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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
alwic' wish for (alwic')
〔 "alw" -resembling / to_or_toward- "wic" 〕
amuzic' funnish (funic')
〔 "amuz" -resembling / "am" -resembling -change 〕
bebic' babyish (babyic')
〔 "beb" -resembling 〕
birdic' birdish (birdic')
〔 "bird" -resembling 〕
bluic' bluish (bluic')
〔 "blu" -resembling 〕
bonic' goodish (bonic')
〔 "bon" -resembling / good- "ic" 〕
boskic' woodish (wudic')
〔 "bosk" -resembling 〕
cud' vic' should delete
dev' vic' must delete
duic' twoish (duic')
〔 two- "ic" 〕 〔 "du" -resembling 〕
falkic' hawkish (hawkic')
〔 "falk" -resembling 〕
femknabic' girlish (girlic')
〔 "femknab" -resembling 〕
fic' fish (fic')
ficic' fishish (ficic')
〔 "fic" -resembling 〕
ficic' fishy (fic')
firmic' firmish (firmic')
〔 "firm" -resembling 〕
flukic' flukish (flukic')
〔 "fluk" -resembling 〕
flukic' ironic (flukic') (flukic')
fruic' earlyish (earlyic')
〔 "fru" -resembling 〕
gikic' geekish (gikic')
〔 "gik" -resembling 〕
grandic' bigish (bigic')
〔 "grand" -resembling / canceled- "ndic" 〕
grizic' grayish (grayic')
〔 "griz" -resembling 〕
hakic' hackish (hakic')
〔 "hak" -resembling 〕
hundic' doggish (dogic')
〔 "hund" -resembling 〕
ic' approximative (aproximativ')
ic' resembling (resembling')
izic' easyish (izic')
〔 some- "zic" 〕 〔 "iz" -resembling 〕
kacemic' coyish (kacemic')
〔 "kacem" -resembling / "kac" -resembling -tendency 〕
kalvic' baldish (baldic')
〔 "kalv" -resembling 〕
kultic' cultish (cultic')
〔 "kult" -resembling 〕
kuriozic' oddish (odic')
〔 "kurioz" -resembling / "kuri" -resembling -effect 〕
kvaric' fourish (kvaric')
〔 four- "ic" 〕 〔 "kvar" -resembling / "kva" -resembling -head 〕
kvinic' fiveish (kvinic')
〔 five- "ic" 〕 〔 "kvin" -resembling 〕
liberic' freeish (freic')
〔 "liber" -resembling / "libe" -resembling -head / third_person- "be" -resembling -head / "lib" -resembling -element / third_person- "ber" -resembling / third_person- "be" -resembling -head / third_person- "beric" / third_person- "ber" -resembling / third_person- "be" -resembling -head 〕
lignic' woody (wudy')
〔 "lign" -resembling / third_person- "gnic" 〕
ludilic' toyish (toyic')
〔 "ludil" -resembling / "lud" -resembling -tool 〕
malakric' dullish (dulic')
〔 "malakr" -resembling / "malak" -resembling -head / "mal" -resembling -head -derived_from / opposite_of- "ak" -resembling -head / opposite_of- "akr" -resembling / opposite_of- "ak" -resembling -head / opposite_of- "akric" / opposite_of- "akr" -resembling / opposite_of- "ak" -resembling -head / adjectival_opposite_of- "kric" 〕
malfruic' lateish (lateic')
〔 "malfru" -resembling / opposite_of- "fru" -resembling / opposite_of- "fruic" / opposite_of- "fru" -resembling 〕
malhelic' dimmish (dimic')
〔 "malhel" -resembling / "malh" -resembling -method / opposite_of- "hel" -resembling / opposite_of- "helic" / opposite_of- "hel" -resembling 〕
mallumic' darkish (mallumic')
〔 "mallum" -resembling / "mall" -resembling -derivation / opposite_of- "lum" -resembling / opposite_of- "lumic" / opposite_of- "lum" -resembling 〕
malnovic' oldish (oldic')
〔 "malnov" -resembling / "maln" -resembling -ready / opposite_of- "nov" -resembling / opposite_of- "novic" / opposite_of- "nov" -resembling 〕
malvarmic' cool (cul')
〔 "malvarm" -resembling / opposite_of- "varm" -resembling / opposite_of- "varmic" / opposite_of- "varm" -resembling 〕
mortic' deadish (deadic')
〔 "mort" -resembling 〕
novic' newish (newic')
〔 "nov" -resembling 〕
onic' oneish (onic')
〔 one- "ic" 〕 〔 "on" -resembling 〕
plenic' fullish (fulic')
〔 "plen" -resembling 〕
profundic' deepish (depic')
〔 "profund" -resembling / "prof" -resembling -extensive / on_account_of- "fund" -resembling / on_account_of- "fundic" / on_account_of- "fund" -resembling 〕
rapidic' fastish (fastic')
〔 "rapid" -resembling / "rap" -resembling -next_generation 〕
rapidic' rapidish (rapidic')
sesic' sixish (sesic')
〔 six- "ic" 〕 〔 "ses" -resembling 〕
timemic' shyish (cyic')
〔 "timem" -resembling / "tim" -resembling -tendency / that- "mem" -resembling / that- "memic" / that- "mem" -resembling 〕
varmic' warm (warm')
〔 "varm" -resembling 〕
virknabic' boyish (boyic')
〔 "virknab" -resembling / second_person- "rknab" -resembling / second_person- "rknabic" / second_person- "rknab" -resembling 〕
wic' wish (wic') (wic')
afic'a posting (post'a)
〔 "afic" -adjective / "af" -adjective -resembling 〕
bebic'a babyish (babyic'a)
〔 "bebic" -adjective / "beb" -adjective -resembling 〕
bluic'a bluish (bluic'a)
〔 "bluic" -adjective / "blu" -adjective -resembling 〕
fic'a fishing (fic'a)
〔 "fic" -adjective 〕
fic'a fishy (fic'a)
ficic'a fishy (fic'a)
〔 "ficic" -adjective / "fic" -adjective -resembling 〕
gikic'a geekish (gikic'a)
〔 "gikic" -adjective / "gik" -adjective -resembling 〕
kacemic'a coyish (kacemic'a)
〔 "kacemic" -adjective / "kacem" -adjective -resembling / "kac" -adjective -resembling -tendency 〕
malvarmic'a cool (cul'a)
〔 "malvarmic" -adjective / "malvarm" -adjective -resembling / opposite_of- "varm" -adjective -resembling / opposite_of- "varmic" -adjective / opposite_of- "varm" -adjective -resembling 〕
mortic'a deadish (deadic'a)
〔 "mortic" -adjective / "mort" -adjective -resembling 〕
novic'a newish (newic'a)
〔 "novic" -adjective / "nov" -adjective -resembling 〕
varmic'a warm (warm'a)
〔 "varmic" -adjective / "varm" -adjective -resembling 〕
afic'e by posting
〔 "afic" -adverb / "af" -adverb -resembling 〕
bebic'e babyishly (babyic'e)
〔 "bebic" -adverb / "beb" -adverb -resembling 〕
flukic'e ironically (flukic'e)
〔 "flukic" -adverb / "fluk" -adverb -resembling 〕
gikic'e geekishly (gikic'e)
〔 "gikic" -adverb / "gik" -adverb -resembling 〕
wic'e wishfully (wic'e)
〔 "wic" -adverb 〕
afic'i advertise (advertis'i)
〔 "afic" -infinitive / "af" -infinitive -resembling 〕
afiŝi (afic'i)
afic'i to poster (post'i)
cud'ax vic'i should delete
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "vic" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax vic'i must delete
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "vic" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix vic'i needed to delete
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "vic" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox vic'i will need to delete
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "vic" -infinitive 〕
devic'i wipe (devic'i)
〔 "devic" -infinitive / "dev" -infinitive -resembling / of- "vic" -infinitive 〕
deviŝi (devic'i)
elvic'i clear (clear'i)
〔 "elvic" -infinitive / "elv" -infinitive -resembling / out_of- "vic" -infinitive 〕
elviŝi (elvic'i)
elvic'i obliterate (obliterat'i) elviŝi (elvic'i)
fic'i fish (fic'i)
〔 "fic" -infinitive 〕
fiŝi (fic'i)
fic'i to fish (fic'i)
forvic'i erase (eras'i)
〔 "forvic" -infinitive / "forv" -infinitive -resembling / away- "vic" -infinitive 〕
forviŝi (forvic'i)
forvic'i to delete (delet'i) forviŝi (forvic'i)
tapic'i to carpet (carpet'i)
〔 "tapic" -infinitive / "tap" -infinitive -resembling 〕
tapiŝi (tapic'i)
vic'i to delete (delet'i)
〔 "vic" -infinitive 〕
viŝi (vic'i)
vic'i to erase (eras'i) viŝi (vic'i)
vic'i to wipe (wip'i) viŝi (vic'i)
vic'i to wipe (wip'i) viŝi (vic'i)
vic'i to wipe (wip'i) viŝi (vic'i)
wic'i to wish (wic'i)
〔 "wic" -infinitive 〕
afic'o billboard (bilboard'o)
〔 "afic" -substantive / "af" -substantive -resembling 〕
afiŝo (afic'o)
afic'o placard (plac'o) afiŝo (afic'o)
afic'o poster (post'o) afiŝo (afic'o)
afic'o posting (post'o) afiŝo (afic'o)
barbfic'o blackhead fish
〔 "barbfic" -substantive / "barbf" -substantive -resembling 〕
barbfiŝo (barbfic'o)
bebic'o babyishness (babyic'o)
〔 "bebic" -substantive / "beb" -substantive -resembling 〕
bluic'o bluishness (bluic'o)
〔 "bluic" -substantive / "blu" -substantive -resembling 〕
elvic'o obliteration (obliterat'o)
〔 "elvic" -substantive / "elv" -substantive -resembling / out_of- "vic" -substantive 〕
elviŝo (elvic'o)
fic'o fish (fic'o)
〔 "fic" -substantive 〕
fiŝo (fic'o)
filict'o philistine (filist'o)
〔 "filict" -substantive 〕
filiŝto (filict'o)
forvic'o deletion (delet'o)
〔 "forvic" -substantive / "forv" -substantive -resembling / away- "vic" -substantive 〕
katfic'o catfish (catfic'o)
〔 "katfic" -substantive / "katf" -substantive -resembling 〕
katfiŝo (katfic'o)
malvarmic'o coolness (cul'o)
〔 "malvarmic" -substantive / "malvarm" -substantive -resembling / opposite_of- "varm" -substantive -resembling / opposite_of- "varmic" -substantive / opposite_of- "varm" -substantive -resembling 〕
pict'o piston (pist'o)
〔 "pict" -substantive 〕
piŝto (pict'o)
pict'o plunger (plunger'o) piŝto (pict'o)
portebla afic'o banner
〔 at_the_rate_of- "rtebla" / for- "tebla" 〕 〔 "portebl" -type_or_kind / "port" -type_or_kind -possibility / at_the_rate_of- "rtebl" -type_or_kind / for- "tebl" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "portebl" -adjective / "port" -adjective -possibility / at_the_rate_of- "rtebl" -adjective / for- "tebl" -adjective /+/ "afic" -substantive / "af" -substantive -resembling 〕
portebla afiŝo
tapic'o carpet (carpet'o)
〔 "tapic" -substantive / "tap" -substantive -resembling 〕
tapiŝo (tapic'o)
tapic'o tapestry (tapestry'o) tapiŝo (tapic'o)
varmic'o warmness (warm'o)
〔 "varmic" -substantive / "varm" -substantive -resembling 〕
varmic'o warmth (warm'o)
wic'o wish (wic'o)
〔 "wic" -substantive 〕
afic'u post (post'u)
〔 "afic" -suggestive / "af" -suggestive -resembling 〕
forvic'u delete (delet'u)
〔 "forvic" -suggestive / "forv" -suggestive -resembling / away- "vic" -suggestive 〕
forvic'u ought to delete
forvic'u should delete
vic'u delete (delet'u)
〔 "vic" -suggestive 〕
vic'u ought to wipe
vic'u should wipe
wic'is was wishing (wic'is)
〔 "wic" -general_past 〕
wic'is wished (wic'is) (wic'is)
wic'ix wished (wic'ix)
〔 "wic" -past 〕
afic'ow a poster (post'ow)
〔 "afic" -singular substantive / "af" -singular substantive -resembling 〕
afic'oy posters (post'oy)
〔 "afic" -plural substantive / "af" -plural substantive -resembling 〕
wic'os will be wishing (wic'os)
〔 "wic" -general_future 〕
wic'os will wish (wic'os) (wic'os)
wic'ox will wish (wic'ox)
〔 "wic" -future 〕
wic'us would be wishing (wic'us)
〔 "wic" -general_conditional 〕
wic'us would wish (wic'us) (wic'us)
wic'ux would wish (wic'ux)
〔 "wic" -conditional 〕
fic'ant fishing (fic'ant)
〔 "fic" -active_present 〕
forvic'ant deleting (delet'ant)
〔 "forvic" -active_present / "forv" -active_present -resembling / away- "vic" -active_present 〕
forvic'ant wiping away
wic'ant wishing (wic'ant)
〔 "wic" -active_present 〕
wic'int was wishing (wic'int)
〔 "wic" -active_past 〕
wic'ont will be wishing (wic'ont)
〔 "wic" -active_future 〕
wic'unt would be wishing (wic'unt)
〔 "wic" -active_conditional 〕
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, German, Lithuanian, Yiddish, Esperanto.

Esper' English German Lithuanian Yiddish Esperanto
forvic'i to delete (delet'i) verwischen (verwisc'i) forviŝi (forvic'i)
vic'i to wipe (wip'i) wischen (wisc'i) vishn (vishn'i) viŝi (vic'i)
afic'o poster (post'o) afiša (afis'o) afiŝo (afic'o)
fic'o fish (fic'o) Fisch (fisc'o) fish (fish'o) fiŝo (fic'o)
tapic'o carpet (carpet'o) Teppich (tepic'o) tepech (tepec'o) tapiŝo (tapic'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, French, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Esperanto.

Esper' English French Russian Polish Spanish Esperanto
cud' vic' should delete debe borrar
dev' vic' must delete debe borrar
afic'a posting (post'a) anuncio (anunc'a)
fic'a fishing (fic'a) pesca (pesc'a)
afic'e by posting fijando (fih'e)
afic'i to poster (post'i) póster (poster'i)
cud'ax vic'i should delete debe borrar
dev'ax vic'i must delete debe borrar
fic'i to fish (fic'i) pescado (pesc'i)
forvic'i to delete (delet'i) borrar (borar'i) forviŝi (forvic'i)
vic'i to delete (delet'i) borrar (bor'i) viŝi (vic'i)
vic'i to wipe (wip'i) toallitar (toalyitar'i) viŝi (vic'i)
vic'i to wipe (wip'i) limpiar (limpiar'i) viŝi (vic'i)
vic'i to wipe (wip'i) pulir (pulir'i) viŝi (vic'i)
afic'o poster (post'o) affiche (afic'o) афиша (afyiс'o) afisz (afisz'o) mensaje (mensah'o) afiŝo (afic'o)
barbfic'o blackhead fish barbo (barb'o) barbfiŝo (barbfic'o)
fic'o fish (fic'o) pescado (pesc'o) fiŝo (fic'o)
forvic'o deletion (delet'o) deleción (delec'o)
pict'o piston (pist'o) pistón (pist'o) piŝto (pict'o)
tapic'o carpet (carpet'o) tapis (tapis'o) alfombra (alfombr'o) tapiŝo (tapic'o)
afic'u post (post'u) debe fijar
forvic'u delete (delet'u) debe eliminar
forvic'u ought to delete debe borrar
forvic'u should delete debe borrar
vic'u delete (delet'u) limpiar (limpiar'u)
vic'u ought to wipe debe borrar
vic'u should wipe debe borrar
afic'ow a poster (post'ow) un cartelera
afic'oy posters (post'oy) carteleras (carteler'oy)
fic'ant fishing (fic'ant) pescando (pesc'ant)
forvic'ant deleting (delet'ant) borrando (bor'ant)
forvic'ant wiping away borrando (borand'ant)