Film writing

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Film Writing

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Any Writing fulfilling the technical needs for making a film can be called film writing.

This is not the same as normal writing.

The film writing is classified in the following catagories:





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This is a basic story line for a film. This contains character mapping i.e. detailed description of each character and story line with various scenes expected in the film.


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This is a series of scenes described as they must be shot in a film. This contains the details expected in every scene as per the scenes narrated in the story line with details of characters present in it..


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This is the last stage of film writing where the dialogue writer writes the dialogues for each character.


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Interested in brainstorming ideas for screen plays? This can be good practice and learning for you, and a potential starting point for someone interested in learning to develop a screenplay. Here at Wikiversity, we learn by doing.

Active participants

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Rekhaa Kale 19:56, 22 March 2007 (UTC)