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ICT in Education/Completed Change Projects/2013C

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Change projects completed by 2013C group


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  • Your name
  • Email (optional)
  • Name of your organisation
  • Title of your Change Project
  • Country
  • Started date
  • Status (finished/ongoing)
  • Last Updated on
  • Background
  • Objectives
  • Stakeholders
  • The Scope of the Project
  • Activities
  • Expected or final result
  • The Project Organisation
  • Key words:


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  • Your name
1. Hossain Mohammad Amran,Instructor, Directorate of Primary Education (DPE)
2. Mohammad Nurul Azim,Assistant Instructor, Thana Resource Centre, Chandgaon, Chittagong
  • Email (optional)
 1. amran.urc.dpe@gmail.com 2. nurulazim18@yahoo.com
  • Name of your organisation
  Directorate of Primary Education, MoPME, Bangladesh
  • Title of your Change Project
  Integration of ICT and Improving Quality Teaching Learning in Classroom
  • Country
  • Started date
  December 2013
  • Status (finished/ongoing)
  • Last Updated on
  22 November 2014
  • Background

Moving all aspects of Bangladesh rapidly into the digital age is a government-wide goal. Realistic and imaginative action plans will be formulated to provide a multi-media classroom in one model school in each Upazila/Thana (Sub-district) and to provide every primary school with access to new technology for learning. Providing hardware is just the beginning; the ICT effort will acquiring and create content for digital learning. The feasibility of digital textbooks will be assessed. Where connectivity is possible, teachers will be able to use web-based resource to develop lessons. ... Teachers will be trained to use ICT as part of ongoing professional development programs while teacher networks will allow good practices to spread rapidly at the local level. [Third Primary Education Development Program (PEDP3), Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) (June 2011), Main Document, p-62]. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MoPME) sponsored the PEDP3 for five year (20011-2016) tenure. The overall objective of the PEDP3 is to ensure quality primary education for all primary school-age children of the country. PEDP3 is organized into four components and the first component is ‘Learning and Teaching’ to achieve the anticipated results is Learning Outcomes: all children acquire grade-wise and subject-wise expected learning outcomes or competencies in the classroom. ICT in Education (sub-component 1.5) is one sub-component of Learning and Teaching component to achieve the results through improving the quality of teaching learning environment in the primary schools. [DPE (June 2011), Development Project Proforma (DPP) for PEDP3] Up to February 2014, only three schools of Chandgaon Thana of Chittagong district are with access to ICT devices (One Laptop-multimedia projector, and internet modem with connection) for multimedia classroom. In the meantime, from the schools, 9 (nine) more teachers from 36 received 12 days training on ‘Conducting multimedia classroom, and developing digital teaching learning aids and contents’. For enhancing the quality education the training major objective is to develop the teaching learning process in classroom through using ICT as a tool. In fact, at school, the limitations of physical facilities, low speed internet connectivity, low competent of teachers’ proficiency and insufficient supervisory provision quite hamper to access ICT as a tool in daily teaching learning process easily. With the limitations, the Change Project is designed to enhance teacher’s skill to use ICT tool in their regular classroom activities with a close supervision and technical support from Head-teacher of school, Assistant Instructor of TRC and ATEO of Cluster. The change project initiatives help to address and successful implementation of the PEDP3’s sub-component 1.5 (ICT in Education) to achieve its anticipated results through informing teachers about the development of teaching learning methods by using ICT; enhancing teachers skill on how to use ICT in their classroom process; and encouraging teachers to use ICT in their daily classroom activities.

  • Objectives
Overall Objective
 Improving the quality teaching learning environment at classroom
Specific Objectives
 1. Enhancing teacher’s skill to use multimedia as ICT tools;
 2. Increasing teacher’s practice to use multimedia as ICT tools in teaching learning process.
  • Stakeholders
 Assistant teachers, Head-teacher,ATEO,TEO,Instructor,Assistant Instructor,DPEO, PTI Super,Divisional Deputy Director, 
  • The Scope of the Project

The Change Project is designed to enhance teacher’s skill and to practice in using ICT in their regular classroom activities with a close supervision support from Head-teacher of school, Assistant Instructor and ATEO. The project contributions help to improve the quality of teaching learning environment at classroom, to ensure the learner’s participation in learning and achieve the learning outcomes. For achieving the objectives of the project all teachers have an opportunity to use ICT tool in their classes for all grades students. But government support constraints here, only one set of ICT tool provided for each school. With the limitation, the project expected to deliver supervision and technical support to the two more teachers in a school for two subjects-teaching learning processes at classroom. The scope of the project initiatives are address in 3 schools of Chandgaon Thana of Chittagong district where ICT equipments (One laptop-Multimedia-Internet modem) are supplied by the education authority. The teachers of the change project schools, getting continuous supervision support from head teacher, once in a week from project owner, and once in a month from ATEO. Side by side, the teachers will share their initiatives and enhance their skills on how to use ICT tool in their regular teaching learning process by attending the workshops design for the project.

  • Activities

1. Orientation- The Project and Action Plan ● Meeting and Discussion

2. Baseline Survey ● Questionnaire and checklist developing ● Conducting baseline survey ● Visit schools ● Preparing report

3. Teacher Supervision ● Observing teaching learning activities at multimedia classroom ● Technical support provided at classroom ● Assist to teachers to develop/collect digital contents and prepare lesson plans ● Encourage teachers to use ICT tools and practice in classroom activities.

4. Organize Training on ICT & Pedagogical Development ● Developing questionnaire for teacher’s need assessment ● Conducting study and preparing report ● Prepare module and materials ● Organizing short training

5. Establish Teacher Support Network ● Sharing and discuss on multimedia class, methods and contents with colleagues ● Creating a platform on ICT & Pedagogical Development on web page- http://www.trcchandgaon.gov.bd (Earlier developed by one of project owner)

6. Monitoring and Report writing ● Developing monitoring tools- checklist ● Monitoring and preparing report

  • Expected or final result

Impact level 1. Ensured learner’s participation in learning at classroom. Outcome level 1. Improved quality of teaching learning environment at classroom; 2. Increased teachers practice to use ICT tools in teaching learning process; and 3. Enhanced teachers' skill to use ICT tool at classroom. Output level 1. Teachers are informed about the development of teaching learning methods by using ICT; 2. Teachers are oriented on how to use ICT tool in their classroom process; and 3. Teachers are encouraged to use ICT tool in their daily classroom activities;

  • The Project Organisation
    Thana Resource Centre
  • Key words
     Thana Resource Centre, DPE,PTI, TEO, Change Project, MoPME, ICT in Education, DPE, PEDP3, ATEO, DPEO,Multimedia Classroom, Cluster


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Change agent (name):


Email (optional):


Project Title:







The lack of information about the professional world drives many Cambodian students to careers that are not well fit for their skills and personality, nor can lead them to the positions that they expect in life. In the case of Cambodian women, the lack of information is mixed with fear of not being intellectually prepared for technical professions in which they could excel, such as those in ICT. By offering vocational orientation on ICT careers to high school students the project attempts to increase the number of students who decide to look for a professional life in ICT-related occupations, knowing in each case which career they are preparing themselves for, what professional future that career might lead to, and if they have the basic social and technical skills for it. The vocational orientation is offered as a curriculum course in grade 12 of the formal Cambodian school curriculum, giving all students access to it. The initiative is sustainable by being integrated in the curriculum and standard training. The expected long term result in an increase in the number of ICT students and an improvement in the gender balance. 

Aim (max 80 words)

•	Attempts to accelerate the economic development of Cambodia by increment the amount and adequacy of human resources in the ICT sector in Cambodia, while increasing their equality in gender.
• Integrate in the education system a sustainable methodology for training high school students in skills that will allow them to better integrate in the workplace and to acquire information and experience that will help them decide if they want to follow university studies and a career in the ICT sector.
• Develop materials for the ICT course that will cover the necessary content on vocational orientation towards ICT careers and development of professional skills, teachers will be trained on its delivery and teaching in schools have to start and be supported

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

•	The expected long term result in an increase in the number of ICT students and an improvement in the gender balance on ICT careers.
• Training materials that will increase the impact of the ICT-based professional skills course, facilitating the student's adaptation to the employment market of the information society.
• An ICT textbook for the grade 12 students that will lead to the official textbook to be used in all schools. Guidelines for development of the ICT textbook ensuring that the expected soft skills are developed during its teaching.

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)


•	Department of general education, department of curriculum development and department of information and Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Education.
• High school students in grades 12.
• As the course is mandatory, the materials will be used by most of the teacher who have to teach this course


•	High school students in grades 12. 

Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:

School to Job

Piseth (discusscontribs) 02:41, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

 * Your name: Meas Nearyroth
 *     Email (optional)roth2880 at puc.edu.kh
 *     Name of your organisation: Pannasastra University of Cambodia
 *     Title of your Change Project: Upgrade Teaching and Grading Methodologies through ICT
 *     Country: Cambodia
 *     Started date: August 2014
 *     Status (finished/ongoing): Ongoing
 *     Last Updated on: November 2014
 *     Background: Education
 *     Objectives: •	to upgrade the quality of reading and writing teaching methodologies and •	toimprove the grading system with the applications of ICT tools for the Foundation Year Academic Program in the Faculty of Education to meet the challenges of the knowledge society
 *     Stakeholders:Dean of the Faculty of Education, teachers and students of the English I and II of the Foundation Year Program and IT Department.
 *     The Scope of the Project: The sampling frame of this project is lecturers in the Foundation Year Program in Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. 
 *     Activities
 *     Expected or final result: May 2015
 *     The Project Organisation
 *     Key words:


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Your name: James Rwigema

Email (optional): jamesrwigema1@gmail.com

Name of your organisation: University of Rwanda

Title of your Change Project: Digital Library for 12YBE

Country: Rwanda Started date Status (finished/ongoing) Last Updated on Background
gap between Objectives Stakeholders The Scope of the Project Activities Expected or final result The Project Organisation Key words: Name: Munezero Immaculee Joselyne

Assistant Lecturer

University of Rwanda

  • Empowering communication among Rwandan women cooperative is a change project conducted in Rwanda to boost the knowledge and aware member of cooperative the usage of ICT technology on their every day working for their profit.
  • The main objective is to create awareness of ICT technology among targeted woman cooperative
  • • Teach Practical Automation application for managing activities
  • • Teach on the Usage of Internet by searching, uploading and communicating, advertisement.
  • The following are expected results from this project:
  • • Use computer on daily basis especially on administration and managing important file.
  • • Be able to access internet by searching information related to their work.
  • • Be able to upload or advertise the work done by cooperatives.
  • • Be able to communicate to other cooperative of the same category by using Internet
  • Different activities have been planned to be conducted for execution of this project from the beginning up to the end of the project are follows
  • • Initiating of the project.
  • * • Identify the project pilot and stakeholders
  • * • Meeting with beneficiaries
  • * • Searching fund for tools to be used.
  • * • Training on usage of Computer or Mobile phone by using Internet.
  • * • Practical usage of ICT during their work.
  • * • Test and monitor the usage to see ambiguity.
  • V. Implementation
  • *Bulleted list item
  • : the training have started by choosing the interested thing on using internet for those tailor, them is finding new style and the way of sewing those. they have interested to know that those things exist and they have started practice what they searched and show to their customers .
  • for advertisement we have contacted with some online journal which are known in Rwanda ,unfortunately those journal are very expensive at that time for them , they will search again themselves where they can advertise their works.
  • About computer skills , especially they have leaned excel as making accounting table automatic using excel formula in small time . I am waiting from them to buy their computer which is very soon.


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  • Your name: Daudi H. Danda
  • Email : dedanda2012 at gmail.com
  • Name of your organisation: Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE)
  • Title of your Change Project: Learning Management System (LMS) for Distance Learning at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE)
  • Country: TANZANIA
  • Started date: 2014
  • Status (finished/ongoing): ON GOING
  • Last Updated on: 22/11/2014
  • Background: The Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) was established in 2005 as a priority response by the government to address the problem of acute shortage of graduate teachers and experts in the education sector. In addressing the problem of shortage of graduate teachers, the College envisages to build its capacity and expand its enrolment from the current 1500 to about 3000 students per intake in the year 2015/2016. Out of 3000 that shall be enrolled per year, about 500 students will be admitted through distance learning programme. In the area of capacity building, among other skills, all academic staff must be capable of conducting online courses in order to accommodate distance-learning students.

The project is therefore aimed at enhancing academic staff capacity in the area of conducting distance learning programme with the help of Moodle software. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free software e-learning platform, also known as Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or Learning Management System (LMS).

  • Objectives:

Project objectives ➢ To introduce Learning Management System to DUCE stakeholders ➢ To establish ICT centre/ computer laboratory at DUCE for the purpose of Learning Management System (LMS) training for distance learning to academic staff ➢ To develop the customised Learning Management System (LMS) i.e. Moodle software for training purpose ➢ To improve teaching and learning environment by expanding the use of ICT/computer resources through LMS training to academic staff ➢ To promote accountability and governance at the College through experience gained during project implementation

  • Stakeholders:

Academic Staff; IT experts;

  • The Scope of the Project:
  • Activities:

Introducing the project to DUCE stakeholders; Establish facts about the quantity and status of existing systems; Allocate the specific laboratory for training and required facilities; Installing Moodle software to specified computers for training; Installing Moodle software to academic staff’s personal and office computers; Collecting views on the content of the platform from academic staff; Training to 180 academic staff; Distance learning trial; Preparing platform for student and lecturers; Enrolling distance learning students; Monitoring and Evaluation; Project report

  • Expected or final result
  • The Project Organisation
  • Key words:

   * Your name

Anne Mlimuka

   *     Email (optional)


   *     Name of your organisation

Tanzania Education Authority

   *     Title of your Change Project

Assistive Technology Program for Visual Impaired Students at all Education Levels in Tanzania

   *     Country


   *     Started date


   *     Status ongoing
   *     Last Updated on
   *     Background
   *     Objectives
   *     Stakeholders
   *     The Scope of the Project
   *     Activities
   *     Expected or final result
   *     The Project Organisation
   *     Key words:

Name: E. A. Kalinga
Email (optional):
Name of the organisation: University of Dar es Salaam
Title of the Change Project: Using ICT to Re-tool and Up-skill In-service Secondary Schools’ Science Teachers in Tanzania
Country: Tanzania
Started date: April, 2014
Status (finished/ongoing): Ongoing
Last Updated on: 22nd November, 2014

   The College of Information and Communication Technologies (CoICT) through the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT)
   is implementing The World Bank (WB) funded project (Science & Technology Higher Education Project (STHEP)) project titled ”Using ICT
   to Re-tool and Up-skill In-service Secondary Schools’ Science Teachers” whose major objective is to design and develop the digitized 
   content that will assist Science and Mathematics teachers and students to achieve the goals of secondary education.


   The main objective is to design and develop the digitized content that will assist Science and Mathematics teachers and students to
   achieve the goals of secondary education. 


  1. Government: MoEVT, Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE), Tanzania Secondary Schools, Teachers
  2. Academia: University of Dar es Salaam
  3. Business: (WB, Mobile Operators, ISPs, Banks

The Scope of the Project:

    Change project covered covers only difficult concepts for the teachers in teaching Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics
    subjects at ordinary level of Tanzania secondary schools.


  1. More searching of OERs and customize where necessary
  2. Development of multimedia content from scratch for the sub topics (hard concepts) which have missed OERs
  3. Development of sms based mobile application for monitoring and evaluation
  4. Development of training manuals and conduct trainings on how to:
    * Use customized Moodle LMS
    * Use multimedia content
    * Search and use OERs
    * Use mobile sms based application for monitoring and evaluation
  1. Uploading multimedia content into Moodle LMS and burning CDs/DVDs
  2. Piloting multimedia content to teachers in different phases (Planned to involve up to 2000 in-service teachers)

Expected or final result: May, 2015
The Project Organisation:
Key words: Tanzania, ICT in Education, Tanzania Secondary Schools, OER


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[chan project]

Your name: Nansubuga Rehema

Email (optional): nrehma11@gmail.com

Name of your organisation: Star Secondary School

Title of your Change Project: Enhancement of quality teaching using ICT in Star Secondary School

Country: Uganda

Started date:

Status (finished/ongoing)

Last Updated on

Background:Star Secondary School is a government-aided school under free Universal Secondary Education project, although it exercises cost-sharing to some degree. Through its motto, ‘Seek knowledge’, the school embraces lifelong learning as a principle. Its vision is, ‘To be a dynamic, inclusive and competitive centre of excellence in teaching, learning, and service to humanity’. Following the review of Uganda’s secondary school curriculum in 2013, ICT is now a compulsory subject at the advanced secondary level of Uganda’s education system. This subject is oriented towards acquisition of practical competences for the world of work. The syllabus has topics that are largely intended to address skills in ICT that every learner needs in the 21st century. It is in accordance to this that Star Secondary School followed suit in implementing the new curriculum. However, most of the teaching and learning in all subjects like Mathematics, English, to mention but a few, is done traditionally with pen, paper and chalkboard. Teachers and learners rely on book-based library research for lesson preparation. There is therefore limited access to current information for both teachers and pupils. So, teachers and learners cannot achieve quality teaching and learning because they lack enough ICT skills. All this is evident in the words of Charlotte Kaweesa, the former coordinator of the DANIDA-funded Uganda Annual Investigative Journalism Awards, when she stated that, “For social services like education and health, it is still difficult to think beyond blackboards and needles.” This could possibly be because of lack of sensitization but also because of the general lack of basic ICT skills among teachers and learners. Therefore, if ICT is employed directly in pedagogical development, the quality of education at this school will stand to benefit greatly.

Objectives:The change project aims to achieve four objectives: First, to create awareness among stakeholders of the benefits of ICT in pedagogy and how it can lead to better quality learning outcomes. The second objective is to identify existing gaps in ICT skills among stakeholders; this will present a clue on what to start with and how. The third objective is to train stakeholders on the use of ICT in pedagogy. And the fourth objective is to assess the subsequent integration of ICT in pedagogy.

Stakeholders: Teaching staff Learners Administration Parents

The Scope of the Project

Activities:Create awareness among stakeholders of the benefits of ICT in pedagogy and how it can lead to better quality learning outcomes Holding a workshop on the benefits of ICT
Identify existing gaps in ICT skills among stakeholders Designing a tool to identify the gaps in ICT skills. Data collection on the existing level of ICT skills. Analysis of data. Designing the course content to address the identified gaps. Identification of resources and materials for training.

Train stakeholders on the use of ICT in pedagogy. Carrying out training using the designed resource content
Assess the subsequent integration of ICT in pedagogy Designing monitoring tools. Monitoring the integration of ICT in pedagogy . Collection and analysis of data on the integration of ICT. Documentation and submission of the final report to LIFE Academy

Expected or final result: Short-, medium- and long-term results are expected from the implementation of this change project. In the short-term, the project is expected to create mutual awareness of training needs by the teaching staff, administrators and learners. It is expected that they will all look at the training in ICT as a necessity. Still in the short-term the project will seek to create increased interest and motivation in the use of ICT for teaching and learning. In the medium-term, the change project is expected to develop a training program that meets the specific needs of the stakeholders. In the long-term the project is expected to carry out a training program for staff and students which will actually foster the technical knowhow in the utilization of ICT for teaching and learning. Also, the project is expected to observe increased utilization of ICT in the teaching and learning process and then monitor, evaluate and document the outcome of the training program. Broadly if all goes according to plan, the expected result of this change project is improved quality of teaching/learning through the use of ICT in Star secondary school.

The Project Organisation

Key words:


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