ICT in Education/Completed Change Projects/2013B

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Change projects completed by 2013B group


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Project Title:


Change agent (name):



Aim (max 80 words)

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:


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Change Projects from Bangladesh

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In Bangladesh, The National Education Policy (NEP) 2010 has indicated that the ability to access and use information is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for development. Unfortunately, like many developing countries, in Bangladesh, use of ICT application is still low and the need for ICT in Bangladesh Secondary Schools cannot be over-emphasized. The title of the project is “Enhancing the quality of teaching and learning through ICT in selected schools in Bangladesh”. The name of the change agent is Dr. Rehena Khatun, currently working as Assistant Project Director in Teaching Quality Improvement-II (TQI-II) project under MoE, Bangladesh.

There are 2(two) private schools in this project, both from Rangpur Division, but one is rural and the other is an urban school. This project is intended to benefit the students directly and indirectly. Based on the location and status, it will also benefit quite a number of other rural schools, the students and the teachers. Any developments in the school will be an inspiration to them and the model of success may be replicated in many other schools around the schools and far beyond.

Objectives of Change Project I. Implementing a computer literacy program for all students of the selected schools. II. Improving the teaching and learning process in the existing Computer Studies. III. Implementing teaching and learning methods that incorporate use of computers and other ICT media. IV. Improve the information management system in the school to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in management.

The Stake holders of this project are District Education Officer (DEO),Upazilla Secondary Education Officer(USEO),School Management Committee (SMC),Head Teacher (HT),Assistant Head Teacher (AHT), Assistant Teacher (Subject Teacher), Office Staff (3rd & 4th class employees), Students (Grade 6 and 7) and Parents.

The project will be implemented in 2 phases:

Phase 1 will involve arrangement a room into a computer laboratory. This room will be used to offer the computer literacy classes to all the students through the scheduled program according to National Curriculum. The lessons will be offered by members of the teaching staff who are computer literate. In this phase, base line information about the computer literacy of the teachers, Headmasters and the Managing Committee members will be identified. Necessary training for the teachers will be arranged with the support from Second Teaching Quality Improvement Project and the Teachers Training Colleges.

Phase 2 will involve conducting the selected classes by the trained teachers. Proper monitoring of the program will be done. At the same time, there will be discussion with the management people. The effectiveness of this program will be assessed by interviewing the students, teachers and the Headmasters. Combining all the information, a report will be produced. During the whole period of implementation, district education administrator will also be involved.

The expected outcomes of the project is to improve academic performance of individual students and the overall efficiency of the school management.The schools will serve as a “Lead School” to establish e-school Forum. . A technologically-advanced workforce will lead to ICT growth in all sectors and skilled ICT professionals will be one of the contributing factor in implementing the National Plan of Action for ‘Education for All’ and ‘Millennium Development Goals’ and thereby helping the economic growth of Bangladesh.

An Youtube link to a short documentary based on the progress achieved and the challenges faced so far in this project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFp1xhOIQ_E


Project Title: "Empowerment, Social Inclusion, and Development: Educating the Future Leaders of Asia using ICT"

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Project Investigator: Dr. Faheem Hussain

Objectives: The primary objectives of this proposed Change Project are:

  • To educate the students of Asian University for Women (AUW) about the holistic concept (theoretical and applied) of “ICT for Development” (ICT4D)
  • To ensure effective capacity building of AUW’s teaching staff in using ICT as a pedagogical tool
  • To connect and share experiences of social inclusion and sustainable development through integrated ICT solutions at local, regional, and international levels (North-South, South-South)

Background: AUW is a start-up liberal arts university, based in Chittagong, Bangladesh. This university is the first of its kind in South and South Asian region with approximately 550 students from 16 different countries. The core objective of this institution is to develop women’s leadership through interdisciplinary curriculum and community based service learning. Its geographical location and the unique blend of female students from different countries have put AUW in an ideal position to contribute positively towards the socio-economic development of the region. The university’s management has identified ICT as one of the key enablers for its learning environment. At present in AUW, ICT based options are being officially internalized to improve the general pedagogical approach across multiple disciplines. AUW also envisions its students to be knowledgeable about the potential of ICT in eradicating major challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination, etc. in the near future.

Proposed Plan for the Change Project: The principal target group of our project is the undergraduate students of AUW, preferably from year two to year three. Our plan is to develop an interactive academic course on “ICT and Development”. After completing this course, AUW students:

  • Will know the basics of ICT, and the scope of its applications within the societal development processes (global north or south)
  • Will understand the connections between different socio-economic theories and the corresponding technology based solutions
  • Will be able to critically analyze various national and international policies (on Education, Empowerment, and Social Inclusion), where
ICT plays a dominant role at policy formulation as well as implementation stages.
“ICT and Development” course will extensively use interactive, online education materials from diverse knowledge repositories and topic-experts. Such exposures will positively enhance AUW teaching staff’s ability to use ICT as a pedagogical tool, and facilitate more experience sharing among peer knowledge networks. In addition, this course will introduce to our students some of the real life challenges faced by millions around the world. This experience will allow the participants to address some of those challenges through hands on, participatory solutions:
  • Each student will focus on a key social challenge of their choice of any country (preferably a developing one), and will be required to come up with specific ICT centric solutions and policy prescriptions
  • For example, students can address the high student drop-out issue in Bangladesh’s secondary and higher secondary schools, and may propose ICT based solutions which conceptualizes the use of mobile and net based e-learning modules in local language

Project Status: We have successfully completed the class with students presenting work addressing regional challenges using ICT4D solutions. My exposure to the "Change Project" sessions in Sweden helped me to introduce following major dimensions in the class:

  • The applications of net based software and presentation platforms
  • The inclusion of iPads/Tablets at elementary school levels and upwards
  • The use of ICT in Education Administration
  • The omnipresence of ICT in lifestyle
  • The importance of public-private partnerships in education
  • An effective applications of Government Policies

The students in this class were from Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. They formed groups, comprising students with different nationalities, and were engaged in interactive learning for this class. They identified the importance of ICT for addressing major socio-economic challenges within their regions, and chose specific topics to research further. At the end of the semester, they came up with the following research papers, and also presented their work in front of the AUW audience:

  • Women Empowerment and Ecosystem Management- through using ICT4D in Afghanistan
  • ICT4D solutions for Malnutrition in India
  • Solution to Overpopulation: ICT's role in South and South East Asia
  • ICT for improving Maternal Health in Bangladesh
  • Addressing the Challenges in Agriculture: Can ICT4D help?
  • ICT and Infant Mortality in Bhutan

Expected Results- Present Status:

  • Development of future women leaders in Asia with in-depth knowledge on “ICT and Development”
  • Empowerment and social inclusion of the children from the adopted marginalized community through receiving free and localized ICT education
  • Development of an institutional model for teaching ICT-based solutions for major socio-economic problems.


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Project Title:

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Integration of ICT on Teaching Learning Processes of AAU: the case of College of Health S�ciences


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Change agent (name):Dagne Wolde and Assefa Woldemariam


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Addis Ababa University

Problem:to overcome traditional way of teaching learning process & file handling system that needs improvement through ICT, that is smart classroom management system at College of Health Sciences (Addis Ababa University)


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To build e-Learning Steering Committee to ensure that the e-learning programs and services meet the needs and appropriately utilize the resources of the college. To provide faculty development opportunities for 90 faculties on the use of eLearning CMS and tools to enable them to integrate ICT with medical education To ensure that e-learning student services are consistent with face-to-face student services. To empower students and instructors to make wise e-learning decisions. To provide academic and technological support to enhance student learning. To establish appropriate mechanisms to create awareness on the college community to ensure successful acquisition, implementation and support of e-learning Technology College wide. To provide necessary hardware, software, and infrastructure for faculty, and students. To provide fully accessible, interactive, online library services and resources. To train about 90 faculties on digital literacy and selected ECMS To provide digital literacy for 500 students

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)


Beneficiaries: Staff and Students of College of Health Sciences Addis Ababa University.

Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:


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Project Title:Teacher training in ICT for Education

Country: Kosovo

ECDL project was initiated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) in order to increase skills in Information Technology teachers and school staff. The first phase of the program was implemented from December 2009-December 2013, including some of university education staff and around 50 percent of teachers from all regions. After successful completion of the exam, candidates are provided with internationally recognized certificates. Teachers are trained in the acquisition of skills in the 7 ECDL modules and afforded 102 hours of training. Having them perform 4 modules receive a certificate ECDL standard, and after performing 7 modules receiving ECDL certificate. Teachers are trained in the acquisition of skills in the 7 ECDL modules and afforded 102 hours of training. Having them perform 4 modules receive a certificate ECDL standard, and after performing 7 modules receiving ECDL certificate.

Teacher motivation to participate in the training, especially those elder than 50; Low succes rate in the certification proces (around 30 percent during the first phase); Problems with translation of training materials and difficulties to adapt them in local language; The best results were noticed by young and dynamic teachers.

The project goal Purpose of our project was that in the second phase of this training, to add some other modules as Multimedia, IT Security and Project menagment that today are very demanding in the respective fields. The second phase of the Project has started in June 2014 and aims to train around 10 thousand teachers and education staff:; The implementing partner has improved the quality of training materials; Beside seven modules, implemented in the first phase, three additional modules have been added (Online Collaboration, IT Security, Project Planing); MEST has redefined the terms of participation in the training; Project Quality Management is MEST responsibility and adequate staff is involved in this proces;

Prepared by: Adnan Osmani and Shkumbin Gashi


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Using ICT in School. The case of Chang'ombe Secondary School (Change Project 2013B - Geofrey Felix Kalumuna)

Introduction: Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), was declared a constituent university college of University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)in 2005. Changómbe Secondary School is owned by DUCE as a demonstration school to the college. The use of ICT in Changómbe Secondary School is low.

The purpose of the project The aim of the change project is to influence the use of ICT in teaching, learning and school administration in Changómbe Secondary School.

Scope: 10 teachers and 5 school administrators; Various activities will (was) implemented to achieve the specific objectives of the project; The duration of the project is 1 and half year.

Stakeholders: The main stakeholders of this projects are IT department, Procurement department, college library, school library, Faculty of Education, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training etc.

The outcomes of the project: Teaching and learning materials including school related videos, pictures, text information developed by teachers uploaded on the web based platform; Many administrative activities are coordinated online through web based communication applications; Students have a wide access to web based resources; Teachers and students have wide opportunity to interact through various communication applications.

Some activities done: Awareness ICT training for teachers as well as intensive ICT training workshops. You may view one of the training session done by a project leader Geofrey Felix Kalumuna on the topic known as "Web based platforms" via a YOUTUBE link.

The project leader of this project is Geofrey Felix Kalumuna. For more information about this project please click here.


TITLE: The Integration of Multimedia in the Preparation of Instructional Materials


This project was conducted at The Open University of Tanzania in the year 2014 after attending training in Sweden, Life Academy, and Sponsored by SIDA. The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) delivers learning through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) model where students learn in their respective regions. This type of learning requires a continuous supply of instructional materials in different modalities including multimedia. This project was all about the integration of multimedia in the preparation of instructional materials at the OUT. Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media including sound, text, audio, still images, video, and interactivity content forms.

OBJECTIVES The following objectives were involved

1. To conduct multimedia training to 40 OUT Academic staff.
2. Each teacher to prepare 1 multimedia enriched instructional material.
3. Each teacher to upload the multimedia enriched instructional material into the OUT Moodle platform.

OUTCOMES The following activities were implemented 1.Training to 40 academic staff was implemented on the following areas The meaning of multimedia The rationale for using multimedia enriched instructional materials The theories behind multimedia teaching and learning The procedure for the preparation of multimedia enriched instructional materials The procedure for uploading the instructional materials into the OUT Moodle platform 2.35 academic staff were able to upload the said instructional materials 3.Students were able to access the instructional materials from different departments PROJECT LEADER:Hyasinta Kessy


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