Indigenous and Intercultural Health/History, Demography and Indigenous Health

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Key learning outcome 3 - History, Demography and Indigenous Health

Apply understanding of how historical and demographic factors can influence Indigenous healthcare encounters

Map Victoria Aboriginal language groups

Enabling outcomes – focusing on Indigenous case material

a. Describe and explain different aspects of disadvantage

b. Explain how historical factors impact on Indigenous health and healthcare (eg colonization, grief, trauma, loss)

c. Analyse how past and present social power differentials affect health and health care

d. Identify how cultural values about relationships with community and environment affect health and wellbeing


The two hour E-learning component of this key learning objective requires you to read an overview of Aboriginal health and consider it’s relationship to the history of the colonization of Australia. You will then watch a choice of two case studies. You will be asked to reflect on this in relation to the four values of South East Australian Aboriginal peoples and in relation to an overview of Aboriginal health.


The two hour face to face workshop component for this key learning objective will include an overview of what has been covered to date, followed by a group activity where you will be asked to contribute your answers to the second E-learning activity. You will also be asked to participate in an experiential rank and privilege activity. A review-and regroup-next steps will conclude this workshop.

VACCHO Sexual Health Team at Lake Condah in Victoria


1. E-learning

Foundation readings

a. Indigenous Healthinfonet overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Health

b. Overview of Aboriginal health and colonization

c. Mission Voices by the ABC and Koorie Heritage Trust

Video case study and related questions

2. Workshop

Your answers from the online activity will be utilized in a group discussion.

Your participation in an experiential rank and privilege activity will be required.

3. Graphics to support learning outcome

Image about Aboriginal people, human rights and globalisation - Leunig

Image about stereotyping where Aboriginal people live

Image about history and dispossession

Key Learning Outcome Participant Guide

1. E-learning, time 2 hours

a. Read the following two overviews of Aboriginal health and colonisation and answer the following questions

Reading one - Aboriginal health and colonisation

Reading two - Indigenous Healthinfonet overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Health

Q1. What are four main areas of colonisation that the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation recognise as impacting on Indigenous health?

Q2. What are main morbidities and mortalities that impact on Aboriginal health?

b. Watch the case study video and answer the following questions


Q1. What areas of colonisation has Bronwyn's life been affected by?

Q2. How do each of these impact on Bronwyn's health and well-being?

Q3. What morbidities does Bronwyn talk about, how does this relate to what you have read about Aboriginal health?

2. Workshop, time 2 hours

a. Introduction (5 minutes) What will be covered today review of e-learning and an experiential activity

b. Group activity (30 minutes) Review of E-learning: compare answers generated from question 2, what are the same what are different

c. Experiential activity, a quick experience of rank and privilege, especially economic class (80 minutes)

d. Review of workshop and overview of the next key learning (5 minutes)

Key Learning Outcome Teaching Guide

1. E-learning, time 2 hours

a. Read the following two overviews of Aboriginal health and colonisation and answer the following questions

Reading one - Aboriginal health and colonisation

Reading two - Indigenous Healthinfonet overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Health

Q1. What are four main areas of colonisation that the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation recognise as impacting on Indigenous health?

Q2. What are main morbidities and mortalities that impact on Aboriginal health?

b. Watch the case study video and answer the following questions


Q1. What areas of colonisation has Bronwyn been affected by?

Q2. How do these impact on Bronwyn's health and well-being?

Q3. What morbidities does Bronwyn talk about, how does this relate to what you have read about Aboriginal health?

2. Workshop, time 2 hours

a. Introduction (5 minutes)

What will be covered today review of e-learning and an experiential activity

b. Group activity (30 minutes)

Review of E-learning: compare answers generated from question 2, what are the same what are different

c. Experiential activity, a quick experience of rank and privilege, especially economic class (80 minutes)

i) Goal: Give participants a quick experience of rank and privilege, especially economic class

ii) Time: 10 minutes explanation and play. De-brief can take up to an hour, depending on facilitation purposes.

iii) Participants: You'll need at least ten participants

iv) Materials Small pieces of paper with triangle, circles and squares drawn on them, draw ticks and crosses in some of the shapes. The object is that students will need to collect four of the same shape and symbol, for example four triangles with ticks in them, so only make three triangle with ticks, three squares with ticks, three circles with ticks. The rest make more than three depending on class size. For a goup of twenty you'll need about 80 different shapes.

Give two people a mixture of 8 shapes

Give two people no shapes

Give three people a mixture of three shapes

Give three people a mixture of five shapes

Any participants left rest get a mixture of four shapes

v) The exercise - Explain to participants that the goal of this exercise is to get four of the same shapes with symbols. They will be able to talk during this exercise. Once they have got the four identical shapes and symbols, they are to come to the front of the room

- Ask if there are questions

- Give out the shapes

- Say "Go" - and people start to trade/cooperate/steal to get the required 4 identical shapes with symbols

vi) Possible de-brief questions

- How are you feeling?

- What happened in the exercise?

What gave some people more power than others in this game? What gives some people more power than others in life? (de-brief on rank and privilege)

What links do you see to real life?

How does this relate to health care and clients you may see?

vii) Trends to expect

People with no shapes often "opt out" of exercise (in health care if people start with little resource to enegage with the health care system they may find it easier to opt out, eg transport, money for medication, money for good food etc).

People with identical four shapes and symbols get there first, and then may think about charity.

People with less identical shapes and symbols notice the disparity (this may make people sceptical about using services knowing they are have less access than others, eg nurse questioning Bronwyn’s identity)

People with more identical shapes and symbols don't notice the disparity (people can be blind to the fact that resources are required to interact with the health system).

d. Review of workshop and overview of the next key learning (5 minutes)