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Definition of the Concept: ....


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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 brak ... orig. 'taking the bride', like 'lead the bride, marry' prob. fr. berą, brati 'take' Buck
2 ženidba ... ... ... Buck
3 udaja ... ... ... Buck
4 svadba ... ... deriv. of ChSl. svatĭ 'kinsman', then 'one who promotes the marriage, matchmaker' Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 manželství ... ... ChSl. malŭžena 'married couple', Boh. manžel 'husband' Buck
2 sňatek ... ... orig. 'union'; cpd. of 'with' and jęti 'take' Buck
3 ženitba ... ... ... Buck
4 vdavky ... ... ... Buck
5 svatba ... ... deriv. of ChSl. svatĭ 'kinsman', then 'one who promotes the marriage, matchmaker' Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 giftermaal ... ... ... Buck
2 œgte ... ... ... Buck
3 bryllop ... ... ... Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 huwelijk ... ... ... Buck
2 echt ... ... ... Buck
3 bruiloft ... ... ... Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 marriage since ME mariage ... ... Buck
2 wedlock since OE rarely wedlāc 'pledge' and 'espousals'; whence ME wedlock, NE wedlock ... fr. wedd 'pledge' with suffix -lāc, orig. same as lāc 'gift, etc.' Buck
3 wedding since OE weddung, ME weddyng ... fr. wedd 'pledge' with suffix -lāc, orig. same as lāc 'gift, etc.' Buck
4 sinscipe since OE weddung, ME weddyng ... cpd. of sin- 'everlasting' and scipe 'condition', hence lit. 'permanent state' Buck
5 gifta only OE ... ... Buck
6 brydhlōp since OE weddung, ME weddyng ... ... Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 mariage ... general ... Buck
2 noces ... ... ... Buck
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 heirat since OHG hīrāt, MHG hīrāt

... ... Buck
2 ehe since OHG ēwa, MHG (ē)we 'law' and 'lawful married state' ... Buck
3 hochzeit since MHG hōhzīt lit. the 'high time', used of festivals like Christmas, Easter, also of the 'marriage festival' ... Buck

4 brūtlouft only OHG, MHG ... cpd. of 'bride' and 'run', referring to the ceremonial fetching of the bride, this ultimately reflecting a primitive chase or robbery of the bride Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 pōsadh only NIr. general ... Buck
2 Ir. lānanas only Ir. only Ir. deriv. of lānamain 'married couple', deriv. of lān 'full' Buck
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 matrimonio ... general Lat. mātrimōnium, fr. māter 'mother', and orig. referring to the woman's lawful motherhood, married status, as opposed to concubinage Buck
2 nozze ... ... ... Buck
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 (apsi-)vedimas ... ... ... Buck
2 ištekėjimas ... ... ... Buck
3 vestuvės ... ... ... Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 malženstvo ... ... ... Buck
2 ślub ... 'vow', hence also 'betrothal' and 'marriage': poślubić 'betroth', cpd. of lubić 'like, love' ... Buck
3 wesele ... 'wedding', formerly 'merriment' ChSl. veselĭje 'merriment' veselŭ 'merry' Buck

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
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3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

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No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 ... ... ... ... ...
2 ... ... ... ... ...
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

[edit | edit source]
No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 matrimonio ... general Lat. mātrimōnium, fr. māter 'mother', and orig. referring to the woman's lawful motherhood, married status, as opposed to concubinage Buck
2 boda(s) ... general fr. Lat. vōta 'vows' Buck
3 ... ... ... ... ...

Explanations of Changes

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History of Forms

[edit | edit source]
No. Variants of Lexical Type Chronological Data Distribution Origin Sources
1 giftermål ... ... ... Buck
2 äkta ... ... ... Buck
3 bröllop ... ... ... Buck

Explanations of Changes

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Information on Other Languages

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(Cf. also the guidelines for the EuroHiT Project.)