Ethnobotanical research projects/Cooperative project/Conventions

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Research conventions

[edit | edit source]

If you have found new information about a plant on the internet or in a book, please list this reference at the bottom of the page. Also, please remember to put this information in your own words! Knowledge is free, but to avoid a brush with the dreaded copyright monster we need to give credit where it's due! If this information is your own original research through word of mouth interviews, etc. then no references are necessary. It is recommended that you list it as your own work, however.

Here is an example plant page:

Plantus panaceaus <scientific name of plant in level 2 heading>

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  • Common names: Panacea plant (Conworld), Cure-all (Fictional universe)
  • Wikipedia: link to Wikipedia here
  • Wikispecies: link to Wikispecies here

<bold bullet point list, separate names by commas. List culture that used this name in parentheses, linking to Wikipedia.>

Medicinal uses <in level 3 heading>

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Flowers <part of plant in level 4 heading>

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  • Cure-all: Used as a cure-all by the Conworld culture.

<use in bold w/ bullet point. Be sure to link to a Wikipedia article on the culture that used it this way.

<when multiple cultures have the same use for a plant, list them with double bullet points along with any potential variations in preparation>

Food uses <in level 3 heading>

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Root <in level 4 heading>

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<etc., etc. List all uses for shelter, food, tools and everything else in this manner.>

Be sure to categorize each page in Category:Ethnobotany cooperative project/plants!