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Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary/Bibliotheca

From Wikiversity

Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary, and Greek Lexicon (Rich, 1849)

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BIBLIOTHE'CA (βιβλιοθήκη). A library; i. e. the apartment or building in which a collection of books is preserved. (Cic. Fam. vii. 28.) A room fitted up as a library was discovered in one of the houses at Herculaneum, in the year 1753, which contained 1756 MSS. exclusive of many destroyed by the workmen before their value was known. They were arranged in shelves, or presses, round the room, to the height of nearly six feet; and in its centre, there was also an isolated case, formed by a rectangular column, which fronted each way, and was filled in the same manner as the other shelves. Iorio, Officina de' Papiri.

2. A library; i. e. the collection of books contained in a library. Cic. Fam. xiii. 77. Festus, s. v.

3. A book-case, or set of book shelves. Paul. Dig. 30. 1. 41. Ulp. Dig. 32. 3. 52. § 8.


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