Flexible retail trade

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Maximum effect retailing (2004 year)

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During many centuries a skillful seller was a witty man or woman which was at his or her store and was proposing a wares to a customer. With an electronic progress we have a chance to be more efficient and flexible. This progress moves a part of functions of a seller to an electronic devices like EPL (Electronic Price Labels) and to a special effects which help to attract a buyer.

EPL helps to make retailing business more flexible and cut costs on peripherals. And the main is what with EPL any shop could trade the goods like on stock exchange. Retail Expert will be like a stock broker in operation room who is making decisions about the prices depending from demand and supply and market conditions.

EPL (Electronic Price Labels)

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It is the small LCD panels which are injected to a trading shelves, where a buyer will see the prices, sizes in stock and additional information(how to use, wash, quality and etc.).

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