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Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary/Adoratio

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Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary, and Greek Lexicon (Rich, 1849)

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ADORA'TIO (προσκύνησις, Soph. Electr. 1374). The act of adoration, a mark of reverence exhibited by passers-by to any person or object towards which they wished to show extreme reverence and respect. This action was expressed by the following attitude and movements: — the body was inclined slightly forwards and the knees gently bent, whilst the right hand touched the object of reverence, an altar, statue, &c.; the left was raised up to the mouth (ad os, from whence the term is derived), kissed, and then waved towards the object intended to be honoured. (Plin. H. N. xxviii. 5. xxix. 20. Apul. Met. iv. p. 83. Varior. Id. Apol. p. 496.) The chief motions in this pantomime are clearly shown in the illustration (Adoratio/1.1) which is copied from an engraved gem in Gorlaeus (Dactyliothec., p. ii. No. 63.).


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