Human vision and function/Part 1: Perception of objects/Pre-reading for the next topic

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What does the visual system need for success?

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At the end of this reading students will have considered:

  1. Descriptions of terms to explain orientation of structures within the body and Central Nervous system (CNS).
  2. Explanations and examples of how we can describe “colour”.
  3. Descriptions of structures within the eye (the rod and cone cells of the retina), that are sensitive to light of various wavelengths.
  4. Descriptions of processes beyond the rod and cone cells (dorsally/posteriorally), that enable the beginning of encoding of the form (shape) and colour of objects and scenes.

Describing positions within the human body and central nervous system

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The main anatomical planes of the human body, including median (red), parasagittal (yellow), frontal or coronal plane (blue) and transverse or axial plane (green).

The human body and nervous system is a 3-dimensional structure and is very difficult to represent using 2-dimensional images and drawings. As a result, it is customary to divide (or cut) the brain into one of 3 planes:

  1. Sagittal plane
  2. Coronal plane
  3. Transverse (Horizontal) plane