps to remove fractions from our calculation.
- For the BoeBot
- Because the sound wave must travel to the object and back.
- The BoeBot measures t in "clock cycles", which are each 2μseconds. We must convert the equation to use seconds instead of clock cycles:
- Fractional Math
- The BoeBot can do some limited math with fractions.
- The "**" operator is used as follows:
- We calculate that:
- We can use the following code to convert time to distance:
Distance = Conversion ** time
- Finding the Conversion Constant