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  • Original language: French
  • Original form and meaning: blouse 'overall, smock, scrubs'

(Note: If the status is not specifically indicated then the word is stylistically neutral and generally used; if earlier meaning and status equals current use the former may be expressed by writing "dito". Cf. also the project guidelines.)

Language Form Date of Borrowing (and Obsolescence) Current Meaning and Status Earlier Meanings and Statusses Source
Catalan ... ... '...' '...' ...
Croatian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Czech ... ... '...' '...' ...
Danish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Dutch ... ... '...' '...' ...
English blouse 19th c. 1. 'a light loose upper garment of linen or cotton, resembling a shirt or smock-frock, properly applied (as an alien term) to the well-known blue blouse of the French workman, but in England sometimes used loosely to designate more or less similar garments', 2. 'a waist-length dress or undress military coat, the upper part of a soldier's or airman's battledress' (U.S.), 3. 'a french workman' (transferred sense), 4. 'a loosely fitting bodice worn by women and girls, usually tucked inside the skirt at the waist' '...' OED
Estonian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Finnish ... ... '...' '...' ...
French ... ... '...' '...' ...
Frisian ... ... '...' '...' ...
German Bluse Since 19th c. 1. 'smock, women's blouse' (dial.), 2. 'men's blouse' (dial.), 3.'women's clothing' (dial., familiar in the country since the First World War, in the cities already longer familiar), 4. 'jacket of firefighters' (dial.) '...' Birken-Silvermann 2003: 138
Hungarian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Irish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Italian blusa 1846 'smock' '...' Birken-Silvermann 2003: 138
Latvian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Lithuanian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Maltese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Norwegian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Polish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Portuguese ... ... '...' '...' ...
Rumantsch ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovak ... ... '...' '...' ...
Slovenian ... ... '...' '...' ...
Spanish ... ... '...' '...' ...
Swedish ... ... '...' '...' ...


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Information on Other Languages

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