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Hydroculture Research

From Wikiversity


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This page is a living research document to advance the study and science of Hydroculture, every detail of the hydro/aqua/aero/vermi -ponics system(s) will be rigorously investigated. The goal is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. This is NOT a theoretical research page, theoretical research may be included, but the primary focus is on practical applications. Anyone is welcome to participate in the ongoing research, and you may edit this page, however I would ask you not delete any information published on here.

Spirulina Experiments

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Question 1

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Can Spirulina be used as the primary producer of a closed-loop hydroculture system?

Question 2

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Can Spirulina survive off of natural sources of Nitrogen from the system?

Question 3

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How can the dangers of Anatoxin-a, also known colloquially as "Very Fast Death Factor" be mitigated?

Question 4

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How can the dangers of microcystins be mitigated?

Hypothesis 1

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Spirulina, a cyanobacteria commonly mistaken for algae, can be used as the primary producer in a hydroculture system by being a source of feed for the fish whom are the primary consumers in the system.

Hypothesis 2

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Spirulina can survive off of the urea and trace minerals found in fish urine, this can be determined by measuring the concentration of the Spirulina with a Secchi disk.

Hypothesis 3

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Anatoxin-a is a very dangerous protein and a very real threat to both the fish's health and the end-consumer' health, however to date no evidence has been found to prove it will grow in a well cared for spirulina tank. There is no easy test to determine if the substance is in the Spirulina, however U.V. light will destroy the toxin and make it completely harmless to both humans and animals. As such all Spirulina will undergo a light treatment to ensure there is absolutely zero contamination.

Hypothesis 4

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Microcystins and other forms of contamination can be prevented by keeping the Spirulina tank covered, using only distilled/purified water, and by keeping the PH at a minimum of 10.4 to prevent other bacterial growth.