Honours thesis in psychology/Admin/Evaluation/2015

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Honours thesis in psychology - Evaluation - 2015


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  1. USS 92%, GTS 58%, GSS 92%, OSS 75%, SES 83%
  2. 3 out of 5 USS indicators in this unit were higher than 80% and higher than the UC average, including, importantly, the Unit Satisfaction Scale (92% vs. 82%).
  3. However there were below 80% agreement ratings for Good Teaching (58%) and Overall Satisfaction (75%).
  4. All USS indicators were lower in 2015 compared to 2014.
  5. The open-ended USS comments and separate feedback from students indicated significant dissatisfaction with one thesis supervisor in particular. Action to rectify the problems with this particular supervisor were undertaken undertaken in conjunction with the Head of Discipline. This particular supervisor is no longer currently supervising Honours in psychology theses.
  6. There were a couple of difficult students in this cohort, who have now graduated; they may have contributed to the lower ratings in 2015 but there is no way of testing this.
  7. A Student-Supervisor Expectations document was introduced in Semester 1, 2016, to help make mutual expectations clear to both students and supervisors.
  8. Additional workshops have been added in 2016 in order to enhance the direct teaching component.

Student evaluation ratings

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Ratings from students in 2015 (N = 12 out of 28 (43%)):

Unit Satisfaction Survey % ↑↓ 2014 UC Avg %
Unit Satisfaction Scale 92 82
Good Teaching Scale 58 77
Generic Skills Scale 92 79
Overall Satisfaction Scale 75 80
Student Experience Scale 83 79