Exam 98-382: Introduction to Programming Using JavaScript/Interact with HTML Forms

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This lesson covers forms, form fields, input validation, and form submission.[1]

Readings[edit | edit source]

  1. Mozilla: Manipulating Documents
  2. Mozilla: Sending Form Data Through JavaScript
  3. Mozilla: Form Data Validation

Activities[edit | edit source]

  1. W3Resources: DOM Exercises
  2. W3Resources: Validation Exercises

Complete and debug code that retrieves input from forms and sets form field values[edit | edit source]

Retrieve form values; identify the DOM path; get values from different types of elements; prepopulate values; mask values

Complete and debug code that performs input validation[edit | edit source]

Case; string comparisons; Not-A-Number (NaN)

Describe the form submission process[edit | edit source]

onsubmit; post versus get; potential targets for submission

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]