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Evidence-based assessment/Race-related-stress

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Race-Related Stress

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Race related stress has been a topic of research in psychology and sociology for decades. However, relatively little has been done to apply measures of race-related stress in clinical work. This is not because the topic is unimportant. Far from it: race-related stress may be a factor that adds to overall stress and anxiety[1], it may be a target for intervention in its own right, and it is likely to affect the process of working together clinically, potentially changing perceptions about therapeutic alliance and support[2]. It is easy to see how race-related stress would be a valuable topic for research that could rapidly translate into useful tools for clinical work.

This page is a place to gather information and links to the existing measures, and start thinking through their strengths and limitations. We also will start to map the different tools to various aspects of EBA (the 3 Ps), and brainstorm ideas about next steps in terms of research and clinical application.

Available Measures

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  • Everyday Discrimination Scale
  • Schedule of Racist Events
  • Modern Racism Scale
  • Perceived Racism Scale
  • Cultural Mistrust Inventory
  • Racism Reaction Scale
  • Index of Race-Related Stress
  • The Racism and Life Experiences Scale

Useful for Prediction? Pros and cons

Useful for Prescription? Pros and cons

Tables Example 1

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Measure Appropriate for Whom Translations/Cultural Adaptations
Ex: RandoScale Parents and teachers of

children and adolescents

Ex: RandoScale2 Teenagers and adults None
Measure-Subscale Concurrent Validity Test-Retest Reliability Internal Consistency
RandoScale-Mania .3 .9 .9
RandoScale-Depression .5 .8 .65
RandoScale2-Mania .55 .78 .1
RandoScale2-Depression .77 .98 .67

Table Example 2

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Measure-Subscale Appropriate for Whom Translations/Cultural Adaptations Concurrent Validity Test-Retest Reliability Internal Consistency
RandoScale Parents and teachers of

children and adolescents

RandoScale-Mania .3 .9 .9
RandoScale-Depression .5 .8 .65
RandoScale2 Teenagers and adults None
RandoScale2-Mania .55 .78 .1
RandoScale2-Depression .77 .98 .67

Useful for Process and Progress? Pros and cons

  1. Priest, N., Paradies, Y., Trenerry, B., Truong, M., Karlsen, S., & Kelly, Y. (2013). A systematic review of studies examining the relationship between reported racism and health and wellbeing for children and young people. Social Science & Medicine, 95, 115–127. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.11.031
  2. Owen, J., Tao, K. W., Drinane, J. M., Hook, J., & Davis, D. E. (2016). Client perceptions of therapists ’ multicultural orientation : Cultural (missed) opportunities and cultural humility. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(1), 30–37.