Geometry/Chapter 2/Lesson 1

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You will be making sentences in geometry... here is your extra English practice for the day! Let's go over a few definitions in order to kick-start this chapter:

  • Coniditional Statement - A statement that has two parts, a hypothesis and a conclusion.

In an "if-then statement", the 'if' part contains the hypothesis and the 'then' part contains the conclusion.

Conditional Statements

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If it is an angle, then it is 90°

Hypothesis: an angle
Conclusion: 90°

If they are basketball players, then they are tall

Hypothesis: basketball players
Conclusion: they are tall

If it is a quadrilateral, then it is a rectangle

Hypothesis: quadrilateral
Conclusion: it is a rectangle

How to write Conditional Statements

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We are going to learn how to write Conditional Statements--When reading a conditional statement, identify, first, the hypothesis. What is the first thing that is being said? In our 1st example, If it is an angle, then it is 90°, the first thing being said in this statement is "angle". This is how we identify that "angle" is the hypothesis in this statement.

Moving on to the conclusion. What is being told about the hypothesis? Here in If it is an angle, then it is 90°, an angle is being concluded as 90 degrees--thus, 90 degrees is our conclusion. This is how we identify as "90 degrees" as our conclusion.


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Now, we will go through a few examples

Hypothesis: soccer players
Conclusion: fast
If they are soccer players, then they are fast.
Hypothesis: Egyptians
Conclusion: intelligent
If they are Egyptians, then they are intelligent
Hypothesis: humans
Conclusion: stupid
If they are humans, then they are stupid
Hypothesis: Ramos
Conclusion: athletic
If that is Ramos, then it is athletic