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Digital Content Page


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>>Digital Content


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In Ethiopia, the availability of digital content is limited to sharing free E-books, power point presentation(e.g FTP servers). Even, the E-books are used only in tertiary Educational institutions. In primary and secondary educations, the concept of digital content is far behind.


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South Africa

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TITLE: The integration of Multimedia in the Preparation of Instructional Materials


This project was conducted at The Open University of Tanzania in the year 2014 after attending training in Sweden, Life Academy, and Sponsored by SIDA. The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) delivers learning through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) model where students learn in their respective regions. This type of learning requires a continuous supply of instructional materials in different modalities including multimedia. This project was all about the integration of multimedia in the preparation of instructional materials at the OUT. Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media including sound, text, audio, still images, video, and interactivity content forms.

OBJECTIVES The following objectives were involved To conduct multimedia training to 40 OUT Academic staff Each teacher to prepare 1 multimedia enriched instructional material Each teacher to upload the multimedia enriched instructional material into the OUT Moodle platform

OUTCOMES The following activities were implemented 1. Training to 40 academic staff was implemented on the following areas The meaning of multimedia The rationale for using multimedia enriched instructional materials The theories behind multimedia teaching and learning The procedure for the preparation of multimedia enriched instructional materials The procedure for uploading the instructional materials into the OUT Moodle platform 2. 35 academic staff were able to upload the said instructional materials 3. Students were able to access the instructional materials from different departments

PROJECT LEADER: Hyasinta Kessy


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 Moses K. Tuhame, E-mail:tuhamose2@gmail.com

Topic: Developing multimedia learning and teaching materials for secondary schools

A variety of curriculum reforms are under way at National Curriculum Development Centre, driven by a perceived need to re-orient schooling from rote learning, shallow coverage, and individualistic teacher centered learning processes to one that leads to acquisition of higher level skills, wide coverage, problem solving, in-depth study, collaborative and learner centered learning. Researchers have argued that teaching should be made more colorful and interesting, if we want to let our students leave school with adequate level of knowledge and with applicable skills in what they are taught. One of the most significant ways of making classes more interesting is taking advantage of the opportunities offered by ICTs and specifically multimedia. Development of multimedia content to support learning is a missing link in the current curriculum reforms if teaching and learning is to make use of ICT as a tool for better education.

The general objective of this project will be to develop appropriate multimedia learning materials for Ugandan secondary schools.
Specific objectives of the project will be to:

  1. Select/ identify appropriate content for digitization.
  2. Select the appropriate technology for compiling digital content.
  3. Program/develop multimedia content for education.
  4. Identify suitable mechanism for storage, sharing and delivery to the end users in schools.
  5. Design Scheme of work and lesson plan which will guide the teacher on the usage of multimedia materials in classroom.

Expected results
Accessible and usable multimedia learning materials for Lower Secondary School (Form One) in the subjects of Mathematics (Science) and Geography (Art). Multimedia learning objects will include simulations, games, puzzles, problem-based learning activities, tutorials, presentations, animations, case studies and assessments.


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