Concentrations areas include English and Communications, Mathematics, Social Studies, Visual and Preforming Arts, Science, and International Studies.
Your concentration can include two areas of specialization
No concentration/specialization for German Students
Specialization available through further trainings in Germany
International Projects in Elementary/Primary Classrooms
Where are the differences in areas of specialization between Germany and USA
Are there different concepts of the term "specialization"?
Which "areas of specialization" exist in the USA? Are there specializations available through further trainings? Is there specialization in the elementary teacher education in the USA?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of specialization in both Germany and the U.S.?
Without areas of specialization what is a teacher cabable of??
How do we decide what to specialize in?
Are some subjects more important to specialize in than others?
How do we accommodate for our lack of knowledge in areas we are not specialized in?
Is there specific training for teachers in Germany to help teachers teach certain subjects
What subjects do you teach on a daily basis in Germany
Germany looks at specialization as taking classes to specifically teach in certain areas
North Carolina, USA looks at specialization in terms of concentration and are extra classes taken in order to be a mini-expert on a subject. This is part of the initial lincensure/teaching certificate.
These sorts of international projects can be helpful for all of our future students to engage in. These projects help with global awareness and respect of other cultures.
To build our knowledge in the area we are not specialized in there are workshops,classes can be taken, talk to advisors for suggestions, gain knowledge through tutoring.
4.Outline of Our Project's Power Point Presentation