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Institute for Mental and Behavioral Health Research (IMBHR) at Nationwide Children's Hospital/Research at IMBHR Summer Experience (RISE)

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Research at IMBHR Summer Experience (RISE)

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Overview and Curriculum

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This past summer, Nationwide Children's Hospital launched the RISE internship program. RISE provides exceptional summer opportunities for undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate students, particularly from backgrounds underrepresented in psychology and medicine. The RISE research mentorship faculty is comprised of over 9 NIH-funded principal investigators.

The RISE curriculum includes:

  • An immersive summer experience in a research team working with neuropsychological, mental, sleep, and behavioral health data.
  • Learning about data capture (including in electronic medical records, as well as in structured survey tools and using AI).
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which are some of the most cited, high impact research one could do.
  • Assignment of a postdoctoral or faculty mentor to support readiness for further studies.
  • Weekly research seminars and professional development workshops on active research projects, psychology graduate school and medical school applications, test preparation, interviewing and other relevant topics.
  • Didactics about data wrangling, checking statistical assumptions, analysis, visualization, and presentation of findings.
  • Involvement in mentored projects that build skills and produce a suitable for presentation at the close of the internship.

RISE 2024 Recap

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Between June 3rd and August 9th of 2024, RISE interns took an active role in groundbreaking research being conducted through IMBHR and NCH, involving the following:

  • Conducted self-directed research in psychology, culminating in the completion and presentation of 8 academic-style posters.
    • Preliminary Gender-Based Differential Item Functioning of the BASC-3-PRS-C
      • Authors: Aarav Kukreja, Emily Glatt, Hannah Brockstein, Jeremy Baggs, Kevin Stephenson, Eric Youngstrom
      • OSF Link
    • Assessing Content Overlap in Pediatric PTSD Scales: A Comparative Analysis
      • Authors: Halle Deericks, Jeremy Baggs, Eric Youngstrom
      • OSF Link
    • A Content Overlap Analysis of 7 Mania Rating Scales for Children and Adolescents
      • Authors: Yinuo Xu, Phoebe Rodda, Jeremy Baggs, Eric Youngstrom
      • OSF Link
    • Brief Mental Health Screeners for Youth in Primary Care: An Exploratory Content Analysis
      • Authors: Maya, Garg, Hannah Brockstein, Eric Youngstrom
      • OSF Link
    • Seven Common Pediatric Depression Measures: An Item Content Overlap Analysis
      • Authors: Shannon Price, Kevin Stephenson, Jeremy Baggs, Eric Youngstrom
      • OSF Link
    • Item Content Overlap of Catatonia Scales
      • Authors: Zachery Mondlak, Eric Youngstrom, Musa Yilanli, Colleen Waickman
      • OSF Link
    • ADHD Assessment: Commonly Used Measures and When to Use Them
      • Authors: Hannah Brockstein, Emily Glatt, Jeremy Baggs, Eric Youngstrom
      • OSF Link: Not Public
    • Latent Profiles of Manic and Depressive Symptoms and Their Associations with Eating Disturbances among Young Adults
      • Authors: Yinuo Xu, Eric Youngstrom, Kevin Stephenson
      • OSF Link
  • Worked to create a Nationwide Codebook for all data that can be exported from EPIC and REDCap.
    • Obtained all measures utilized by the CDC, developed data dictionaries for each measure, and merged EPIC data to data dictionaries using a Shiny App created by Jeremy Baggs.
    • Compiled LEAD codes with all possible DSM and ICD codes, which were later combined with diagnostic data to make answering research questions involving diagnostic data more feasible.
  • Helped to disseminate evidence-based psychology online though Wikipedia, Wikiversity, Creative Commons, Prospero, and the Open Science Framework.
    • All interns learned how to use various Open Science tools to increase the accessibility and impact of their work, working alongside the 501(c)3 non-profit organization Helping Give Away Psychological Science.
  • Implemented Quarto documents, Git, Github, AI, Shiny Apps, and R to facilitate knowledge exchange between IMBHR projects and to beta test potential future adoption within IMBHR.
    • Helped to create data visualizations for various research projects and converted 1000+ lines of SPSS to R code to enhance accessibility.
  • Worked with content experts to conduct mata-analyses on important topics in youth mental health, improving outcomes for youth and informing clinicians and researchers at NCH.
    • Project 1: Working to establish the importance of the real relationship in psychotherapy by illustrating its impact on session or treatment outcome.
    • Project 2: Re-examining the results from Sandbank et al. (2004), a mete-analysis that found intervention effects do not increase with increasing amounts of intervention for young autistic children.
    • Project 3: Treatment of Pediatric Bipolar.
Brief youth mental health screeners analyzed by Garg and colleagues.
Symptom overlap for brief youth mental health screeners.
Types of symptoms assessed by brief youth mental health screeners.
Pediatric depression measures analyzed by Price and colleagues.
Symptom overlap for pediatric depression measures.
Item content overlap for pediatric depression measures.
Correlation between pediatric mania measures analyzed by Xu and colleagues.
Symptom overlap for pediatric mania measures.
Item content overlap for pediatric mania measures.
Correlation between pediatric PTSD measures analyzed by Deericks and colleagues.
Symptom overlap for pediatric PTSD measures.
Item content overlap for pediatric PTSD measures.
ADHD measures analyzed by Brockstein and colleagues.
Symptom overlap for ADHD measures.
Correlation between catatonia measures analyzed by Mondlak and colleagues.
Symptom overlap for catatonia measures.
All figures from research projects led by 2024 RISE interns have been included above. For more information about the 2024 item content overlap projects, please see the Item Overlap Methodology page.