Human vision and function/1x group poster, submitted online, approx. 500 words per group member (worth 30%)

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Group e-Poster Assessment Instructions

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At the start of semester you should have selected a working group. Each group will be able to select a topic for their poster. There should be 5 people in each group and each person should contribute equally to the poster.

Information to include on your poster:

  1. Group name
  2. Names of contributing students

Your poster should:

  1. Look visually appealing
  2. Be organised and logical
  3. Be well written, correct grammar, spelling & punctuation
  4. Contain correct referencing techniques
  5. Include images, tables, graphs, diagrams as appropriate

Whilst encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia can be useful when initially exploring a topic are not considered primary references and therefore you must source your references more widely.

You can use any platform for your electronic poster. You could try Prezi or Google Draw or alternately, here is a blog with 10 free tools for creating infographics.

This assessment addresses Learning Outcomes 3, 4 & 5 (3. Describe common eye diseases as deviations from normal function; 4. Discuss the sociological implications for individuals with decreased vision & 5. Analyse a problem and clearly define and communicate the outcomes that will resolve or manage it).

Group poster topics

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The following topics are available for your group to select. Under each topic you will find questions that you should answer. You may however, choose to present more information than just those questions.


  1. What are the 3 main types of refractive error?
  2. What is the impact on how you see the world if you have a refractive error?
  3. Describe 2 most common treatments for refractive error.


  1. Describe what a cataract is and which part of the eye it affects.
  2. What age group of people are mostly affected by cataract and why?
  3. Is there treatment for cataract? If so, is it successful? Give reasons.


  1. Define diabetic retinopathy and briefly describe the different sub-categories of diabetic retinopathy.
  2. What are the main contributing factors for developing this eye problem?
  3. Are there recommended guidelines for diabetics related to how often they need an eye test? If so, describe these recommendations.


  1. Describe the 2 types of AMD and the impact they have on a person's vision.
  2. Which demographic in our society is most susceptible to developing AMD and what is the impact of this on Australian society in the next 10-20 years?
  3. Briefly describe if/what treatment is available for the 2 types of AMD.


  1. Describe glaucoma and how it causes vision loss.
  2. How prevalent is this condition in Australia? Discuss the demographics.
  3. What is the most common treatment for this eye disease and is it effective?


  1. What is strabismus and how is it described in terms of direction?
  2. What anatomical eye structures are affected by strabismus? Use diagrams to explain.
  3. How is strabismus treated?


  1. What are the 3 different types of colour vision problems that can affect humans?
  2. Describe the patient demographic most commonly affected by colour vision problems and why.
  3. How do people with colour vision problems perceive the world?


Describe how the following illicit drugs affect the eye.

  1. Cannabis
  2. Opiates
  3. Stimulants
  4. Hallucinogens
  5. Inhalants

Considerations when working in a group

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Please carefully read the following considerations and briefly answer each point on your group discussion board. You will be asked to sign that you have read and answered these points when submitting your individual assignment.

Students are expected to act at all times in a way that respects the rights and privileges of others and shows commitment to the ideals of a university with special reference to excellence in performance and responsible freedom of expression. Students have a responsibility to be aware of and understand cultures other than their own, and to be sensitive and tolerant to these cultural diversities. La Trobe University. (2009) Student Charter: Responsibilities. Section 8. 

Consider the following aspects when working with those in your group. Each group member will be required to take responsibility for learning and contribution.

Team Philosopy
Checklist of considerations:

  • Will team members be mutually accountable to each other? How will members achieve this?
  • Do team members commit to respecting each other working collaboratively? How will this be evident?
  • Will team members treat personal information about each other confidentially?
  • Will all members share in the workload?
  • Will team members maintain timely communications with each other?
  • How will you acknowledge and respect the diversity of team member experience, values and abilities?

Team Goals
Checklist of considerations:

  • Will you meet deadlines set by members of the team in addition to those set by the Subject Coordinator?
  • What standard do you want to achieve for team tasks?
  • How will you consider the motivations of team members (e.g. course transfer at the end of the year)?
  • How can the team support members to achieve their personal goals and achieve good communication and literacy skills?

Team Processes
1. Decision making - Checklist of considerations:

  • How will you ensure that you consider all member views before making decisions? What processes will you use to make decisions effectively in your team?
  • How will you overcome disagreement within the team about different decision options?

2. Responsibility for team tasks - Checklist of considerations:

  • Will team members share the workload equally? How will you allocate tasks to members?
  • How will team members learn from the work completed by other team members when components of a task are distributed among team members?
  • Who will be responsible for submitting written team tasks for assessment?
  • What should team members do if they can’t meet deadlines for completion of allocated tasks?

3. Management of team problems - Checklist of considerations:

  • How will you manage team members who are not meeting the terms of this agreement?
  • How will you respond if team members are absent from classes and team meetings?
  • How will you respond if team members don’t contribute equally or at all? What will you do if members don’t complete allocated tasks?
  • How and when will you involve the subject coordinator in the management of team problems?

4. Communication - Checklist of considerations:

  • On what day and at what time will you meet, if necessary, for team meetings?
  • How will you communicate with each other – i.e. what media will you use? How frequently?
  • How will you ensure that no members are ‘left out’ of the loop?

5. Working with the subject coordinator - Checklist of considerations:

  • How can the coordinator support your team’s activities?
  • Under what circumstances would you seek the assistance of the subject coordinator?
  • How can your subject coordinator support your team in times of conflict or disagreement?