ICT in Education/Policy

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ICT Policy in Education

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Temporary note for editors: As a part of international workshop we will update these pages during next week (2014-05-05 to 2014-05-12). I would like to request from editors to wait for a week to update ICT in Education/Policy page.


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A national policy for ICT in education in Bolivia has been initiated with the Program NTIC trough the ministerial resolution Number 114/06 in the year 2006 that stablish: To aprove the National Policy of ICT for education and dispose financial and technical mechanisms necessary for communication to the society and its effective and efficient implementation throughout the national territory. Thus the National Policy considerated strategies such as the consolidation of a an educational portal, Strengthen Pedagogical Resources (Educational Telecenters for Rural Areas), training for teachers and consolidate the national conectivity for education.

In 2006 beguins the Program and almost 500 Telecenters were installed between years 2006 -2011 and the Project extended for three more years for providing 1000 telecenters in this period which main project characteristic was the interaction of these 1000 telecentres with a Bolivian satellite so going back to year 2010 the bolivian government created the Bolivian Spacial Agency (ABE) in order to execute the program that will allow to Bolivia to have their own Satellite called Tupac Katari. The satellite Tupac Katari was launched in december 2013 in the Xichang Spacial Station China and started operations in april of 2014. The Educational Portal www.educabolivia is launched in 2010 as a webspace to promote innovation in education in order to integrate the cultural diversity existing in Bolivia.

The ministry of Education of Bolivia approves a Ministerial Resolution for the One laptop per teacher Project where has been distributed rougly 40000 laptops in the past last three years.

Reducing the dramatic digital gap between urban and rural áreas in Bolivia, generating more and better conditions of educational infrastructure, to ensure sustainability, creating more telecenters and the development of a successfull sistematic program of insertion of ICT are the most and biggest challenges that Bolivia assumes in the education nowadays.

Internet Links for ICT Policy in Bolivia:

http://www.educatic.org.bo/articulos/259-se-evaluo-los-resultados-e-impacto-de-la-implementacion-del-proyecto-las-tic-en-la-educacion www.educabolivia.bo


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>>Policies and Strategies


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The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is located in the eastern Africa with 84,873,000 population size as of 2010. At the time of writing this there was not a policy on ICT in education for Ethiopia. However, there were three initiatives that the government is implementing.

  1. Ethiopian national SchoolNetinitiative: is aimed at the deployment and exploitation of the ICTs to facilitate the teaching and learning process within primary, secondary, technical and vocational schools
  2. The national ICTs in Higher education initiative: focuses on deploying ICTs within the universities, colleges and research institutions
  3. The national ICT education: training and awareness initiative: promotes ICT awareness and literacy, lifelong and adult education and distance and virtual education and learning


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Today, Rwanda is one of the countries in East African Region that is committed to develop its human capacity up to higher education level through the use of ICT Applications. One of the biggest issue is that, the existing policy related to ICT in Education is not well designed to assist our decision makers and university management. This leads in one way or another to the failure in implementing E-learning systems, while the Government has invested big amount in this vital sector.

The GoR, has recently merged all former public university into one single University of Rwanda.

South Africa

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Uganda In Tanzania we have policy that emphasise the use of ICT from primary school to tertiary level.


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Zimbabwe has a National Policy for ICT which has a section on education.