Howard Community College/Arduino Resources

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Howard Community College is supplied with a number of Arduino boards and accessories. Please check the lists below to find any that could enhance your project.


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Of the official models, HCC has a variety of the following: Duemilanove, Uno R2, and Uno SMD.

Third party models are as follows:

  • LinkSprite's Diamondback with wifi capabilities
  • LilyPad Xbee, which is usable for wearable electronics.
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Name Source Basic Description Product Code
Basic 16x2 Character LED Sparkfun Black on green LCD scrolling screen LCD-00255
Gameduino excamera Run basic games through an Arduino DEV-10593
IMU Analog Combo Board SparkFun Measures position of the unit over five axis SEN-09268
Line Sensor Break-Out (Analog and Digital) SparkFun Enables Arduino devices to follow lines ROB-09453 & ROB-09454
Midi Breakout Shield SparkFun Controls music devices BOB-09598
Midi Shield SparkFun Controls music devices DEV-09595
Monster Moto Shield Sparkfun Controls motors DEV-10182
Motor Shield Lady Ada Controls motors
Proto Shield Lady Ada Base for further additions and customizations
Triple Access Accelerometer Breakout Board SparkFun 3-axis acceleration sensor SEN-09269
USB Host Shield SparkFun Hook up any USB slave device DEV-09947
USBtinyISP Lady Ada Program Arduinos