Gender of Boolean functions

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Studies of Boolean functions
gender ratio for arities 0...5

A Boolean function shall be called male, iff its root is sharp (i. e. iff its compressed truth table has odd weight).
(Equivalently, it is female, iff after removing all repetitions, the weight of the truth table is still even.)

For positive arities, there are more males than females. The imbalance peaks for arity 2. For higher arities, the ratio is almost balanced.
The ratio is balanced for the infinite set of all Boolean functions. Both sets are countable, so there is a trivial bijection. But is there a meaningful bijection?

0 1 2 3 4 5
Sloane'sA246537 1 1 3 97 32199 2147318437
Sloane'sA246418 1 3 13 159 33337 2147648859