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  • Original language: French
  • Original form and meaning: limousine - 1. limousine (i.e. luxury car)

(Note: If the status is not specifically indicated then the word is stylistically neutral and generally used; if earlier meaning and status equals current use the former may be expressed by writing "dito". Cf. also the project guidelines.)

Language Form Date of Borrowing (and Obsolescence) Current Meaning and Status Earlier Meanings and Statusses Source
Catalan ... ... '...' '...' ...
Croatian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Czech limuzína ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Danish limousine ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Dutch limousine ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
English limousine 20c 'meaning 1;

and also: a van or small bus used to carry passengers on a regular route, as between an airport and a downtown area'

Estonian limusiin ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Finnish limusiini ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
French ... ... '...' '...' ...
Frisian ... ... '...' '...' ...
German Limousine ... 'meaning 1;

and also: a) a closed car with a firm roof; b) a carriage (from Limousin, region in central France); c) a waggoner's cloak made from goat's wool, that was used in Limousin, region in central France'

'...' ...
Hungarian limuzin ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Irish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Italian limousine ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Latvian limuzīns ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Lithuanian limuzinas ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Maltese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Norwegian limousin ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Polish limuzyna ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Portuguese limusine ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Rumantsch ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovak limuzína ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Slovenian limuzina ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Spanish limusina ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...
Swedish limousin ... 'meaning 1' '...' ...


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Etymology: from F limousine, from Limousin, region in central France, originally an adjective referring to its chief city, Limoges.

Modern automobile meaning evolved from perceived similarity of the car's profile to a type of hood worn by the inhabitants of that province. Since 1930s, synonymous in AmE with "luxury car"; applied from 1972 to vehicles that take people to and from large airports. Abbreviation limo is 1960s, AmE Limousine liberal first attested 1969.


Information on Other Languages

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