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Haitian Creole/Articles

From Wikiversity
Answer Key


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Decide which definite article to use, and where to place it. The choices are a, an, la, lan and nan.

  1. Cheve (hair)
  2. Bwason (drink, n.)
  3. Fanm (woman)
  4. Mwa (month)
  5. Bagay
  6. Timoun (child)
  7. Chalè (heat)
  8. Pisans (power, strength)
  9. Nèj (snow, n.)
  10. Dlo
  11. Mo (word)
  12. Travay (work, n.)
  13. Konfyans (trust, confidence).
  14. Chalè (heat) solèy (sun).
  15. Sa se (is) bagay mwen fè.
  16. Machin (car) vye ([is] old)

Bonus question: Modify the word mond.

  • Sen Dènye Jou (Latter-day Saints) yo kwè (believe) ke legliz (church) yo a diferan ([is] different) avèk (than, with) lòt (other) legliz nan mond (world) yo.