Informal learning activities/Tmplts

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  The templates described below are for use in coding the items within link lists of name trees.  The three main classes of template, separately described, are for the coding of different kinds of item.  Other templates are described way below.

Name Tree Items

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  The following tables and their accompanying explanation are mostly separated by the class of item they are designed to encode.  Because they were incrementally developed while this learning resource was being developed, they are not as systematically named as they might be.

 Within the following tables, the enclosing {{{braces}}} show where the components of the item code are to be used.  Thus, if {{../STa|ogee|curve}} is the code then {{{1}}} stands for ogee while {{{2}}} stands for curve

 The enclosing [[brackets]] generate the link, so that [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] generates a Wikipedia link to {{{1}}} and displays {{{2}}} to be clicked on.  The [[wikt:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] enclosure works the same way, but the link is to the Wiktionary.

Generic Items

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  The following tables have two columns, where a left entry corresponds closely to the right entry.  The idea here is that, because generic items turn out more frequently than specific items, it is useful to provide one template for the initial item of a new second letter in a sequence, and a corresponding template for a following item.

 Thus the first column of the following tables of this section shows the template for a new second letter, which provides for a new line in the display with a • prefix, while the code in the second column has no • and no new line.  That's why the entries in the first column are dropped a little.

 Sometimes there are very few items with a particular second letter.  For such cases the code {{../STnx}} can be used to put a • prefix in front of a second column code and not cause a line break, providing there is no space between the {{../STnx}} and the following code.

Plain double

• [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
STb   [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
• [[w:{{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
STh  [[w:{{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
STy  [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{1}}}) 
Sty  [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{1}}})

Plain triple

• [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
STd   [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}}#{{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] ({{{1}}}) 
Std  [[w:{{{1}}}#{{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] ({{{1}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{3}}})
STw  [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
Stw  [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}}#{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
sTw  [[w:{{{1}}}#{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] ({{{1}}})
STu  [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] ({{{1}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] ({{{2}}})
Stu  [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] ({{{2}}})


• [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]] ({{{3}}}) 
STf   [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{3}}}]] ({{{4}}})
Stf  [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{3}}}]] ({{{4}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
STs  [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{2}}}]] ({{{1}}})
Sts  [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{2}}}]] ({{{1}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
StS  [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{3}}}]] ({{{1}}})
STq  [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{3}}}]] ({{{1}}})
• [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{3}}}]] ({{{2}}})
Stq  [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{3}}}]] ({{{2}}})


• [[wikt:{{{1}}}#English|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}}) 
STj   [[wikt:{{{1}}}#English|{{{1}}}]] ({{{2}}})
• [[wikt:{{{1}}}#{{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{3}}})
STl  [[wikt:{{{1}}}#{{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[wikt:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
STn  [[wikt:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
• [[wikt:{{{1}}}#English|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})
STp  [[wikt:{{{1}}}#English|{{{2}}}]] ({{{3}}})

 Note that the #English is used to get the link straight into the English section of a Wiktionary page.  Note also that the use of Wikipedia links is much preferred to the Wiktionary ones.

Specific Items

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 All these items have at least three components and an overall • prefix.  One of the components that is in all of these is an adjunct and prefix to the hint and displayed in small letters.

 The variety of templates springs from the variety of names in the Wikipedia link.  To make these links take the user directly to the person or place of the link, the name will often include prefixed titles or disambiguations after a following comma or within parentheses.

Men/Women Items

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  The following table gives the templates for Men and Women and Extra Women & Men items.

MWa  {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{4}}})  MWb  {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{3}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) 
MwA• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} ({{{3}}})|{{{1}}}]] {{{2}}} {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) 
MwB {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) Mwb {{{2}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{3}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) 
MWc {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}, {{{3}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) MWd {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) 
Mwc {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) Mwd [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] {{{2}}}  {{{3}}} ({{{4}}}) 
MWe {{{1}}} [[w:{{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) Mwe {{{1}}} [[w:{{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{3}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) 
MwE {{{1}}} [[w:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{4}}}) 
MWf {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} ({{{3}}})|{{{2}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{5}}}) MWg {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} ({{{3}}})|{{{2}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{3}}}) 
MWh [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] {{{2}}} ({{{3}}}) MWi [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{4}}}) 
MWj [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{2}}}) MWk [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{2}}}) 
Mwj [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{4}}}) Mwk [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{4}}}) 
MWl [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{4}}}) MWm [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{1}}}]] {{{4}}} ({{{3}}}) 
Mwl [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] {{{3}}} ({{{1}}}) 

 The main component to be explained here is the adjunctive hint, which conveys an indication of the person's time of life.  One or two digits are shown to convey at least the major part of the person's life if not all of it.  They give a year with the two low-order digits lopped off, so can be called the hundred.  If the person lived from 1723 to 1786 then the adjunct is simply 17.

 If the birth year and the death year are not the same when their last two digits are lopped off, then the hundred displayed as adjunct is that of the longer part of the person's life.  A prefix or suffix is then used to indicate the length of the shorter part (this is explained here).

Place/Building Items

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  The following table gives the templates for Places and Buildings and Extra Buildings & Places items.

PBa  [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{2}}}}}({{{3}}}) PBb  [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{4}}}) 
PBc [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{2}}}) PBd [[w:{{{1}}}, {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{4}}}) 
Pbc [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{2}}}) Pbd [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{4}}}) 
PBe [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{4}}}) PBf [[w:{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})|{{{3}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{5}}}) 
Pbe [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{1}}} {{{2}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{4}}}) Pbf [[w:{{{1}}}, {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{5}}}) 
PBg {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{4}}}) PBh {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}, {{{3}}}|{{{2}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{5}}}) 
Pbg [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{4}}}) Pbh [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{3}}}) 
PbG {{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{5}}})  PbH [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{2}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{3}}}) 
PBG [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}, {{{3}}}|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{2}}}) PBH [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{3}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{1}}}) 
PBi• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]{{../{{{3}}}}}({{{1}}}) PBj• [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}}|{{{3}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{2}}}) 
PBk [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} ({{{3}}})|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{2}}}) PbK [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{2}}}) 
PBK [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} ({{{3}}})|{{{2}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{1}}}) Pbk [[w:{{{1}}} {{{2}}} ({{{3}}})|{{{1}}}]]{{../{{{4}}}}}({{{3}}}) 

  These are similar to the templates of the previous table, but the adjunctive hint in this case is an abbreviation of the country or region where the place or building is.  It is also a link to the Wikipedia page for the country or region.

Country Codes
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  The adjunctive codes to be put into the above items are given in the following two tables.  The main table is for individual countries or regions, and the other and minor table is for combinations.  (The code Mt is used to generate ?? for a reason lost in the mist of time.)

  Note that each table item has two components, the first and larger gives the code to go into the item as the adjunctive hint, and the second component gives the adjunct as it appears when its item is displayed.  For example, {{../PBa|Monza|It|comune}} displays as • Monza Itly (comune) .

  In this last example the adjunctive hint, Itly, is itself an another abbreviation, but if the cursor is brought over onto the adjunctive hint in the list item above then the displayed URL will show the full name.

Aa Antrctc Ab Albn Af Afghnn Ag Argntn Al Algr Alk Alsk 
Anl Antl Ar Astr Arm Armn As Asm Atl Astrl 
Bc Bctr BE BrEmp Bgr Blgr BH BsnHzgv Bhm Bhm Bk Blkns BkF BknFs 
Bm Blgm Bn Bnn Br Blrs Brm Brm Bth Bthyn Bv Blv 
By Brtny Bz Brzl 
CA CntrlAs Cc Ccss Chl Chl Chn Chn Cm Clmb Cnd Cnd 
Cnn Cnn Cr Crt Crb Crbn Cw Crnwl Cy Cyprs Cz CzchR 
Dm Dnmrk 
Ec Ecdr EC EChnl EE EErp Eg Egpt En Englnd 
Ep Ethp Es Estn ES ESlvdr ETm EstTmr Ev Esclvn 
Fld Fnlnd Fr Frnc 
Gc Grc Gh Ghn Gl Glc Gld Grnlnd Gr Grmny Gtm Gtml Gyn Gyn 
Hds Hds Hg Hngry 
Il Isrl In Ind Iq Irq Ir Irlnd 
Irn Irn Is Indns It Itly IvC IvryCst 
Jd Jrdn Jmc Jmc Jp Jpn Js Jrslm Kv Ksv 
Lb Lbr Lbn Lbnn Lby Lby Lth Lthn Ltv Ltv 
Mcd Mcdn Mdt MdtrnS ME ME Mg Mdgscr Ml Mlys Mlt Mlt Mlw Mlw 
Mn Moon Mng Mntngr Mp Msptm Mr Mrv Mrc Mrc 
Mt ?? MWy MlkyWy Mx Mxc My Mynmr Mz Mzmbq 
NAO NAtlOcn Nc Ncrg NE NErp Ngr Ngr NI NIrlnd Nmb Nmb 
Np Npl Nt Nthrlnds Nw Nrwy NZ NZ 
Pg Prtgl Pk Pkstn Pl Plnd Pnm Pnm PO PcfOcn 
Pp Phlpns PRc PrtRc Pru Peru Ps Plstn Py Prguy 
Rmn Rmn Rs Rsa 
SAO SAtlOcn SA SAfrc Sb Sbr Sc Sctlnd SdA SdArb Sdn Sdn 
Sgl Sgl SKr SthKr SL SrLn Slk Slvk Slv Slvn SmI SlmnIi 
Sp Spn Srb Srb SrL SrLnk Sw Swdn Swz Swzlnd Syr Syr 
Tk Trky Tm Trkmnstn Twn Twn Tns Tns Tz Tnz 
Ugd Ugnd Uk Ukrn UK UK US USA Uv Unvrs 
VI VrgnI Vz Vnzl Wl Wls 
Ymn Ymn Zb Zmb Zz Znzbr 


AgBv Arg/Blv 
BrLth Blrs/Lthn BmFr Blgm/Frnc 
CzGr CzchR/Grmny 
GrcTk Grc/Trky GrDm Grmny/Dmrk GrPl Grmny/Plnd 
InNp Ind/Npl InPk Ind/Pkstn InSrL Ind/SrL 

  It may be that you want to add a Buildings and Places item, but a new country code template is needed.  However, unless you are confident with coding in Wikimedia, especially in editting pages, it would be best to drop the idea.

  If you do feel confident, the following brief description should be followed.

  Pick a name for the country code template, usually one capital letter followed by one or a few lower case letters, and check that the name isn't already in use by looking in this

List of subpages
or simply by setting up to edit it and expecting to be told that the name is not in use yet.

  Look at the code in an example like England by clicking on the Edit tag there.  You might even copy the code but please don't alter it.  Then go and create the new template.

  Document the new template by going here (it really is here) and putting your new template in the appropriate place in the table.

  All these steps should be taken before putting your item into its grove.

Miscellaneous Templates

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  There are several rather minor templates that can be used in coding items.

Font control
Bg {{{1}}}Sm {{{1}}}Ty {{{1}}}
BG{{{1}}}SM {{{1}}}TY {{{1}}}

  These are used to change the presentation of their {{{1}}} component (except for Clr).  For example,  {{../Rd|Left Wing}}  yields Left Wing, and is needed to colour the eras of items for people who lived BC.  This template really a special case of  {{../Clr|ff0000|Left Leg}}  which yields Left Leg.

Embedded links
Wp [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]Wq [[w:{{{1}}}|+]]Wr [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]]
Xp[[wikt:{{{1}}}#English|{{{1}}}]] Xq[[wikt:{{{1}}}#English|+]] Xr[[wikt:{{{1}}}#English|{{{2}}}]]

Yp is used for going to other pages, but the others are only very occasionally used to make links to Wikipedia or Wiktionary within the parenthetic hint.

  There are quite a few other templates, mostly used to format the lists of name trees.  Anyone wanting to start new tree lists can see their use by looking at the code within existing lists, but they are quite specialised and new templates modelled on these examples would be needed for each new list group.