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Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary/Circitores

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Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary, and Greek Lexicon (Rich, 1849)

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CIRCITO'RES. Surveyors of the Roman aqueducts, whose duty it was to visit the different lines for the purpose of seeing if any parts wanted repairs, and that no frauds had been committed by the insertion of improper pipes, in order to divert the water without permission, or draw off a larger quantity of it than the law allotted. Frontin. Aq. 117.

2. In the Roman armies, a detachment of men appointed to go the rounds at certain intervals, and see that all the watches were regularly kept, and all the sentries at their posts. Veget. Mil. iii. 8. Inscript. ap. Murat. 540. 2.

3. Commercial travellers, employed by certain manufacturers and tradesmen, to carry round and dispose of the goods they made. Ulp. Dig. 14. 3. 15.


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