Introduction to Hebrew

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Basic Vocabulary

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Common Phrases

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Shalom - שלום - Hello.

Ma shlomkha? - ?מה שלומך - How are you? (Formal).

Ma kore? - ?מה קורה - How are you? (Informal).

Koreem li... - ...קוראים לי - My name is... (Literal: I'm called...).

Ekh koreem lekha? - ?איך קוראים לך - What's your name? (Literal: How are you called?).

Ani lo medaber ivrit - אני לא מדבר עברית - I don't speak Hebrew.

Ani medaber ktsat ivrit - אני מדבר קצת עברית - I speak a little Hebrew.


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I - Ani - אני.

You (singular) - Ata - אתה.

He - Hoo - הוא.

She - Hee - היא.

We - Anakhnu - אנחנו.

You (plural) - Atem - אתם.

They (Masculine) - Hem - הם.

They (Feminine) - Hen - הן.


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With - Eem - עם.

In (Used to place and time) - Be... (no space before next word) - ...ב .

On (Used only as "the book is on the table") - Al - על.

Of/'s - Shel - של.

From - Mi... (No space) - ...מ .

For - Bishvil/ Le...(No space) - ל/בשביל .


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And - Ve... (No space, can be pronounced Va, Vi and Oo too.) - ....ו .

Or - O - או .

But - Aval - אבל .

For Hebrew Alphabet go to Reading and Writing Hebrew.