Health Education Development/Introduction to the unit

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Preserving Health 1803

This section contains the Subject Description, information about the Subject Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) and Assessments for this subject that will help you demonstrate that you can do what is intended. The Subject ILOs have enabling outcomes that support your being capable of undertaking the higher order activities. Each week, you will have topic learning outcomes that further breakdown the learning tasks and intended outcomes. You should be able to track what you are learning each week against the Subject Description, the Subject ILOs, and the Assessments to see how you are doing. We will give you aids for doing this tracking.

PHE2HED (Health Education Development) Subject Description

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After completing PHE2HED, Public Health and Rehabilitation Counselling students will be able to adopt the role of a health education and development facilitator in one-to-one or small group formats in institutional or community settings.

Working in teams and using a range of experiential learning formats, students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that will allow them to access and use resources that facilitate the planning, implementing and evaluating of education in diverse circumstances. Drawing on the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO 1986), the Sundsvall Statement (WHO 1991), the Jakarta Declaration (WHO 1997) and the Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion (2005) and more recent documents, this unit will enable students to engage salient teaching and learning theories and practices with the view of empowering people as individuals and small groups to engage the factors influencing their health so as to improve their own health outcomes in a globalised world.

Subject Pragmatics

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You will find the overall Subject Intended Learning Outcomes below with their enabling outcomes. However, on the pages that follow, you will find the weekly topics and the specific learning outcomes for those topics. There are twelve sets of them. They will be associated to both the 'lectorials' and the 'tutorials', as well as your own investigations and your group preparation. These topics and their learning outcomes prepare you for the assessments. You will be asked to demonstrate that you have achieved, to a lesser or greater degree, the Subject ILOs.

The lectorials will practically explore the subject matter that you must master through the use of problematiques or structured complexities. You will need to work with your tutorial group to prepare for the lectorials. In these sessions, your group will be asked to contribute to our overall learning of the material. Additionally, we will be working progressively through the tasks that you will need to undertake and accomplish to be able to complete your formative and summative assessments.

In your tutorials, you will be practicing the various skill-sets and developing the attitudes required to complete your group and performative assessments. You will begin to teach very early in the piece. We will start you off slowly; but, the momentum will pick up quickly. Soon, you will be surprising yourselves and each other with how well you will be able to lead cooperative learning sessions.

Subject Intended Learning Outcomes

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Intended Learning Outcome 1

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Develop, facilitate and evaluate a health education literacy program that employs cooperative learning theory in diverse institutional and community settings.

Intended Learning Outcome 2

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Apply cooperative learning theories and practices to the design and facilitation of health education in an ethical and responsible fashion.

Intended Learning Outcome 3

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Identify the learning needs of particular groups and develop cooperative learning resources and activities that are appropriate to cultural context and settings.

Intended Learning Outcome 4

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Demonstrate an understanding of the 'salutogentic approach' to health education by critically evaluating and applying relevant research (to program or learning design).

Intended Learning Outcome 5

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Create an effective, clear and evidence-based funding proposal to support a 'strengths- based' health literacy project for an identified 'vulnerable group'.


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Critical Essay

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You will research and turn in an individual Critical Essay comparing and contrasting Social Isolation, Social Independence and Social Interdependence (Cooperative Learning Theory) in terms of potential influences on learning outcomes for individuals and groups when compared to ‘traditional’ approaches to learning and propose circumstances where one might be preferred over the other and why—to be submitted to Turn It In. You will need to incorporate eight set texts, as well as at least four additional appropriate texts that you select.

This assessment comprises 25% of your overall mark.

Plan an activity (Program-logic Narrative)

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You will develop and submit an individual Program-logic Narrative for a 'youth mental health first-aid' lesson plan for a two-hour session with a nominated 'vulnerable' group in a tertiary setting using a salutogenic approach. This assessment builds on skills learned and attitudes developed in the tutorials and allows you to demonstrate higher order thinking in terms of applying what you have learned about lesson planning to a new situation. It is no longer sufficient to provide a lesson plan. Increasingly, funding bodies want to know the narrative that makes sense of the plan. This is so they can be assured of greater clarity of purpose in order to provide for increased accountability for scarce funds and resources.

In the first two tutorials, your tutors will demonstrate and explain this assignment.

This assessment comprises 25% of your overall mark.

Group Supported Individual Funding Submission Brief

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Each of you will provide a group-supported individual Funding Submission brief for an assigned 'vulnerable' group covering issues of ethnic diversity, gender equality and class equity from a 'strengths-based approach' that is founded by the principles, priority action areas and processes of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and subsequent declarations and statements. The ability to obtain funding for projects and programs facilitation health literacy is an important skill set for both Public Health practitioners and Rehabilitation Counselors. This assessment will allow you to benefit from your groups support should you have developed and maintained a well-functioning group. You are not required to accept the support of your group. Yet, this is a chance to see that such collaboration can often achieve more than the individual is able to achieve alone. However, be warned. All submissions will be compared with the work of the other members of the group. You must turn in your OWN work. So, take care to consider how to best support each other. Suggestions will be made during the semester.

This assessment comprises 20% of your overall mark.

Group-based mark for Icebreaker group facilitation activities

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You will be assessed for your group facilitated Icebreaker activities (self-evaluation, group evaluation, class and facilitator evaluation)--the best two out of three evaluations of group-based icebreaker sessions during tutorials will be used for calculating this mark. Group dynamics and processes will be reviewed as well to help improve group performance. Your group will need to complete the Cooperative Learning Contract. There is the possibility of five extra bonus points for this assessment for those who attend 80% of the last 10 tutorials AND actively participate in assessment and review activities. Should you not make the attendance requirement due to an 'excused' absence with documentation, you may negotiate with the Subject Coordinator for an alternate means of gaining the points. The bonus point option allows students to normalize their marks should their group not be functioning as well as expected during the group assessment tasks.

This assessment comprises 30% of your over all mark; the bonus points are added your group's overall mark.