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This section lists the Esperanto words that are used in the lessons. It is not meant to be an exhaustive dictionary; these are available elsewhere, e.g. at Wiktionary.

Section: a b c ĉ d e f g ĝ h ĥ i j ĵ k l m n o p r s ŝ t u ŭ v z

Word Audio Meaning Lesson
-a suffix indicating an adjective 2
aĉeti to buy 3
adiaŭ goodbye 4
aero air 4
agrabla nice, pleasant 4
akvo water 2
al to (preposition) 2 + 4
alta high 2
amiko friend 2
amo love 2
ankaŭ too, also 3
ankoraŭ still 3
antaŭ before (in time and place) 6
aperi to appear 3
aperta open 3
apud next to 6
arbo tree 1
-as suffix indicating present tense 1
or 2
aŭdi to hear 3
aŭtuno autumn 4
avo grandfather 7
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
baldaŭ soon 3
bela beautiful 2
birdo bird 1
bo- prefix indicating a relationship by marriage, -in-law 7
boato boat 1
bona good 2
Bonan tagon. Good day. 4
Bonan matenon. Good morning. 4
Bonan vesperon. Good evening. 4
Bonan nokton. Good night. 4
Bonvenon! Welcome! 4
botelo bottle 3
brili to shine 1/2
butiko shop 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
cent (one) hundred 3
cifero figure, number (expressed in digits) 8
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
ĉambro room 2
ĉar because 3
ĉaŭ bye 4
ĉe at, near 6
ĉielo sky 2
ĉirkaŭ around 6
ĉu indicates a yes/no question, whether 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
danci to dance 3
Dankon. Thanks.; Thank you. 4
de of (preposition)
from (preposition)
dek ten 3
devi to must, to should, to have to 2
diri to say 4
dis- prefix indicating multiple directions 6
do so 3
domo house 1
doni to give 4
dormi to sleep 3
du two 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
edzo husband 7
-ejo suffix indicating a place for the base word 6
eks- prefix indicating a former state, ex- 7
ekster outside (preposition) 6
el out (movement) 6
en in (preposition) 1
esti to be 1/2
eŭro euro 8
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
fali fall 1/2
familio family 7
farti to fare, to go (well, badly, etc.) 5
fianĉo fiancé 7
filo son 2
floro flower 1
flugi to fly 1/2
folio leaf 1
forgesi to forget 3
forta strong 2
frato brother 2
frida cold 6
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
ge- prefix indicating both sexes together (in the plural)
prefix indicating a sex-neutral word (if the base word is specifically male)
glaso drinking glass 2
granda big 2
grava important 2
griza gray 3
guto drop (of a liquid) 8
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
ĝardeno garden 1
ĝi it (+he/she) 2
ĝis until (time and place) 6
Ĝis (la) revido. See you later. 4
ĝojo joy 2
ĝusta correct 3/4
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
havi to have 3
helpi to help 3
hieraŭ yesterday 3
hodiaŭ today 3
homo human being 1
hundo dog 1
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
ĥoro choir 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
-i suffix indicating the infinitive of a verb 2
ideo idea 4
ili they 2
infano child 1
inko ink 6
-ino indicates female sex 3
inter between 6
-is suffix indicating past tense 2
iri to go 2
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
-j suffix indicating the plural 1
ja indeed 3
jam already 3
jaro year 8
jes yes 3
juna young 2
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
ĵeti to throw 3
ĵus just now 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
kafo coffee 3
kaj and 2
kanti to sing 2
kapo head 4
kara dear 2
kato cat 1
ke that 3 + 5
knabo boy 2
kolero anger 4
kombi to comb 4
kontenta content 2
kontraŭ against 6
Koran dankon! Many thanks!; Thank you very much! 4
korpo body 4
kosti to cost 8
kruro leg 4
kuraci to cure
kuiri to cook 6
kuko pie, cake 8
kun with (preposition) 2
kuŝi to lie, to be in
a horizontal position
kutima usual, ordinary 3/4
kuzo (male) cousin 7
kvankam although 3
kvanto quantity 8
kvar four 3
kvin five 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
la the (definite article) 1
labori to work 2
laca tired 4
lando land; country 4
laŭta loud 3/4
legi to read 3
li he 1
lito bed 1
loĝi to live, to reside 3
longa long 2
ludi to play 2
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
mal- indicates opposite 2
manĝi to eat 2
mano hand 4
maro sea 2
mateno morning 4
mi I 1
mil (one) thousand 3
mola soft 2
mono money 6
monto mountain 2
mordi to bite 3
morgaŭ tomorrow 3
multa much, many 2
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
-n indicates the object of a verb
najbaro neighbor 5
naǔ nine 3
ne not 2
nepo grandson 7
nevo (male) nephew 7
ni we 2
nokto night 4
nombro number (seen abstractly)
nomo name 2
nova new 2
nubo cloud 3
numero number (to distinguish one object from another) 8
nun now 3
nur only 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
-o suffix indicating a noun 1
objekto object 2
-obla suffix indicating a multiple of a number 8
ofta frequent, common 3/4
ok eight 3
okulo eye 4
-ono suffix indicating a fraction of a number 8
onklo uncle 7
-ope suffix indicating a group of a certain size 8
orelo ear 4
orfo orphan 7
-os suffix indicating future tense 1
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
pala pale 2
parenco relative 7
parko park 1
paroli to speak, to talk 2
patro father 2
peco piece 8
pensi to think 3
persono person 8
piedo foot 4
plori to cry 3
plezuro pleasure 4
po preposition indicating equal distribution 8
pomo apple 1
porti to carry 3
post after (in time) 6
posttagmezo afternoon 4
povi to can 2
pra- prefix indicating a more distant relationship
prefix indicating a primordial origin
preĝi to pray 6
preskaŭ almost, nearly 3
printempo spring (season) 4
promeni to walk 2
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
riĉa rich 2
ruĝa red 2
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
Saluton. Hello. 4
sana healthy 2
scii to know 4
sed but 1
seĝo chair, seat 2
ses six 3
sep seven 3
sezono season 4
sidi to sit 1/2
skatolo box 8
somero summer 4
stari to stand 3
strato street 2
sub under 6
suno sun 1
super above 6
sur on (top of) 6
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
ŝi she 2
ŝtono stone 4
ŝuo shoe 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
tablo table 2
tago day 4
temi to be about, to talk about 5
teo tea 3
tra through 6
trans on the other side of 6
tri three 3
trinki to drink 2
tuj immediately 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
-ujo suffix indicating a container for something 6
unu one 3
urbo city 1
-ulo suffix indicating the person characterized by the root, -er 3
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
vendi to sell 3
veni to come 3
vespero evening 4
vi you (singular)
you (plural)
vic- prefix indicating family members from a previous partner, step-
vidi to see 3
vidvo widower 7
vintro winter 4
viro man 1
vizaĝo face 4
voĉo voice 2
voli to want 2
Word Audio Meaning Lesson
zapi to flick TV channels