Extraterrestrial fiction/Purplonian

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A Purplonian is a resident of Purplonia, a fictional planet. Native Purplonians have purple skin, though there are many Lodonian-Purplonians who have green skin, as well as Purplonian and Lodonian hybrids who are typically covered with spots.


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Purplonia was a rather peaceful planet. The native Purplonias were of a monoethnicity, tended to be passive, and espoused rugged individualism. There were very few homicides, replication tentacle assaults, and substance abuse cases. Then came the Lodonian invasion. Many native Purplonians were enslaved and they were subject to a genocide attempt. However, a small core of native Purplonians fought back and prevailed over the green invaders. Most of the green invaders were driven to a single continent. Others attempted to assimilate into purple culture, while yet others formed green enclaves in predominantly purple areas.

Since then, those of Lodonian descent have claimed to be held back, robbed of opportunities, subject to racism, and pushed into lives of crime. After the quelling of the Lodonian invasion, substance abuse, the trafficking of sentient beings, prostitution, and murder for hire have been on the rise.

The Cyanians are a blue race of sentient beings who also live on Purplonia. They claim to be Xygon's Chosen Few. Critics theorize and allege that the Cyanians are behind nearly every conspiracy on Purplonia, including the Lodonian Invasion. Cyanian leaders refute that by saying that such speculations are anti-Cyanic and made by racist purple nationalists.

Anatomy and Physiology

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Native Purplonians are purple humanoids with numerous scalp tentacles that can be styled. They apparently have at least some genetic compatibility with Lodonians as evidenced by the appearance of some of the offspring.

See Also

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Portal: Extraterrestrial Studies