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Definition of the Concept: ....


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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 oženiti se ... general der. of žena 'wife' Buck
2 udati se ... general; 'give', hence 'give a woman in marriage' and reflex. 'be given in marriage' ... Buck
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

[edit | edit source]
No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 (o)ženiti se ... general ... Buck
2 vdáti se ... general; 'give', hence 'give a woman in marriage' and reflex. 'be given in marriage' ... Buck
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 gifte sig ... general ... Buck
2 ... ... ... ... ...
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 trouwen ... general fr. earlier 'betroth', this from 'trust': NE trow, troth, trust, true, NHG trauen, Goth. trauan 'trust' Buck
2 huwen ... general whence huwelijk 'marriage' Buck
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 marry since ME mary first used for 'give in marriage' or pass. 'be married', later also for 'take in marriage' and superseding wed, the latter being now only lit. or dial. fr. OFr. marier Buck
2 wed since OE wedd(ian), wīfian; ME wed 'engage, undertake', usually 'marry', orig. 'make a woman one's wife by giving a pledge or earnest money'; since superseded by marry only lit. or dial. ... Buck
3 giftian ... in pass. 'be given in marriage' of the woman, gift 'marriage, gift' (purchase of the bride), pl. gifta 'wedding', gifte 'dowry', NHG mitgift 'dowry' ... Buck
4 hīwian only OE only OE (rare) deriv. of old rds for 'husband, wife' Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 se marier since OFr. marier general fr. Lat. marītāre 'give in marriage'; deriv. of marītus 'husband' Buck
2 épouser ... ... ... Buck
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 (sich ver)heiraten MHD hīrāten general new verb fr. OHG, MHG hīrāt 'marriage', a cpd. of the preceding hīwan with rāt 'arrangement' Buck
2 OHG hīwan only OHG hīwan, MHG hīwen ... deriv. of old words for husband, wife, OHG hīwao, hīwa Buck
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 pōsaim ... general like It. sposare, deriv. of Lat. spōnsus 'betrothed, bridegroom', spōnsa 'bride' Buck
2 Ir. dobiur sēitchi ... lit. 'bring a wife' ... Buck
3 Ir. inbothigur ... only OIr. 3. pl. subj. dep. inbothigetar, referring to women cpd. of ind-, in- 'in' and both 'hut'; cf. Sp. casarse Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 sposare ... ... derivs. of the words for 'spouse', It. sposa Buck
2 maritarsi ... ... fr. Lat. marītāre 'give in marriage', deriv. of marītus 'husband' Buck
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 (apsi)vesti ... ... ... Buck
2 (iš)tekėti ... lit. 'run after a man' ... Buck
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 (o)źenić sie ... ... ... Buck
2 iść za mąž ... lit.'go after a man (husband)', that is, follow him ... Buck
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

[edit | edit source]
No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 casarse ... ... derivs. of Rum. casă 'house' Buck
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

[edit | edit source]
No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 gifta sig ... ... ... Buck
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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Information on Other Languages

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(Cf. also the guidelines for the EuroHiT Project.)