ICT in Education/Student Activities/Mr. Tak Kean/Class M1/Group3/Group Activity/Cheaper 1 Discussion (Pages 17 - 22)

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@Rith Chealim: after I read this slide , it mentions about system information especially about the components of information system such as input , process, output and feed back. For example, in figure 1.3 shows about the processing washing car from input until feedback.

@RA Soksovannpanha : I read side lesson (Page 17 - 22) I can understand about System Concepts , Step by step about Input and Output with process system(Information System). @Ny Liva : When I read this lesson I can understand about helps decision,efficiently,Components of a system and I can do something make sure and clearly. Example: I fixed the Phone.

@Reth Theara : after I read the slide17-18-20, It's helps me to knew that (Overall, to achieve something we have to set very specific plan. And, well, we have to analyze the information that we have received from something. In order to make effective and result, we must determine the proper standard. For example: To run any business to be successful, 1 understand the location, 2​ know the situation, 3 people familiar with the situation and way more.)​ ការបកប្រែជាខ្មែរ [សរុបមកដើម្បីសម្រេចនូវគោលការអ្វីមួយដ៏ជាក់លាក់ យើងត្រូវតែកំណត់ផែនការ។ ហើយក្នុងនោះផងដែរ​ យើងត្រូវធ្វើការវិភាគនូវផែនការទាំងឡាយណាដែលយើងបានទទួលពីអ្វីមួយ។ ដើម្បីធ្វើឲ្យមានប្រសិទ្ធភាពនិងបានលទ្ធផល យើងត្រូវតែកំណត់ស្តង់ដារការងារ រឺផែនការឲ្យបានត្រឹមត្រូវ។ ឧទារហណ៍: ដើម្បីដំណើរការមុខរបរអ្វីមួយឲ្យបានជោគជ័យ, ទី១យល់ពីទីតាំង​, ទី២ដឹងពីស្ថានភាព, ទី៣ស្គាល់ពីស្ថានភាពប្រជាជន​ និងរបៀបរបបជាច្រើនទៀត។