Eye diseases, integral view/Mouches volantes in the anterior chamber of the eye

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The study presented here bases on observations and experiments conducted by M.Wassmann chiefly in May 2015. These observations did show serious discrepancies with respect to the current medical research like it is represented in the Wikipedia article on Mouches volantes. Mainly the symptoms observed here cannot be located in the Vitreous Humour for a couple of reasons related to the natural laws of optics. Most prominently the structures can be rendered more in focus by focusing the eye on a more narrow distance. This can impossibly have an effect, when they are located between the lens and the retina. From other observations it is assumed, the structures are transparent and located on the front surface of the crystalline lens or at least within the anterior chamber of the eye.


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To prove the hypothesis or mouches volantes located in the anterior chamber and especially on the front surface of the lens a model of the human eye and the assumed structure of the mouches volantes was created.

Simple functional eye model exterior
Mouche volantes model 2 lateral

The mouches volantes model was placed right in front of the lens, inside the modelled pupil.

Applied mouches volantes model

Then photographs of the images on the eye models retina were taken.

The response to capsaicin was tested as a side effect of an attempt to eradicate a suspected Helicobacter pylori infection by the intake of 4-5 g dried chili peppers of the type capsaicum frutescens. The immediate positive effect on stomach problems like heart burn or abdominal fullness of raw, dried chili peppers taken like a medicine had already been observed earlier. The capsaicin content of capsaicum frutescens is given as 0.17 %. Thus the capsaicin intake can be estimated at about 6.8 to 8.5 mg distributed evenly over the course of the day. The in vitro biocidal concentration of capsaicin on Helicobacter pylori has been reported to start at 0.025 mg/ml and be optimal at 0.05 mg/ml[1].


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The intake of larger quantities of dried chili (approx. 2 g capsaicum frutescens or more within 2-3 hours) resulted in a weird form of dizziness. Also it may have detrimental effects on the gastric mucosa[1] and, as it seemed, some microorganisms affected by capsaicin migrated to body parts with lower concentrations of the antibiotic substance, namely the eyes and knees. Thus it is not recommended to repeat such experiments without medical supervision. Also it may be beneficial to assure a high enough concentration of some appropriate antibiotics in the bloodstream before starting to give capsaicin.


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Even though the image of the mouches volantes is very much different from the symptoms as perceived in the eye, the eye model shows, transparent structures on or close to the front surface of an optical system similar to the human eye can render images as an overlay to and as sharp as the normal image created by the lens.

Image of mouches volantes as rendered by the eye model

The mouches volantes images photographed against a brightly lit white background show a similar appearance to mouches volantes when focused and viewed through a very small aperture, i.e. with an extremely wide depth of field.

Mouches volantes model as viewed against a bright background

After seven days the capsaicin therapy also resulted in relieved difficulties of breathing through the nose and an improved olfactory sense. This is regarded as an indication of the efficiency of capsaicin as an antibiotic drug.


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The mouches volantes observed here seem to be traces of microorganisms moving around in the anterior chamber of the eye. Apparently they surround themselves with a shield of a transparent substance, like Helicobacter bacteria do. The suspected microorganisms respond to capsaicin doses in the range of estimated 3-8 mg given in quantities of about 0.3 to 0.6 mg evenly distributed over the course of the day. They produce longer and more trails and wider knots. The knots may be the results of the microorganisms trying to drill themselves into some body tissue.

Materials and Methods

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Several steps were taken to verify the mouches volantes are not completely fixed relative to the eyeball but only move in a confined space and to evaluate their response to changes in the direction of the gravitational force:

  1. A cross-hair was drawn on a sheet of paper to facilitate fixating the line of sight while observing structures not in the very center of the field of vision.
  2. The paper and cross-hair was used in bright sunlight to track the response of the mouches volantes to movements of the head, sideways up- and downwards.
  3. a piece of cardboard was prepared with a pinhole to further close the effective aperture of the eye with respect to the rendering of the mouches volantes.


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  1. The mouches volantes in the anterior chamber appear as grey spots in more dimly lighted surroundings but reveal themselves as trails which typically end in sort of a knot. Also, when focused properly there are circular spots with a diameter corresponding to the width of the trails.
  2. The focus of the images the structures create in the eye can be improved by:
    1. closing the pupil,
    2. looking trough a pinhole e.g. in a piece of cardboard,
    3. focusing on a more narrow distance.
  3. The structures create images like cylindrical or spherical lenses, depending on their shape. A model which renders similar images is shown in these pictures:
  4. The traces move left when the head is bent leftwards and down when looking straight ahead. When looking downwards they concentrate in the center of the field of sight. When looking upwards they move out of the center and slowly disappear. They reappear when looking downwards.
  5. The structures never completely leave the field of vision sideways.


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  1. The grey spots are not completely fixed relative to the eyeballs but follow the drag of gravity within a confined space and can be directed by bending the head left and right, up and down. This strongly suggests they are located in the Anterior Chamber, most likely on the frontal surface of the crystalline lens, inside the pupil, and not in the Vitreous Humour.
  2. Apparently being transparent spherical or cylindrical structures and responding to capsaicin the mouches volantes observed here appear to be trails from microorganisms moving around in the anterior chamber of the eye.


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Why not in the Vitreous Humour

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  1. The structures can be focused by focussing the eye to a narrower distance. This would not be possible if they were between the lens and the retina.
  2. The visible mouches volantes move in a confined space only and when they move, they move at a constant speed, not as if their move was restricted by an elastic environment. I.e. they seem to float in a bounded space like the pupil.

Why has it not been observed yet?

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There are a couple of reasons why the true nature of the mouches volantes observed here may not have been recognized before:

  1. Mouches volantes are considered harmless and not examined when these symptoms are reported by patients.
  2. The examination of the eye in medical treatment of diseases related to mouches volantes is limited to the rear part of the eye. This makes it impossible to spot tiny transparent structures inside the anterior chamber of the eye.
  3. It is difficult to spot tiny transparent structures with a microscope especially if the eyeball is not fixed.
  4. On examination of the eye background the pupil is enlarged, making it even more difficult to spot any microscopic, transparent structures on the lens surface within the pupil.
  5. There may be other types of mouches volantes

Further Research

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  1. Assess that mouches volantes in the anterior chamber are caused by microorganisms and what kind of, if they are. Some Helicobacter strains appear to be prospective candidates.
  2. Examine the connection of mouches volantes with Retinitis Centralis Serosa


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Jones, Nicola L.; Shabib, Souheil; Sherman, Philip M. (1996), Capsaicin as an inhibitor of growth on the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori, Elsevier Science B.V.