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  • Original language: French
  • Original form and meaning: dame - 1. lady, dame

(Note: If the status is not specifically indicated then the word is stylistically neutral and generally used; if earlier meaning and status equals current use the former may be expressed by writing "dito". Cf. also the project guidelines.)

Language Form Date of Borrowing (and Obsolescence) Current Meaning and Status Earlier Meanings and Statusses Source
Catalan ... ... '...' '...' ...
Croatian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Czech dáma ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Danish Dame ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility);

and also dame: woman'

'...' ...
Dutch dame ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
English dame c.1225;

Slang use: 1902 in the US

'meaning 1;

and also: a) a married woman; a matronly woman of advanced age or an elderly woman;

b) US slang, sometimes offensive: a woman

c) chiefly British and with initial capital letter: a woman holding a nonhereditary title conferred by a sovereign in recognition of personal merit or service to the country (female member of the Order of the British Empire, equivalent to that of a knight); or the wife or widow of a knight or baronet

d) a comic female character in a pantomime, usually played by a man e) ecclesiastical: a title of a nun in certain orders f) a mistress of a dame-school'

'form of address to any woman of rank or authority;

the mistress of a household';
Estonian daam ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Finnish dame ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
French ... ... '...' '...' ...
Frisian ... ... '...' '...' ...
German Dame ... 'meaning 1;

and also a) polite term for a woman b) plural: general impersonal form of address c) in cards and chess: queen d) in draughts/checkers: most powerful pawn in the game e) ironic synonym for the female partner'

'...' ...
Hungarian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Irish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Italian dama; donna ... 'dama: meaning 1 (title of nobility);

donna: woman'

'...' ...
Latvian dāma ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Lithuanian dama ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Maltese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Norwegian adelsdame ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Polish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Portuguese dama ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Rumantsch ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovak dáma; dámička ... 'dáma: meaning 1 (title of nobility);

dámička - woman'

'...' ...
Slovenian dama ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Spanish dama ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...
Swedish dam ... 'meaning 1 (title of nobility)' '...' ...


[edit | edit source]

Etymology: from OF dame, from LL domna, from L domina "lady, mistress of the house", from L domus "house". Slang sense of "woman" first attested 1902 in AmE.


Information on Other Languages

[edit | edit source]

meaning 1 (title of nobility)

Hungarian: női lovagi rang

Polish: (tytuł szlachecki)

meaning "a woman":

Czech: ženská

Dutch: wijf

German: Frau

Estonian: naine

Finnish: nainen

Hungarian: nő

Latvian: kundzīte; sievišķis

Lithuanian: boba, moteris

Norwegian: kvinne, kvinnfolk

Polish: pani

Portuguese: mulher

Slovenian: ženska

Spanish: mujer

Swedish: fruntimmer, brud