Health Education Development/Assessment

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Your learning outcomes from studying this subject can be assessed through your assignments. Your assignments must contain evidence that you have achieved the following learning outcomes:

Conduct a session

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Plan and conduct a session which facilitates learning for a chosen community using relevant health education and cooperative learning theoretical frameworks.

  1. Identify health education philosophy and principles;
  2. Be familiar with, and critically analyse models of behaviour change applicable to health promotion planning;
  3. Plan and document an educational session suitable for a specified group;
  4. Facilitate cooperative learning within a group in various settings.

Facilitate cooperative learning

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Develop the skills to enable people within a variety of settings to identify and attain critical aspirations and facilitate cooperative learning within the group taking account of their specific learning needs and cultural characteristics.

  1. Account for participant diversity and differences in learning/teaching preferences;
  2. Examine and apply knowledge of societal values in planning and implementing health education approaches;
  3. Demonstrate health education and group facilitation skills specifically tailored to consider cultural, gender, age and other differences

Critically appraise health education

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Critically appraise various approaches to health education development

  1. Consider options for evaluating health education activities;
  2. Critically analyse relevant literature and health education strategies;
  3. Critically reflect on your own health education experiences and practice.

Other attributes

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Your assignments should also contain evidence that you can:

  1. Competently use the technologies that are relevant in your discipline.
  2. Identify and access authoritative information
  3. Make accurate observations and develop reasonable inferences.
  4. Describe and contrast different approaches to drawing and justifying inferences from observations.
  5. Communicate effectively using a variety of modes, technologies and media in an integrated manner.
  6. Use contextually sensitive written and oral skills to engage others in effective communication in a variety of settings.
  7. Develop and present a rigorous argument that is relevant and appropriately targeted for a given audience.
  8. Use effective independent work skills as appropriate to your own discipline.
  9. Work in a team, and evaluate your own and others’ behaviours in a team setting, communicate effectively and manage conflict, brainstorm, and encourage others.
  10. Use effective leadership and organisational skills, including managing collaborations, negotiating differences, educating, and influencing the thinking and behaviour of others.
  11. Plan and determine the effectiveness of your own work.
  12. Find, investigate and describe relationships between observations and new, complex information that pertains to your discipline.
  13. Independently, and as part of a team, examine, select, use and evaluate various approaches to develop solutions to new complex problems and issues.
  14. Apply creative thinking and problem-solving strategies to new situations.
  15. Demonstrate awareness of social and environmental issues (within Australia and internationally) and their impact on health, health care and the community.
  16. Maintain high ethical standards, and deal with ethical dilemmas.
  17. Be able to practise in accordance with professional values and ethics in a socially diverse community.