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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
anstat' instead of (anstat')
〔 "anst" -happening 〕 〔 "anst" -present_passive 〕
anstataŭ (anstat')
at' happening (hapening')
at' passive present
at' present passive
atc' bad (bad')
atc' no-good! (no-gud') aĉ (atc')
cud' bat' should strike
cud' cat' should like
cud' malsat' should starve
〔 cud' /+/ "mals" -happening / opposite_of- "sat" 〕 〔 "mals" -present_passive 〕
cud' platc' should please
cud' plats' should place
dev' bat' must strike
dev' cat' must like
dev' malsat' must starve
〔 dev' /+/ "mals" -happening / opposite_of- "sat" 〕 〔 "mals" -present_passive 〕
dev' platc' must please
dev' plats' must place
femfrat' sister (sist')
〔 "femfr" -happening / "femf" -happening -head 〕 〔 "femfr" -present_passive / "femf" -present_passive -head 〕
frato (frat')
fempatr' mother (moxer')
〔 "fempat" -head / "femp" -head -happening 〕
patro (patr')
ilyat' power of a septillion (ilyat')
〔 some- "lyat" 〕 〔 power_of- "yat" 〕 〔 "ily" -happening 〕 〔 "ily" -present_passive 〕
kud' atc' could be bad
kud' atc' could do wrong
virpatr' father (faxer')
〔 "virpat" -head / "virp" -head -happening / second_person- "rpat" -head / second_person- "rpatr" / second_person- "rpat" -head 〕
patro (patr')
wil' atc' will be bad
wil' atc' will do wrong
wud' atc' would be bad
wud' atc' would do wrong
yat' septillion (yat') (yat')
adekvat'a adequate (adequat'a)
〔 "adekvat" -adjective / "adekv" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "adekv" -adjective -present_passive 〕
adekvata (adekvat'a)
adekvat'a comprehensive (comprehensiv'a) adekvata (adekvat'a)
advokat'a legal (legal'a)
〔 "advokat" -adjective / "advok" -adjective -happening / "adv" -adjective -happening -false 〕 〔 "advok" -adjective -present_passive / "adv" -adjective -present_passive -false 〕
aerospats'a aerospace (aeros'a)
〔 "aerospats" -adjective 〕
aerospaca (aeros'a)
aerportat'a airborne (airborn'a)
〔 "aerportat" -adjective / "aerport" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "aerport" -adjective -present_passive 〕
aerportata (aerportat'a)
afliktat'a stricken (striken'a)
〔 "afliktat" -adjective / "aflikt" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "aflikt" -adjective -present_passive 〕
afliktata (afliktat'a)
agitat'a restless (rest'a)
〔 "agitat" -adjective / "agit" -adjective -happening / "ag" -adjective -happening -done 〕 〔 "agit" -adjective -present_passive / "ag" -adjective -present_passive -done 〕
agitata (agitat'a)
akurat'a accurate (acurat'a)
〔 "akurat" -adjective / "akur" -adjective -happening / "aku" -adjective -happening -head / "ak" -adjective -happening -cost 〕 〔 "akur" -adjective -present_passive / "aku" -adjective -present_passive -head / "ak" -adjective -present_passive -cost 〕
akurata (akurat'a)
akurat'a exact (exact'a)
akurat'a prompt (prompt'a) akurata (akurat'a)
akurat'a punctual (punct'a) akurata (akurat'a)
amat'a beloved (lov'a)
〔 "amat" -adjective / "am" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "am" -adjective -present_passive 〕
amata (amat'a)
amat'a favourite (favurit'a) amata (amat'a)
amat'a loved (lov'a) amata (amat'a)
aplikat'a applied (aplied'a)
〔 "aplikat" -adjective / "aplik" -adjective -happening / "apl" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "aplik" -adjective -present_passive / "apl" -adjective -present_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
aplikata (aplikat'a)
aristokrat'a aristocratic (aristocrat'a)
〔 "aristokrat" -adjective / "aristokr" -adjective -happening / "aristok" -adjective -happening -head / "arist" -adjective -happening -head -false 〕 〔 "aristokr" -adjective -present_passive / "aristok" -adjective -present_passive -head / "arist" -adjective -present_passive -head -false 〕
aristokrata (aristokrat'a)
asertat'a purported (purport'a)
〔 "asertat" -adjective / "asert" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "asert" -adjective -present_passive 〕
asertata (asertat'a)
atc'a ghastly (qastly'a)
〔 "atc" -adjective 〕
aĉa (atc'a)
atc'a lousy (lusy'a) aĉa (atc'a)
atc'a nasty (nasty'a) aĉa (atc'a)
atc'a no-good (no-gud'a)
atc'a rubbish (rubic'a) aĉa (atc'a)
atendat'a expected (expect'a)
〔 "atendat" -adjective / "atend" -adjective -happening / "at" -adjective -happening -important 〕 〔 "atend" -adjective -present_passive / "at" -adjective -present_passive -important 〕
atendata (atendat'a)
awdats'a audacious (audacius'a)
〔 "awdats" -adjective 〕
aŭdaca (awdac'a)
awdats'a bold (bold'a) aŭdaca (awdac'a)
awtomat'a automatic (automat'a)
〔 "awtomat" -adjective / "awtom" -adjective -happening / "awt" -adjective -happening -degree 〕 〔 "awtom" -adjective -present_passive / "awt" -adjective -present_passive -degree 〕
aŭtomata (awtomat'a)
awtoritat'a authoritarian (auxorit'a)
〔 "awtoritat" -adjective / "awtorit" -adjective -happening / "awtor" -adjective -happening -done / "awto" -adjective -happening -done -head / "awt" -adjective -happening -done -value 〕 〔 "awtorit" -adjective -present_passive / "awtor" -adjective -present_passive -done / "awto" -adjective -present_passive -done -head / "awt" -adjective -present_passive -done -value 〕
awtoritat'a authoritative (auxorit'a) aŭtoritata (awtoritat'a)
bezonat'a involved (involved'a)
〔 "bezonat" -adjective / "bezon" -adjective -happening / "bez" -adjective -happening -part 〕 〔 "bezon" -adjective -present_passive / "bez" -adjective -present_passive -part 〕
bezonata (bezonat'a)
bezonat'a wanted (want'a) bezonata (bezonat'a)
bonstat'a affluent (afluent'a)
〔 "bonstat" -adjective / "bonst" -adjective -happening / good- "stat" -adjective 〕 〔 "bonst" -adjective -present_passive 〕
bonstata (bonstat'a)
buntatc'a garish (garic'a)
〔 "buntatc" -adjective / "bunt" -adjective -bad 〕
buntaĉa (buntatc'a)
burokrat'a bureaucratic (bureaucrat'a)
〔 "burokrat" -adjective / "burokr" -adjective -happening / "burok" -adjective -happening -head / "bur" -adjective -happening -head -false / "bu" -adjective -happening -head -false -head 〕 〔 "burokr" -adjective -present_passive / "burok" -adjective -present_passive -head / "bur" -adjective -present_passive -head -false / "bu" -adjective -present_passive -head -false -head 〕
catat'a favourite (favurit'a)
〔 "catat" -adjective / "cat" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "cat" -adjective -present_passive 〕
ŝatata (catat'a)
cirmat'a secure (secur'a)
〔 "cirmat" -adjective / "cirm" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "cirm" -adjective -present_passive 〕
ŝirmata (cirmat'a)
ctat'a state (stat'a)
〔 "ctat" -adjective 〕
ŝtata (ctat'a)
culdat'a due (du'a)
〔 "culdat" -adjective / "culd" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "culd" -adjective -present_passive 〕
ŝuldata (culdat'a)
delikat'a delicate (delicat'a)
〔 "delikat" -adjective / "delik" -adjective -happening / "del" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of / of- "lik" -adjective -happening / of- "likat" -adjective / of- "lik" -adjective -happening / of- third_person- "kat" -adjective 〕 〔 "delik" -adjective -present_passive / "del" -adjective -present_passive -reminiscent_of / of- "lik" -adjective -present_passive 〕
delikata (delikat'a)
delikat'a fine (fin'a)
delikat'a fragile (fragil'a) delikata (delikat'a)
delikat'a tender (tender'a) delikata (delikat'a)
delikat'a tricky (triky'a) delikata (delikat'a)
demokrat'a democrat (democrat'a)
〔 "demokrat" -adjective / "demokr" -adjective -happening / "demok" -adjective -happening -head / "dem" -adjective -happening -head -false / of- "mok" -adjective -happening -head / of- "mokr" -adjective -happening / of- "mok" -adjective -happening -head / of- "mokrat" -adjective / of- "mokr" -adjective -happening / of- "mok" -adjective -happening -head 〕 〔 "demokr" -adjective -present_passive / "demok" -adjective -present_passive -head / "dem" -adjective -present_passive -head -false / of- "mok" -adjective -present_passive -head / of- "mokr" -adjective -present_passive / of- "mok" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
demokrata (demokrat'a)
demokrat'a democratic (democrat'a) demokrata (demokrat'a)
devontigat'a obligated (obligat'a)
〔 "devontigat" -adjective / "devontig" -adjective -happening / "devont" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / of- "vont" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / of- "vontig" -adjective -happening / of- "vont" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / of- "vontigat" -adjective / of- "vontig" -adjective -happening / of- "vont" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "devontig" -adjective -present_passive / "devont" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become / of- "vont" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become / of- "vontig" -adjective -present_passive / of- "vont" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become 〕
devontigata (devontigat'a)
diplomat'a diplomatic (diplomat'a)
〔 "diplomat" -adjective / "diplom" -adjective -happening / "dipl" -adjective -happening -degree 〕 〔 "diplom" -adjective -present_passive / "dipl" -adjective -present_passive -degree 〕
diplomata (diplomat'a)
djenat'a embarrassed (embarased'a)
〔 "djenat" -adjective / "djen" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "djen" -adjective -present_passive 〕
ĝenata (djenat'a)
djenat'a troubled (trubled'a) ĝenata (djenat'a)
djenat'a uncomfortable (uncomfort'a) ĝenata (djenat'a)
djisdat'a up-to-date (up-to-dat'a)
〔 "djisdat" -adjective / "djisd" -adjective -happening / until- "dat" -adjective 〕 〔 "djisd" -adjective -present_passive 〕
ĝisdata (djisdat'a)
donats'a gift (gift'a)
〔 "donats" -adjective / gift- "ats" -adjective 〕
duonawtomat'a semi-automatic (semi-automat'a)
〔 two- "onawtomat" -adjective / two- "onawtom" -adjective -happening / two- "onawt" -adjective -happening -degree 〕 〔 "duonawtomat" -adjective / "duonawtom" -adjective -happening / "duonawt" -adjective -happening -degree 〕 〔 "duonawtom" -adjective -present_passive / "duonawt" -adjective -present_passive -degree 〕
duonaŭtomata (duonawtomat'a)
duonmonat'a fortnightly (fortniqt'a)
〔 two- "onmonat" -adjective / two- "onmon" -adjective -happening / two- "onm" -adjective -happening -part 〕 〔 "duonmonat" -adjective / "duonmon" -adjective -happening / "duonm" -adjective -happening -part 〕 〔 "duonmon" -adjective -present_passive / "duonm" -adjective -present_passive -part 〕
duonmonata (duonmonat'a)
duonmonat'a twice-weekly (twice-wekly'a) duonmonata (duonmonat'a)
efektatc'a garish (garic'a)
〔 "efektatc" -adjective / "efekt" -adjective -bad 〕
efektaĉa (efektatc'a)
ekspluat'a exploitative (exploit'a)
〔 "ekspluat" -adjective / "eksplu" -adjective -happening / outside- "plu" -adjective -happening / outside- "pluat" -adjective / outside- "plu" -adjective -happening / outside- additional- "at" -adjective 〕 〔 "eksplu" -adjective -present_passive / outside- "plu" -adjective -present_passive 〕
estimat'a distinguished (estimat'a)
〔 "estimat" -adjective / "estim" -adjective -happening / "est" -adjective -happening -idea 〕 〔 "estim" -adjective -present_passive / "est" -adjective -present_passive -idea 〕
estimata (estimat'a)
favorat'a favourite (favurit'a)
〔 "favorat" -adjective / "favor" -adjective -happening / "favo" -adjective -happening -head / "fav" -adjective -happening -value 〕 〔 "favor" -adjective -present_passive / "favo" -adjective -present_passive -head / "fav" -adjective -present_passive -value 〕
favorata (favorat'a)
flat'a flattering (flat'a)
〔 "flat" -adjective 〕
flata (flat'a)
fonlumat'a backlit (baklit'a)
〔 "fonlumat" -adjective / "fonlum" -adjective -happening / "fonl" -adjective -happening -derivation 〕 〔 "fonlum" -adjective -present_passive / "fonl" -adjective -present_passive -derivation 〕
fonlumata (fonlumat'a)
format'a formed (formed'a)
〔 "format" -adjective / "form" -adjective -happening / away- "mat" -adjective 〕 〔 "form" -adjective -present_passive 〕
frat'a fraternal (frat'a)
〔 "frat" -adjective 〕
frecdat'a recent (recent'a)
〔 "frecdat" -adjective / "frecd" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "frecd" -adjective -present_passive 〕
freŝdata (frecdat'a)
gardat'a secured (secured'a)
〔 "gardat" -adjective / "gard" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "gard" -adjective -present_passive 〕
gardata (gardat'a)
gepatr'a parental (par'a)
〔 "gepatr" -adjective / "gepat" -adjective -head / "gep" -adjective -head -happening 〕
gepatra (gepatr'a)
glat'a smooth (smux'a)
〔 "glat" -adjective 〕
glata (glat'a)
grandspats'a voluminous (voluminus'a)
〔 "grandspats" -adjective / canceled- "ndspats" -adjective 〕
grandspaca (grands'a)
grasatc'a fat (fat'a)
〔 "grasatc" -adjective / "gras" -adjective -bad / canceled- "satc" -adjective 〕
grasaĉa (grasatc'a)
grats'a gracious (grac'a)
〔 "grats" -adjective 〕
hadikapat'a handicapped (handicaped'a)
〔 "hadikapat" -adjective / "hadikap" -adjective -happening / "hadik" -adjective -happening -apparatus / "had" -adjective -happening -apparatus -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "hadikap" -adjective -present_passive / "hadik" -adjective -present_passive -apparatus / "had" -adjective -present_passive -apparatus -reminiscent_of 〕
hadikapata (hadikapat'a)
hepat'a hepatic (hepat'a)
〔 "hepat" -adjective / "hep" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "hep" -adjective -present_passive 〕
hepata (hepat'a)
hepat'a liver (liver'a)
honorat'a respected (respect'a)
〔 "honorat" -adjective / "honor" -adjective -happening / "hono" -adjective -happening -head / "hon" -adjective -happening -value 〕 〔 "honor" -adjective -present_passive / "hono" -adjective -present_passive -head / "hon" -adjective -present_passive -value 〕
honorata (honorat'a)
initsiat'a innovative (inovat'a)
〔 some- "nitsiat" -adjective / some- "nitsi" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "initsiat" -adjective / "initsi" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsiat" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "initsi" -adjective -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -adjective -present_passive 〕
iniciata (iniciat'a)
interesat'a concerned (interesat'a)
〔 some- "nteresat" -adjective / some- "nteres" -adjective -happening / some- "nter" -adjective -happening -owner / some- "nte" -adjective -happening -owner -head 〕 〔 "interesat" -adjective / "interes" -adjective -happening / "inter" -adjective -happening -owner / "inte" -adjective -happening -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -owner -head / "in" -adjective -happening -owner -relational / "int" -adjective -happening -owner -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -happening -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "teres" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -happening -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -owner -head / between- "es" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "teresat" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "teres" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -happening -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -owner -head / between- "esat" -adjective / between- "es" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "interes" -adjective -present_passive / "inter" -adjective -present_passive -owner / "inte" -adjective -present_passive -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -present_passive -owner -head / "in" -adjective -present_passive -owner -relational / "int" -adjective -present_passive -owner -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -present_passive -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -present_passive -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "teres" -adjective -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -present_passive -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -present_passive -owner -head / between- "es" -adjective -present_passive 〕
interesata (interesat'a)
interrilat'a relational (interrilat'a)
〔 some- "nterrilat" -adjective / some- "nterril" -adjective -happening / some- "nterr" -adjective -happening -tool / some- "nter" -adjective -happening -tool -head / some- "nte" -adjective -happening -tool -head -head 〕 〔 "interrilat" -adjective / "interril" -adjective -happening / "interr" -adjective -happening -tool / "inter" -adjective -happening -tool -head / "inte" -adjective -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -tool -head -head / "in" -adjective -happening -tool -head -relational / "int" -adjective -happening -tool -head -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -adjective -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -adjective -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -tool -head -head / between- "ril" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terrilat" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -adjective -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -adjective -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -happening -tool -head -head / between- "rilat" -adjective / between- "ril" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "interril" -adjective -present_passive / "interr" -adjective -present_passive -tool / "inter" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head / "inte" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head -head / "in" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head -relational / "int" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -adjective -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -adjective -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -adjective -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head -head / between- "ril" -adjective -present_passive 〕
interrilata (interrilat'a)
kacat'a latent (kacat'a)
〔 "kacat" -adjective / "kac" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "kac" -adjective -present_passive 〕
kaŝata (kacat'a)
kandidat'a candidate (candidat'a)
〔 "kandidat" -adjective / "kandid" -adjective -happening / "kand" -adjective -happening -next_generation 〕 〔 "kandid" -adjective -present_passive / "kand" -adjective -present_passive -next_generation 〕
karitat'a charitable (karitat'a)
〔 "karitat" -adjective / "karit" -adjective -happening / "kar" -adjective -happening -done / "ka" -adjective -happening -done -head 〕 〔 "karit" -adjective -present_passive / "kar" -adjective -present_passive -done / "ka" -adjective -present_passive -done -head 〕
karitata (karitat'a)
klimat'a climatic (climat'a)
〔 "klimat" -adjective / "klim" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "klim" -adjective -present_passive 〕
klimata (klimat'a)
kompat'a compassionate (compasion'a)
〔 "kompat" -adjective / "komp" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "komp" -adjective -present_passive 〕
kompata (kompat'a)
kompat'a merciful (merciful'a) kompata (kompat'a)
kompat'a sympathetic (sympaxet'a) kompata (kompat'a)
konat'a familiar (konat'a)
〔 "konat" -adjective / "kon" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "kon" -adjective -present_passive 〕
konata (konat'a)
konat'a known (konat'a) konata (konat'a)
konat'a noted (konat'a) konata (konat'a)
konat'a recognised (konat'a) konata (konat'a)
kontestat'a controversial (cont'a)
〔 "kontestat" -adjective / "kontest" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "kontest" -adjective -present_passive 〕
kontestata (kontestat'a)
kontrawagats'a soothing (suxing'a)
〔 "kontrawagats" -adjective 〕
kontraŭagaca (kontrawagac'a)
kontsernat'a interested (interest'a)
〔 "kontsernat" -adjective / "kontsern" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "kontsern" -adjective -present_passive 〕
koncernata (koncernat'a)
korpremat'a depressed (depresed'a)
〔 "korpremat" -adjective / "korprem" -adjective -happening / "korpr" -adjective -happening -tendency / "korp" -adjective -happening -tendency -head 〕 〔 "korprem" -adjective -present_passive / "korpr" -adjective -present_passive -tendency / "korp" -adjective -present_passive -tendency -head 〕
korpremata (korpremat'a)
krakmatc'a crisp (crisp'a)
〔 "krakmatc" -adjective / "krakm" -adjective -bad 〕
krakmaĉa (krakmatc'a)
kurats'a medical (medical'a)
〔 "kurats" -adjective 〕
kuraca (kurac'a)
kurats'a medicinal (medicinal'a)
kvadrat'a square (squar'a)
〔 "kvadrat" -adjective / "kvadr" -adjective -happening / "kvad" -adjective -happening -head 〕 〔 "kvadr" -adjective -present_passive / "kvad" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
kvadrata (kvadrat'a)
lats'a tired (tired'a)
〔 "lats" -adjective 〕
laca (lac'a)
lats'a weary (weary'a) laca (lac'a)
latv'a latvian (latv'a)
〔 "latv" -adjective 〕
latva (latv'a)
lawplatc'a custom (custom'a)
〔 "lawplatc" -adjective / "lawpl" -adjective -bad / according_to- "platc" -adjective 〕
laŭplaĉa (lawplatc'a)
libermerkat'a free-market (fre-market'a)
〔 "libermerkat" -adjective / "libermerk" -adjective -happening / third_person- "bermerk" -adjective -happening / third_person- "bermerkat" -adjective / third_person- "bermerk" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "libermerk" -adjective -present_passive / third_person- "bermerk" -adjective -present_passive 〕
libermerkata (libermerkat'a)
lodjat'a populated (populat'a)
〔 "lodjat" -adjective / "lodj" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "lodj" -adjective -present_passive 〕
loĝata (lodjat'a)
lodjat'a populous (populus'a) loĝata (lodjat'a)
magistrat'a municipal (municipal'a)
〔 "magistrat" -adjective / "magistr" -adjective -happening / "mag" -adjective -happening -has_lead / "magist" -adjective -happening -head 〕 〔 "magistr" -adjective -present_passive / "mag" -adjective -present_passive -has_lead / "magist" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
magistrata (magistrat'a)
malakurat'a delinquent (malakurat'a)
〔 "malakurat" -adjective / "malakur" -adjective -happening / "malaku" -adjective -happening -head / opposite_of- "aku" -adjective -happening -head / adjectival_opposite_of- "ku" -adjective -happening -head / "malak" -adjective -happening -cost / "mal" -adjective -happening -cost -derived_from / opposite_of- "ak" -adjective -happening -cost / opposite_of- "akur" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "aku" -adjective -happening -head / opposite_of- "ak" -adjective -happening -cost / adjectival_opposite_of- "kur" -adjective -happening / adjectival_opposite_of- "ku" -adjective -happening -head / opposite_of- "akurat" -adjective / opposite_of- "akur" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "aku" -adjective -happening -head / opposite_of- "ak" -adjective -happening -cost / adjectival_opposite_of- "kurat" -adjective / adjectival_opposite_of- "kur" -adjective -happening / adjectival_opposite_of- "ku" -adjective -happening -head 〕 〔 "malakur" -adjective -present_passive / "malaku" -adjective -present_passive -head / opposite_of- "aku" -adjective -present_passive -head / adjectival_opposite_of- "ku" -adjective -present_passive -head / "malak" -adjective -present_passive -cost / "mal" -adjective -present_passive -cost -derived_from / opposite_of- "ak" -adjective -present_passive -cost / opposite_of- "akur" -adjective -present_passive / opposite_of- "aku" -adjective -present_passive -head / opposite_of- "ak" -adjective -present_passive -cost / adjectival_opposite_of- "kur" -adjective -present_passive / adjectival_opposite_of- "ku" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
malakurata (malakurat'a)
malakurat'a irregular (malakurat'a) malakurata (malakurat'a)
malcat'a distasteful (distast'a)
〔 "malcat" -adjective / "malc" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "cat" -adjective 〕 〔 "malc" -adjective -present_passive 〕
malŝata (malcat'a)
malcat'a pejorative (pejorat'a) malŝata (malcat'a)
malcat'a scornful (scorn'a) malŝata (malcat'a)
malcat'a supercilious (supercilius'a) malŝata (malcat'a)
maldelikat'a vulgar (vulgar'a)
〔 "maldelikat" -adjective / "maldelik" -adjective -happening / "maldel" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of / "mald" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of -method / opposite_of- "del" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- "delik" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "del" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "delikat" -adjective / opposite_of- "delik" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "del" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- of- "likat" -adjective / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- of- third_person- "kat" -adjective 〕 〔 "maldelik" -adjective -present_passive / "maldel" -adjective -present_passive -reminiscent_of / "mald" -adjective -present_passive -reminiscent_of -method / opposite_of- "del" -adjective -present_passive -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- "delik" -adjective -present_passive / opposite_of- "del" -adjective -present_passive -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adjective -present_passive 〕
maldelikata (maldelikat'a)
malfavorat'a disadvantaged (disadvant'a)
〔 "malfavorat" -adjective / "malfavor" -adjective -happening / "malfavo" -adjective -happening -head / opposite_of- "favo" -adjective -happening -head / "malfav" -adjective -happening -value / "malf" -adjective -happening -value -capable / opposite_of- "fav" -adjective -happening -value / opposite_of- "favor" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "favo" -adjective -happening -head / opposite_of- "fav" -adjective -happening -value / opposite_of- "favorat" -adjective / opposite_of- "favor" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "favo" -adjective -happening -head / opposite_of- "fav" -adjective -happening -value 〕 〔 "malfavor" -adjective -present_passive / "malfavo" -adjective -present_passive -head / opposite_of- "favo" -adjective -present_passive -head / "malfav" -adjective -present_passive -value / "malf" -adjective -present_passive -value -capable / opposite_of- "fav" -adjective -present_passive -value / opposite_of- "favor" -adjective -present_passive / opposite_of- "favo" -adjective -present_passive -head / opposite_of- "fav" -adjective -present_passive -value 〕
malfavorata (malfavorat'a)
malglat'a bumpy (bumpy'a)
〔 "malglat" -adjective / "malgl" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "glat" -adjective 〕 〔 "malgl" -adjective -present_passive 〕
malglata (malglat'a)
malglat'a rough (ruq'a) malglata (malglat'a)
malkompat'a harsh (harc'a)
〔 "malkompat" -adjective / "malkomp" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "komp" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "kompat" -adjective / opposite_of- "komp" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "malkomp" -adjective -present_passive / opposite_of- "komp" -adjective -present_passive 〕
malkompata (malkompat'a)
malpats'a discordant (dis'a)
〔 "malpats" -adjective / opposite_of- "pats" -adjective 〕
malpaca (malpac'a)
malplatc'a nasty (nasty'a)
〔 "malplatc" -adjective / "malpl" -adjective -bad / opposite_of- "platc" -adjective 〕
malplaĉa (malplatc'a)
malprivat'a public (public'a)
〔 "malprivat" -adjective / "malpriv" -adjective -happening / "malpr" -adjective -happening -knowledgable / "malp" -adjective -happening -knowledgable -head / opposite_of- "priv" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "privat" -adjective / opposite_of- "priv" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- about- "vat" -adjective 〕 〔 "malpriv" -adjective -present_passive / "malpr" -adjective -present_passive -knowledgable / "malp" -adjective -present_passive -knowledgable -head / opposite_of- "priv" -adjective -present_passive 〕
malprivata (malprivat'a)
malsat'a hungry (hungry'a)
〔 "malsat" -adjective / "mals" -adjective -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -adjective 〕 〔 "mals" -adjective -present_passive 〕
malsata (malsat'a)
mantenat'a handheld (handheld'a)
〔 "mantenat" -adjective / "manten" -adjective -happening / "mant" -adjective -happening -goal 〕 〔 "manten" -adjective -present_passive / "mant" -adjective -present_passive -goal 〕
mantenata (mantenat'a)
matr'a parental (par'a)
〔 "matr" -adjective / "mat" -adjective -head 〕
minats'a menacing (menac'a)
〔 "minats" -adjective / first_person- "nats" -adjective 〕
minaca (minac'a)
minats'a ominous (ominus'a) minaca (minac'a)
minats'a sinister (sinis'a) minaca (minac'a)
minats'a threatening (xreat'a) minaca (minac'a)
minatsat'a vulnerable (vulnerabl'a)
〔 "minatsat" -adjective / "minats" -adjective -happening / first_person- "nats" -adjective -happening / first_person- "natsat" -adjective / first_person- "nats" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "minats" -adjective -present_passive / first_person- "nats" -adjective -present_passive 〕
minacata (minacat'a)
monat'a monthly (monx'a)
〔 "monat" -adjective / "mon" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "mon" -adjective -present_passive 〕
monata (monat'a)
monokromat'a monochromatic (monotcromat'a)
〔 "monokromat" -adjective / "monokrom" -adjective -happening / "monokr" -adjective -happening -degree / "monok" -adjective -happening -degree -head / "mon" -adjective -happening -degree -head -false 〕 〔 "monokrom" -adjective -present_passive / "monokr" -adjective -present_passive -degree / "monok" -adjective -present_passive -degree -head / "mon" -adjective -present_passive -degree -head -false 〕
monokromata (monokromat'a)
neadekvat'a inadequate (inadequat'a)
〔 "neadekvat" -adjective / "neadekv" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "adekv" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "adekvat" -adjective / no,_not- "adekv" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "neadekv" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "adekv" -adjective -present_passive 〕
neadekvata (neadekvat'a)
neadekvat'a substandard (subst'a) neadekvata (neadekvat'a)
neatc'a not bad (neatc'a)
〔 "neatc" -adjective / "ne" -adjective -bad / no,_not- "atc" -adjective 〕
neatendat'a surprise (neatendat'a)
〔 "neatendat" -adjective / "neatend" -adjective -happening / "neat" -adjective -happening -important / "ne" -adjective -happening -important -happening / no,_not- "at" -adjective -happening -important / no,_not- "atend" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "at" -adjective -happening -important / no,_not- "atendat" -adjective / no,_not- "atend" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "at" -adjective -happening -important 〕 〔 "neatend" -adjective -present_passive / "neat" -adjective -present_passive -important / "ne" -adjective -present_passive -important -happening / no,_not- "at" -adjective -present_passive -important / no,_not- "atend" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "at" -adjective -present_passive -important 〕
neatendata (neatendat'a)
nebezonat'a unwanted (unwant'a)
〔 "nebezonat" -adjective / "nebezon" -adjective -happening / "nebez" -adjective -happening -part / "neb" -adjective -happening -part -device / no,_not- "bez" -adjective -happening -part / no,_not- "bezon" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "bez" -adjective -happening -part / no,_not- "bezonat" -adjective / no,_not- "bezon" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "bez" -adjective -happening -part 〕 〔 "nebezon" -adjective -present_passive / "nebez" -adjective -present_passive -part / "neb" -adjective -present_passive -part -device / no,_not- "bez" -adjective -present_passive -part / no,_not- "bezon" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "bez" -adjective -present_passive -part 〕
nebezonata (nebezonat'a)
necirmat'a unprotected (unprotect'a)
〔 "necirmat" -adjective / "necirm" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "cirm" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "cirmat" -adjective / no,_not- "cirm" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "necirm" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "cirm" -adjective -present_passive 〕
neŝirmata (necirmat'a)
nedezirat'a unwanted (nedezirat'a)
〔 "nedezirat" -adjective / "nedezir" -adjective -happening / "nedezi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- "dezi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -happening -head / "nedez" -adjective -happening -opportunity / "ned" -adjective -happening -opportunity -device / no,_not- "dez" -adjective -happening -opportunity / no,_not- "dezir" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "dezi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- "dez" -adjective -happening -opportunity / no,_not- of- "zir" -adjective -happening / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- "dezirat" -adjective / no,_not- "dezir" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "dezi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- "dez" -adjective -happening -opportunity / no,_not- of- "zir" -adjective -happening / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- of- "zirat" -adjective / no,_not- of- "zir" -adjective -happening / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -happening -head 〕 〔 "nedezir" -adjective -present_passive / "nedezi" -adjective -present_passive -head / no,_not- "dezi" -adjective -present_passive -head / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -present_passive -head / "nedez" -adjective -present_passive -opportunity / "ned" -adjective -present_passive -opportunity -device / no,_not- "dez" -adjective -present_passive -opportunity / no,_not- "dezir" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "dezi" -adjective -present_passive -head / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -present_passive -head / no,_not- "dez" -adjective -present_passive -opportunity / no,_not- of- "zir" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- of- "zi" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
nedezirata (nedezirat'a)
negardat'a unprotected (unprotect'a)
〔 negative- "ardat" -adjective / negative- "ard" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "negardat" -adjective / "negard" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "gard" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "gardat" -adjective / no,_not- "gard" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "negard" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "gard" -adjective -present_passive 〕
negardata (negardat'a)
nekonat'a obscure (nekonat'a)
〔 "nekonat" -adjective / "nekon" -adjective -happening / "nek" -adjective -happening -part / no,_not- "kon" -adjective -happening / neither- "on" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "konat" -adjective / no,_not- "kon" -adjective -happening / neither- "onat" -adjective / neither- "on" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "nekon" -adjective -present_passive / "nek" -adjective -present_passive -part / no,_not- "kon" -adjective -present_passive / neither- "on" -adjective -present_passive 〕
nekonata (nekonat'a)
nekonat'a unfamiliar (nekonat'a) nekonata (nekonat'a)
nekonat'a unknown (nekonat'a) nekonata (nekonat'a)
nekontestat'a undisputed (undisput'a)
〔 "nekontestat" -adjective / "nekontest" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "kontest" -adjective -happening / neither- "ontest" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "kontestat" -adjective / no,_not- "kontest" -adjective -happening / neither- "ontestat" -adjective / neither- "ontest" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "nekontest" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "kontest" -adjective -present_passive / neither- "ontest" -adjective -present_passive 〕
nekontestata (nekontestat'a)
nekovrat'a unprotected (unprotect'a)
〔 "nekovrat" -adjective / "nekovr" -adjective -happening / "nekov" -adjective -happening -head / "nek" -adjective -happening -head -ready / no,_not- "kov" -adjective -happening -head / neither- "ov" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- "kovr" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "kov" -adjective -happening -head / neither- "ovr" -adjective -happening / neither- "ov" -adjective -happening -head / no,_not- "kovrat" -adjective / no,_not- "kovr" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "kov" -adjective -happening -head / neither- "ovrat" -adjective / neither- "ovr" -adjective -happening / neither- "ov" -adjective -happening -head 〕 〔 "nekovr" -adjective -present_passive / "nekov" -adjective -present_passive -head / "nek" -adjective -present_passive -head -ready / no,_not- "kov" -adjective -present_passive -head / neither- "ov" -adjective -present_passive -head / no,_not- "kovr" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "kov" -adjective -present_passive -head / neither- "ovr" -adjective -present_passive / neither- "ov" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
nekovrata (nekovrat'a)
nelodjat'a uninhabited (uninhabit'a)
〔 "nelodjat" -adjective / "nelodj" -adjective -happening / "nel" -adjective -happening -approaching / no,_not- "lodj" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "lodjat" -adjective / no,_not- "lodj" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "nelodj" -adjective -present_passive / "nel" -adjective -present_passive -approaching / no,_not- "lodj" -adjective -present_passive 〕
neloĝata (nelodjat'a)
nelodjat'a unoccupied (unocupied'a) neloĝata (nelodjat'a)
neplatc'a unappealing (unapealing'a)
〔 "neplatc" -adjective / "nepl" -adjective -bad / no,_not- "platc" -adjective 〕
neplaĉa (neplatc'a)
neprotektat'a unprotected (unprotect'a)
〔 "neprotektat" -adjective / "neprotekt" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "protekt" -adjective -happening / no,_not- on_account_of- "tekt" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "protektat" -adjective / no,_not- "protekt" -adjective -happening / no,_not- on_account_of- "tekt" -adjective -happening / no,_not- on_account_of- "tektat" -adjective / no,_not- on_account_of- "tekt" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "neprotekt" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "protekt" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- on_account_of- "tekt" -adjective -present_passive 〕
neprotektata (neprotektat'a)
neregat'a uncontrolled (neregat'a)
〔 "neregat" -adjective / "nereg" -adjective -happening / "ner" -adjective -happening -extreme / "ne" -adjective -happening -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "regat" -adjective / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "nereg" -adjective -present_passive / "ner" -adjective -present_passive -extreme / "ne" -adjective -present_passive -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -present_passive 〕
neregata (neregat'a)
neretenat'a uncontrolled (neretenat'a)
〔 "neretenat" -adjective / "nereten" -adjective -happening / "neret" -adjective -happening -goal / "ner" -adjective -happening -goal -diminutive / "ne" -adjective -happening -goal -diminutive -head / no,_not- "ret" -adjective -happening -goal / no,_not- "reten" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "ret" -adjective -happening -goal / no,_not- "retenat" -adjective / no,_not- "reten" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "ret" -adjective -happening -goal 〕 〔 "nereten" -adjective -present_passive / "neret" -adjective -present_passive -goal / "ner" -adjective -present_passive -goal -diminutive / "ne" -adjective -present_passive -goal -diminutive -head / no,_not- "ret" -adjective -present_passive -goal / no,_not- "reten" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "ret" -adjective -present_passive -goal 〕
neretenata (neretenat'a)
nestsiat'a unknown (nestsiat'a)
〔 "nestsiat" -adjective / "nestsi" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "stsiat" -adjective / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "nestsi" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -present_passive 〕
nesciata (nestsiat'a)
netsesigat'a requisite (requisit'a)
〔 "netsesigat" -adjective / "netsesig" -adjective -happening / "netses" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / "nets" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become -owner / no,_not- "tses" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- "tsesig" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "tses" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- "tsesigat" -adjective / no,_not- "tsesig" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "tses" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "netsesig" -adjective -present_passive / "netses" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become / "nets" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become -owner / no,_not- "tses" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "tsesig" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "tses" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become 〕
necesigata (necesigat'a)
neutiligat'a spare (neutiligat'a)
〔 "neutiligat" -adjective / "neutilig" -adjective -happening / "neutil" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / "neut" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become -tool / "ne" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become -tool -likely / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "util" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "utilig" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "util" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "utiligat" -adjective / no,_not- "utilig" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "util" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -happening -cause_to_become -tool 〕 〔 "neutilig" -adjective -present_passive / "neutil" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become / "neut" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become -tool / "ne" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become -tool -likely / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "util" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "utilig" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "util" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -present_passive -cause_to_become -tool 〕
neutiligata (neutiligat'a)
neuzat'a idle (neuzat'a)
〔 "neuzat" -adjective / "neuz" -adjective -happening / "ne" -adjective -happening -change / no,_not- "uz" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "uzat" -adjective / no,_not- "uz" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "neuz" -adjective -present_passive / "ne" -adjective -present_passive -change / no,_not- "uz" -adjective -present_passive 〕
neuzata (neuzat'a)
nevidat'a unseen (nevidat'a)
〔 "nevidat" -adjective / "nevid" -adjective -happening / "nev" -adjective -happening -next_generation / no,_not- "vid" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "vidat" -adjective / no,_not- "vid" -adjective -happening / no,_not- second_person- "dat" -adjective 〕 〔 "nevid" -adjective -present_passive / "nev" -adjective -present_passive -next_generation / no,_not- "vid" -adjective -present_passive 〕
nevidata (nevidat'a)
nevizitat'a remote (remot'a)
〔 "nevizitat" -adjective / "nevizit" -adjective -happening / "neviz" -adjective -happening -done / "nev" -adjective -happening -done -cause / no,_not- "viz" -adjective -happening -done / no,_not- "vizit" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "viz" -adjective -happening -done / no,_not- second_person- "zit" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "vizitat" -adjective / no,_not- "vizit" -adjective -happening / no,_not- "viz" -adjective -happening -done / no,_not- second_person- "zit" -adjective -happening / no,_not- second_person- "zitat" -adjective / no,_not- second_person- "zit" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "nevizit" -adjective -present_passive / "neviz" -adjective -present_passive -done / "nev" -adjective -present_passive -done -cause / no,_not- "viz" -adjective -present_passive -done / no,_not- "vizit" -adjective -present_passive / no,_not- "viz" -adjective -present_passive -done / no,_not- second_person- "zit" -adjective -present_passive 〕
nevizitata (nevizitat'a)
obsedat'a mad (mad'a)
〔 "obsedat" -adjective / "obsed" -adjective -happening / "obs" -adjective -happening -repetition 〕 〔 "obsed" -adjective -present_passive / "obs" -adjective -present_passive -repetition 〕
obsedata (obsedat'a)
obsedat'a obsessed (obsesed'a) obsedata (obsedat'a)
ofertat'a traded (traded'a)
〔 "ofertat" -adjective / "ofert" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "ofert" -adjective -present_passive 〕
ofertata (ofertat'a)
okupat'a busy (okupat'a)
〔 eight- "upat" -adjective / eight- "up" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "okupat" -adjective / "okup" -adjective -happening / "ok" -adjective -happening -kit 〕 〔 "okup" -adjective -present_passive / "ok" -adjective -present_passive -kit 〕
okupata (okupat'a)
operats'a operational (operation'a)
〔 "operats" -adjective 〕
operaca (operac'a)
pankreat'a pancreatic (pancreat'a)
〔 "pankreat" -adjective / "pankre" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "pankre" -adjective -present_passive 〕
pankreata (pankreat'a)
patr'a parental (par'a)
〔 "patr" -adjective / "pat" -adjective -head 〕
patr'a paternal (pater'a) patra (patr'a)
pats'a peaceful (peac'a)
〔 "pats" -adjective 〕
paca (pac'a)
permesat'a licit (licit'a)
〔 "permesat" -adjective / "permes" -adjective -happening / "perm" -adjective -happening -owner / with- "mes" -adjective -happening / with- "mesat" -adjective / with- "mes" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "permes" -adjective -present_passive / "perm" -adjective -present_passive -owner / with- "mes" -adjective -present_passive 〕
permesata (permesat'a)
pilotat'a manned (maned'a)
〔 "pilotat" -adjective / "pilot" -adjective -happening / "pil" -adjective -happening -upcoming 〕 〔 "pilot" -adjective -present_passive / "pil" -adjective -present_passive -upcoming 〕
pilotata (pilotat'a)
pirat'a pirate (pirat'a)
〔 "pirat" -adjective / "pir" -adjective -happening / "pi" -adjective -happening -head 〕 〔 "pir" -adjective -present_passive / "pi" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
pirata (pirat'a)
plagat'a riddled (ridled'a)
〔 "plagat" -adjective / "plag" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "plag" -adjective -present_passive 〕
plagata (plagat'a)
plat'a flat (flat'a)
〔 "plat" -adjective 〕
plata (plat'a)
platc'a pleasant (pleas'a)
〔 "platc" -adjective 〕
plaĉa (platc'a)
pompatc'a flashy (flac'a)
〔 "pompatc" -adjective / "pomp" -adjective -bad / at_the_rate_of- "mpatc" -adjective 〕
pompaĉa (pompatc'a)
pompatc'a showy (cowy'a) pompaĉa (pompatc'a)
postulat'a required (postulat'a)
〔 "postulat" -adjective / "postul" -adjective -happening / "post" -adjective -happening -person / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -happening / after- "ul" -adjective -happening / at_the_rate_of- "stulat" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -happening / after- "ulat" -adjective / after- "ul" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "postul" -adjective -present_passive / "post" -adjective -present_passive -person / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -present_passive / after- "ul" -adjective -present_passive 〕
postulata (postulat'a)
postulat'a requisite (postulat'a) postulata (postulat'a)
pragmat'a pragmatic (pragmat'a)
〔 "pragmat" -adjective / "pragm" -adjective -happening / ancestral- "gmat" -adjective 〕 〔 "pragm" -adjective -present_passive 〕
pragmata (pragmat'a)
preferat'a favourite (favurit'a)
〔 "preferat" -adjective / "prefer" -adjective -happening / "prefe" -adjective -happening -head / "pref" -adjective -happening -element 〕 〔 "prefer" -adjective -present_passive / "prefe" -adjective -present_passive -head / "pref" -adjective -present_passive -element 〕
preferata (preferat'a)
preferat'a preferential (preferent'a) preferata (preferat'a)
pretekstat'a purported (purport'a)
〔 "pretekstat" -adjective / "pretekst" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "pretekst" -adjective -present_passive 〕
pretekstata (pretekstat'a)
pridisputat'a controversial (cont'a)
〔 "pridisputat" -adjective / "pridisput" -adjective -happening / "pridisp" -adjective -happening -likely / about- "disp" -adjective -happening -likely / about- "disput" -adjective -happening / about- "disp" -adjective -happening -likely / about- scatter- "put" -adjective -happening / about- "disputat" -adjective / about- "disput" -adjective -happening / about- "disp" -adjective -happening -likely / about- scatter- "put" -adjective -happening / about- scatter- "putat" -adjective / about- scatter- "put" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "pridisput" -adjective -present_passive / "pridisp" -adjective -present_passive -likely / about- "disp" -adjective -present_passive -likely / about- "disput" -adjective -present_passive / about- "disp" -adjective -present_passive -likely / about- scatter- "put" -adjective -present_passive 〕
pridisputata (pridisputat'a)
pridisputat'a disputed (disput'a) pridisputata (pridisputat'a)
pritraktat'a pending (pending'a)
〔 "pritraktat" -adjective / "pritrakt" -adjective -happening / about- "trakt" -adjective -happening / about- "traktat" -adjective / about- "trakt" -adjective -happening / about- through- "ktat" -adjective 〕 〔 "pritrakt" -adjective -present_passive / about- "trakt" -adjective -present_passive 〕
pritraktata (pritraktat'a)
privat'a private (privat'a)
〔 "privat" -adjective / "priv" -adjective -happening / about- "vat" -adjective 〕 〔 "priv" -adjective -present_passive 〕
privata (privat'a)
prostat'a prostatic (prostat'a)
〔 "prostat" -adjective / "prost" -adjective -happening / on_account_of- "stat" -adjective 〕 〔 "prost" -adjective -present_passive 〕
prostata (prostat'a)
psikosomat'a psychosomatic (psytcosomat'a)
〔 "psikosomat" -adjective / "psikosom" -adjective -happening / "psikos" -adjective -happening -degree / "psik" -adjective -happening -degree -apprentice 〕 〔 "psikosom" -adjective -present_passive / "psikos" -adjective -present_passive -degree / "psik" -adjective -present_passive -degree -apprentice 〕
psikosomata (psikosomat'a)
regat'a ruled (ruled'a)
〔 "regat" -adjective / "reg" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "reg" -adjective -present_passive 〕
regata (regat'a)
renegat'a treacherous (treat'a)
〔 "renegat" -adjective / "reneg" -adjective -happening / "ren" -adjective -happening -extreme 〕 〔 "reneg" -adjective -present_passive / "ren" -adjective -present_passive -extreme 〕
renegata (renegat'a)
respektat'a respected (respect'a)
〔 "respektat" -adjective / "respekt" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "respekt" -adjective -present_passive 〕
respektata (respektat'a)
rilat'a associated (asociat'a)
〔 "rilat" -adjective / "ril" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "ril" -adjective -present_passive 〕
rilata (rilat'a)
rilat'a related (relat'a) rilata (rilat'a)
rilat'a relational (relat'a) rilata (rilat'a)
rilat'a relevant (relevant'a) rilata (rilat'a)
ritsevat'a incoming (incoming'a)
〔 "ritsevat" -adjective / "ritsev" -adjective -happening / "rits" -adjective -happening -powerful 〕 〔 "ritsev" -adjective -present_passive / "rits" -adjective -present_passive -powerful 〕
ricevata (ricevat'a)
sagats'a astute (as'a)
〔 "sagats" -adjective 〕
sagaca (sagac'a)
sagats'a canny (cany'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sagats'a ingenious (ingenius'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sagats'a sagacious (sagacius'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sagats'a savvy (savy'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sagats'a shrewd (crewd'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sagats'a smart (smart'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sat'a full (ful'a)
〔 "sat" -adjective 〕
sata (sat'a)
sat'a replete (replet'a) sata (sat'a)
sat'a satisfied (sat'a) sata (sat'a)
senawtoritat'a unauthorised (unauxorised'a)
〔 "senawtoritat" -adjective / "senawtorit" -adjective -happening / "senawtor" -adjective -happening -done / "senawto" -adjective -happening -done -head / without- "awto" -adjective -happening -done -head / "senawt" -adjective -happening -done -value / without- "awt" -adjective -happening -done -value / without- "awtor" -adjective -happening -done / without- "awto" -adjective -happening -done -head / without- "awt" -adjective -happening -done -value / without- "awtorit" -adjective -happening / without- "awtor" -adjective -happening -done / without- "awto" -adjective -happening -done -head / without- "awt" -adjective -happening -done -value / without- "awtoritat" -adjective / without- "awtorit" -adjective -happening / without- "awtor" -adjective -happening -done / without- "awto" -adjective -happening -done -head / without- "awt" -adjective -happening -done -value 〕 〔 "senawtorit" -adjective -present_passive / "senawtor" -adjective -present_passive -done / "senawto" -adjective -present_passive -done -head / without- "awto" -adjective -present_passive -done -head / "senawt" -adjective -present_passive -done -value / without- "awt" -adjective -present_passive -done -value / without- "awtor" -adjective -present_passive -done / without- "awto" -adjective -present_passive -done -head / without- "awt" -adjective -present_passive -done -value / without- "awtorit" -adjective -present_passive / without- "awtor" -adjective -present_passive -done / without- "awto" -adjective -present_passive -done -head / without- "awt" -adjective -present_passive -done -value 〕
senaŭtoritata (senawtoritat'a)
senkompat'a merciless (merciles'a)
〔 "senkompat" -adjective / "senkomp" -adjective -happening / without- "komp" -adjective -happening / without- "kompat" -adjective / without- "komp" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "senkomp" -adjective -present_passive / without- "komp" -adjective -present_passive 〕
senkompata (senkompat'a)
senkompat'a ruthless (ruxles'a) senkompata (senkompat'a)
senlats'a tireless (tireles'a)
〔 "senlats" -adjective / without- "lats" -adjective 〕
senlaca (senlac'a)
senpats'a restless (restles'a)
〔 "senpats" -adjective / without- "pats" -adjective 〕
senpaca (senpac'a)
senrilat'a irrelevant (irelevant'a)
〔 "senrilat" -adjective / "senril" -adjective -happening / "senr" -adjective -happening -tool / "sen" -adjective -happening -tool -head / without- "ril" -adjective -happening / without- "rilat" -adjective / without- "ril" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "senril" -adjective -present_passive / "senr" -adjective -present_passive -tool / "sen" -adjective -present_passive -tool -head / without- "ril" -adjective -present_passive 〕
senrilata (senrilat'a)
senrilat'a unrelated (unrelat'a) senrilata (senrilat'a)
sentimentalatc'a kitschy (kitc'a)
〔 "sentimentalatc" -adjective / "sentimental" -adjective -bad / "sentiment" -adjective -bad -reason / without- "timent" -adjective -bad -reason / without- that- "ment" -adjective -bad -reason / without- "timental" -adjective -bad / without- "timent" -adjective -bad -reason / without- that- "ment" -adjective -bad -reason / without- that- "mental" -adjective -bad / without- that- "ment" -adjective -bad -reason / without- "timentalatc" -adjective / without- "timental" -adjective -bad / without- "timent" -adjective -bad -reason / without- that- "ment" -adjective -bad -reason / without- that- "mental" -adjective -bad / without- that- "ment" -adjective -bad -reason / without- that- "mentalatc" -adjective / without- that- "mental" -adjective -bad / without- that- "ment" -adjective -bad -reason 〕
sentimentalaĉa (sentimentalatc'a)
sertcat'a wanted (sertcat'a)
〔 "sertcat" -adjective / "sertc" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "sertc" -adjective -present_passive 〕
serĉata (sertcat'a)
siedjat'a beleaguered (beleaguered'a)
〔 "siedjat" -adjective / "siedj" -adjective -happening / "si" -adjective -happening -on_the_fringe / reflexive- "edj" -adjective -happening / reflexive- "edjat" -adjective / reflexive- "edj" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "siedj" -adjective -present_passive / "si" -adjective -present_passive -on_the_fringe / reflexive- "edj" -adjective -present_passive 〕
sieĝata (siedjat'a)
sindikat'a sindical (sindical'a)
〔 "sindikat" -adjective / "sindik" -adjective -happening / "sind" -adjective -happening -reminiscent_of / reflexive- "ndik" -adjective -happening / reflexive- "ndikat" -adjective / reflexive- "ndik" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "sindik" -adjective -present_passive / "sind" -adjective -present_passive -reminiscent_of / reflexive- "ndik" -adjective -present_passive 〕
sindikata (sindikat'a)
skarlat'a scarlet (scarlet'a)
〔 "skarlat" -adjective / "skarl" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "skarl" -adjective -present_passive 〕
skarlata (skarlat'a)
spats'a spatial (spatial'a)
〔 "spats" -adjective 〕
spaca (spac'a)
stratulatc'a loutish (lutic'a)
〔 "stratulatc" -adjective / "stratul" -adjective -bad / "strat" -adjective -bad -person 〕
stratulaĉa (stratulatc'a)
stsiat'a known (stsiat'a)
〔 "stsiat" -adjective / "stsi" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "stsi" -adjective -present_passive 〕
sciata (stsiat'a)
subctat'a subnational (subnat'a)
〔 "subctat" -adjective / "subct" -adjective -happening / beneath- "ctat" -adjective 〕 〔 "subct" -adjective -present_passive 〕
subŝtata (subctat'a)
submetat'a subject (submetat'a)
〔 "submetat" -adjective / "submet" -adjective -happening / "subm" -adjective -happening -diminutive / beneath- "met" -adjective -happening / beneath- "metat" -adjective / beneath- "met" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "submet" -adjective -present_passive / "subm" -adjective -present_passive -diminutive / beneath- "met" -adjective -present_passive 〕
submetata (submetat'a)
subpremat'a downtrodden (downt'a)
〔 "subpremat" -adjective / "subprem" -adjective -happening / "subpr" -adjective -happening -tendency / "subp" -adjective -happening -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -adjective -happening / beneath- "premat" -adjective / beneath- "prem" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "subprem" -adjective -present_passive / "subpr" -adjective -present_passive -tendency / "subp" -adjective -present_passive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -adjective -present_passive 〕
subpremata (subpremat'a)
supozat'a presumptive (presumpt'a)
〔 "supozat" -adjective / "supoz" -adjective -happening / "sup" -adjective -happening -effect 〕 〔 "supoz" -adjective -present_passive / "sup" -adjective -present_passive -effect 〕
supozata (supozat'a)
surfats'a surface (surfac'a)
〔 "surfats" -adjective / on- "fats" -adjective 〕
surfaca (surfac'a)
surogat'a alternative (surogat'a)
〔 "surogat" -adjective / "surog" -adjective -happening / "sur" -adjective -happening -construct / "su" -adjective -happening -construct -head / on- "og" -adjective -happening / on- "ogat" -adjective / on- "og" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "surog" -adjective -present_passive / "sur" -adjective -present_passive -construct / "su" -adjective -present_passive -construct -head / on- "og" -adjective -present_passive 〕
surogata (surogat'a)
surogat'a ersatz (surogat'a) surogata (surogat'a)
surogat'a substitute (surogat'a) surogata (surogat'a)
surogat'a surrogate (surogat'a) surogata (surogat'a)
tce-strat'a front (front'a)
〔 "tce-strat" -adjective / "tce-str" -adjective -happening / "tce-st" -adjective -happening -head / at- "-strat" -adjective 〕 〔 "tce-str" -adjective -present_passive / "tce-st" -adjective -present_passive -head 〕
ĉe-strata (tce-strat'a)
tcirkawat'a surrounded (tcirkawat'a)
〔 "tcirkawat" -adjective / "tcirkaw" -adjective -happening / "tcirk" -adjective -happening -in_any_sense / around- "aw" -adjective -happening / around- "awat" -adjective / around- "aw" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "tcirkaw" -adjective -present_passive / "tcirk" -adjective -present_passive -in_any_sense / around- "aw" -adjective -present_passive 〕
tciumonat'a monthly (monxly'a)
〔 "tciumonat" -adjective / "tciumon" -adjective -happening / "tcium" -adjective -happening -part / "tci" -adjective -happening -part -derivation 〕 〔 "tciumon" -adjective -present_passive / "tcium" -adjective -present_passive -part / "tci" -adjective -present_passive -part -derivation 〕
ĉiumonata (tciumonat'a)
teatr'a theatrical (xeatr'a)
〔 "teatr" -adjective / "teat" -adjective -head / "te" -adjective -head -happening 〕
teatra (teatr'a)
telestirat'a unmanned (unmaned'a)
〔 "telestirat" -adjective / "telestir" -adjective -happening / "telesti" -adjective -happening -head / "telest" -adjective -happening -opportunity 〕 〔 "telestir" -adjective -present_passive / "telesti" -adjective -present_passive -head / "telest" -adjective -present_passive -opportunity 〕
telestirata (telestirat'a)
trapasat'a busy (busy'a)
〔 "trapasat" -adjective / "trapas" -adjective -happening / "trap" -adjective -happening -ace / through- "pas" -adjective -happening / through- "pasat" -adjective / through- "pas" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "trapas" -adjective -present_passive / "trap" -adjective -present_passive -ace / through- "pas" -adjective -present_passive 〕
trapasata (trapasat'a)
trawmat'a traumatic (traum'a)
〔 "trawmat" -adjective / "trawm" -adjective -happening / through- "wmat" -adjective 〕 〔 "trawm" -adjective -present_passive 〕
traŭmata (trawmat'a)
trimonat'a quarterly (quart'a)
〔 three- "monat" -adjective / three- "mon" -adjective -happening 〕 〔 "trimonat" -adjective / "trimon" -adjective -happening / "trim" -adjective -happening -part 〕 〔 "trimon" -adjective -present_passive / "trim" -adjective -present_passive -part 〕
trimonata (trimonat'a)
troawdats'a reckless (rekles'a)
〔 "troawdats" -adjective / excessive- "awdats" -adjective 〕
troaŭdaca (troawdac'a)
universitat'a university (universit'a)
〔 "universitat" -adjective / "universit" -adjective -happening / "univers" -adjective -happening -done 〕 〔 "universit" -adjective -present_passive / "univers" -adjective -present_passive -done 〕
universitata (universitat'a)
ventoblovat'a grim (grim'a)
〔 "ventoblovat" -adjective / "ventoblov" -adjective -happening / "ventobl" -adjective -happening -ready / "vent" -adjective -happening -ready -mutiple / come- "tobl" -adjective -happening -ready / come- "toblov" -adjective -happening / come- "tobl" -adjective -happening -ready / come- "toblovat" -adjective / come- "toblov" -adjective -happening / come- "tobl" -adjective -happening -ready 〕 〔 "ventoblov" -adjective -present_passive / "ventobl" -adjective -present_passive -ready / "vent" -adjective -present_passive -ready -mutiple / come- "tobl" -adjective -present_passive -ready / come- "toblov" -adjective -present_passive / come- "tobl" -adjective -present_passive -ready 〕
ventoblovata (ventoblovat'a)
vivminats'a critical (critical'a)
〔 "vivminats" -adjective / second_person- "vminats" -adjective 〕
vivminaca (vivminac'a)
adekvat'e adequately (adequat'e)
〔 "adekvat" -adverb / "adekv" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "adekv" -adverb -present_passive 〕
adekvate (adekvat'e)
aerostat'e by balloon
〔 "aerostat" -adverb / "aerost" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "aerost" -adverb -present_passive 〕
akurat'e exactly (exact'e)
〔 "akurat" -adverb / "akur" -adverb -happening / "aku" -adverb -happening -head / "ak" -adverb -happening -cost 〕 〔 "akur" -adverb -present_passive / "aku" -adverb -present_passive -head / "ak" -adverb -present_passive -cost 〕
akurat'e on time akurate (akurat'e)
akurat'e regularly (regularly'e) akurate (akurat'e)
atc'e badly (bad'e)
〔 "atc" -adverb 〕
aĉe (atc'e)
atc'e horrid (horid'e) aĉe (atc'e)
atc'e shitty (city'e) aĉe (atc'e)
awdats'e daring (dar'e)
〔 "awdats" -adverb 〕
aŭdace (awdac'e)
awtomat'e automatically (automat'e)
〔 "awtomat" -adverb / "awtom" -adverb -happening / "awt" -adverb -happening -degree 〕 〔 "awtom" -adverb -present_passive / "awt" -adverb -present_passive -degree 〕
aŭtomate (awtomat'e)
boat'e by boat
〔 "boat" -adverb / "bo" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "bo" -adverb -present_passive 〕
cat'e fondly (fondly'e)
〔 "cat" -adverb 〕
ŝate (cat'e)
delikat'e gently (gent'e)
〔 "delikat" -adverb / "delik" -adverb -happening / "del" -adverb -happening -reminiscent_of / of- "lik" -adverb -happening / of- "likat" -adverb / of- "lik" -adverb -happening / of- third_person- "kat" -adverb 〕 〔 "delik" -adverb -present_passive / "del" -adverb -present_passive -reminiscent_of / of- "lik" -adverb -present_passive 〕
delikat'e gingerly (gingerly'e) delikate (delikat'e)
delikat'e lightly (liqt'e) delikate (delikat'e)
delikat'e tenderly (tender'e) delikate (delikat'e)
duonmonat'e fortnightly (fortniqt'e)
〔 two- "onmonat" -adverb / two- "onmon" -adverb -happening / two- "onm" -adverb -happening -part 〕 〔 "duonmonat" -adverb / "duonmon" -adverb -happening / "duonm" -adverb -happening -part 〕 〔 "duonmon" -adverb -present_passive / "duonm" -adverb -present_passive -part 〕
duonmonate (duonmonat'e)
entenat'e enclosed (entenat'e)
〔 "entenat" -adverb / "enten" -adverb -happening / "ent" -adverb -happening -goal / in- "ten" -adverb -happening / in- "tenat" -adverb / in- "ten" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "enten" -adverb -present_passive / "ent" -adverb -present_passive -goal / in- "ten" -adverb -present_passive 〕
entenate (entenat'e)
entenat'e herein (entenat'e) entenate (entenat'e)
frecdat'e recently (recent'e)
〔 "frecdat" -adverb / "frecd" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "frecd" -adverb -present_passive 〕
freŝdate (frecdat'e)
frumonat'e early (early'e)
〔 "frumonat" -adverb / "frumon" -adverb -happening / "frum" -adverb -happening -part 〕 〔 "frumon" -adverb -present_passive / "frum" -adverb -present_passive -part 〕
frumonate (frumonat'e)
glat'e flat (flat'e)
〔 "glat" -adverb 〕
glate (glat'e)
glat'e smoothly (smux'e) glate (glat'e)
lats'e wearily (wearily'e)
〔 "lats" -adverb 〕
malcat'e lightly (liqt'e)
〔 "malcat" -adverb / "malc" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- "cat" -adverb 〕 〔 "malc" -adverb -present_passive 〕
malŝate (malcat'e)
maldelikat'e roughly (ruqly'e)
〔 "maldelikat" -adverb / "maldelik" -adverb -happening / "maldel" -adverb -happening -reminiscent_of / "mald" -adverb -happening -reminiscent_of -method / opposite_of- "del" -adverb -happening -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- "delik" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- "del" -adverb -happening -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- "delikat" -adverb / opposite_of- "delik" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- "del" -adverb -happening -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- of- "likat" -adverb / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- of- third_person- "kat" -adverb 〕 〔 "maldelik" -adverb -present_passive / "maldel" -adverb -present_passive -reminiscent_of / "mald" -adverb -present_passive -reminiscent_of -method / opposite_of- "del" -adverb -present_passive -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- "delik" -adverb -present_passive / opposite_of- "del" -adverb -present_passive -reminiscent_of / opposite_of- of- "lik" -adverb -present_passive 〕
maldelikate (maldelikat'e)
malglat'e roughly (ruq'e)
〔 "malglat" -adverb / "malgl" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- "glat" -adverb 〕 〔 "malgl" -adverb -present_passive 〕
malglate (malglat'e)
malprivat'e publicly (public'e)
〔 "malprivat" -adverb / "malpriv" -adverb -happening / "malpr" -adverb -happening -knowledgable / "malp" -adverb -happening -knowledgable -head / opposite_of- "priv" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- "privat" -adverb / opposite_of- "priv" -adverb -happening / opposite_of- about- "vat" -adverb 〕 〔 "malpriv" -adverb -present_passive / "malpr" -adverb -present_passive -knowledgable / "malp" -adverb -present_passive -knowledgable -head / opposite_of- "priv" -adverb -present_passive 〕
malprivate (malprivat'e)
matr'e fatherly (faxer'e)
〔 "matr" -adverb / "mat" -adverb -head 〕
matr'e motherly (moxer'e)
mayoritat'e for the most part
〔 "mayoritat" -adverb / "mayorit" -adverb -happening / "mayor" -adverb -happening -done / "mayo" -adverb -happening -done -head / "may" -adverb -happening -done -value 〕 〔 "mayorit" -adverb -present_passive / "mayor" -adverb -present_passive -done / "mayo" -adverb -present_passive -done -head / "may" -adverb -present_passive -done -value 〕
majoritate (majoritat'e)
mayoritat'e mostly (most'e) majoritate (majoritat'e)
monat'e monthly (monx'e)
〔 "monat" -adverb / "mon" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "mon" -adverb -present_passive 〕
monate (monat'e)
neadekvat'e insufficiently (insuficient'e)
〔 "neadekvat" -adverb / "neadekv" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "adekv" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "adekvat" -adverb / no,_not- "adekv" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "neadekv" -adverb -present_passive / no,_not- "adekv" -adverb -present_passive 〕
neadekvate (neadekvat'e)
nebarat'e freely (nebarat'e)
〔 "nebarat" -adverb / "nebar" -adverb -happening / "neba" -adverb -happening -head / no,_not- "ba" -adverb -happening -head / "neb" -adverb -happening -collection / no,_not- "bar" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "ba" -adverb -happening -head / no,_not- "barat" -adverb / no,_not- "bar" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "ba" -adverb -happening -head 〕 〔 "nebar" -adverb -present_passive / "neba" -adverb -present_passive -head / no,_not- "ba" -adverb -present_passive -head / "neb" -adverb -present_passive -collection / no,_not- "bar" -adverb -present_passive / no,_not- "ba" -adverb -present_passive -head 〕
nebarate (nebarat'e)
nedetenat'e freely (nedetenat'e)
〔 "nedetenat" -adverb / "nedeten" -adverb -happening / "nedet" -adverb -happening -goal / "ned" -adverb -happening -goal -diminutive / no,_not- "det" -adverb -happening -goal / no,_not- "deten" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "det" -adverb -happening -goal / no,_not- of- "ten" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "detenat" -adverb / no,_not- "deten" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "det" -adverb -happening -goal / no,_not- of- "ten" -adverb -happening / no,_not- of- "tenat" -adverb / no,_not- of- "ten" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "nedeten" -adverb -present_passive / "nedet" -adverb -present_passive -goal / "ned" -adverb -present_passive -goal -diminutive / no,_not- "det" -adverb -present_passive -goal / no,_not- "deten" -adverb -present_passive / no,_not- "det" -adverb -present_passive -goal / no,_not- of- "ten" -adverb -present_passive 〕
nedetenate (nedetenat'e)
nelimigat'e freely (frely'e)
〔 "nelimigat" -adverb / "nelimig" -adverb -happening / "nelim" -adverb -happening -cause_to_become / "nel" -adverb -happening -cause_to_become -idea / no,_not- "lim" -adverb -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- "limig" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "lim" -adverb -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- third_person- "mig" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "limigat" -adverb / no,_not- "limig" -adverb -happening / no,_not- "lim" -adverb -happening -cause_to_become / no,_not- third_person- "mig" -adverb -happening / no,_not- third_person- "migat" -adverb / no,_not- third_person- "mig" -adverb -happening / no,_not- third_person- first_person- "gat" -adverb 〕 〔 "nelimig" -adverb -present_passive / "nelim" -adverb -present_passive -cause_to_become / "nel" -adverb -present_passive -cause_to_become -idea / no,_not- "lim" -adverb -present_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "limig" -adverb -present_passive / no,_not- "lim" -adverb -present_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- third_person- "mig" -adverb -present_passive 〕
nelimigate (nelimigat'e)
patr'e fatherly (faxer'e)
〔 "patr" -adverb / "pat" -adverb -head 〕
patr'e motherly (moxer'e)
pats'e peacefully (peac'e)
〔 "pats" -adverb 〕
pace (pac'e)
permesat'e while being permitted
〔 "permesat" -adverb / "permes" -adverb -happening / "perm" -adverb -happening -owner / with- "mes" -adverb -happening / with- "mesat" -adverb / with- "mes" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "permes" -adverb -present_passive / "perm" -adverb -present_passive -owner / with- "mes" -adverb -present_passive 〕
permesate (permesat'e)
plat'e flatly (flat'e)
〔 "plat" -adverb 〕
plate (plat'e)
platc'e nicely (nic'e)
〔 "platc" -adverb 〕
plaĉe (platc'e)
platc'e pleasantly (pleas'e)
privat'e privately (privat'e)
〔 "privat" -adverb / "priv" -adverb -happening / about- "vat" -adverb 〕 〔 "priv" -adverb -present_passive 〕
private (privat'e)
rabat'e cheaply (tceaply'e)
〔 "rabat" -adverb / "rab" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "rab" -adverb -present_passive 〕
rabate (rabat'e)
rebat'e back (bak'e)
〔 "rebat" -adverb / "reb" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "reb" -adverb -present_passive 〕
rebate (rebat'e)
rilat'e related (relat'e)
〔 "rilat" -adverb / "ril" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "ril" -adverb -present_passive 〕
sagats'e judiciously (judicius'e)
〔 "sagats" -adverb 〕
sagats'e smart (smart'e) sagace (sagac'e)
sat'e full (ful'e)
〔 "sat" -adverb 〕
sate (sat'e)
senkompat'e callous (calus'e)
〔 "senkompat" -adverb / "senkomp" -adverb -happening / without- "komp" -adverb -happening / without- "kompat" -adverb / without- "komp" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "senkomp" -adverb -present_passive / without- "komp" -adverb -present_passive 〕
senkompate (senkompat'e)
senkompat'e heartlessly (heart'e) senkompate (senkompat'e)
senlats'e tirelessly (tireles'e)
〔 "senlats" -adverb / without- "lats" -adverb 〕
senlace (senlac'e)
supozat'e supposedly (suposedly'e)
〔 "supozat" -adverb / "supoz" -adverb -happening / "sup" -adverb -happening -effect 〕 〔 "supoz" -adverb -present_passive / "sup" -adverb -present_passive -effect 〕
supozate (supozat'e)
tcirkawat'e surrounded (tcirkawat'e)
〔 "tcirkawat" -adverb / "tcirkaw" -adverb -happening / "tcirk" -adverb -happening -in_any_sense / around- "aw" -adverb -happening / around- "awat" -adverb / around- "aw" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "tcirkaw" -adverb -present_passive / "tcirk" -adverb -present_passive -in_any_sense / around- "aw" -adverb -present_passive 〕
tcirkawat'e while being surrounded (tcirkawat'e) ĉirkaŭate (tcirkawat'e)
troawdats'e recklessly (rekles'e)
〔 "troawdats" -adverb / excessive- "awdats" -adverb 〕
troaŭdace (troawdac'e)
universitat'e in connection with a university
〔 "universitat" -adverb / "universit" -adverb -happening / "univers" -adverb -happening -done 〕 〔 "universit" -adverb -present_passive / "univers" -adverb -present_passive -done 〕
vivminats'e critically (critical'e)
〔 "vivminats" -adverb / second_person- "vminats" -adverb 〕
vivminace (vivminac'e)
zimonat'e monthly (monxly'e)
〔 every- "monat" -adverb / every- "mon" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "zimonat" -adverb / "zimon" -adverb -happening / "zim" -adverb -happening -part 〕 〔 "zimon" -adverb -present_passive / "zim" -adverb -present_passive -part 〕
ĉiumonate (tciumonat'e)
agats'i aggravate (agravat'i)
〔 "agats" -infinitive 〕
agaci (agac'i)
albat'i slam (slam'i)
〔 "albat" -infinitive / "alb" -infinitive -happening / to_or_toward- "bat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "alb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
albati (albat'i)
am'ux atc'i would love to bad
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
am'ux atc'i would love to do wrong
antawdat'i antedate (antedat'i)
〔 "antawdat" -infinitive / "antawd" -infinitive -happening / before- "dat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "antawd" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
antaŭdati (antawdat'i)
atc'i to act in a bad way
〔 "atc" -infinitive 〕
atc'i to be bad
atc'i to do something bad or evil
atc'i to do wrong
awdats'i dare (dar'i)
〔 "awdats" -infinitive 〕
aŭdaci (awdac'i)
bat'i beat (beat'i)
〔 "bat" -infinitive 〕
bati (bat'i)
bat'i to beat (beat'i) bati (bat'i)
bat'i to strike (strike'i) bati (bat'i)
bekbat'i peck (pek'i)
〔 "bekbat" -infinitive / "bekb" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "bekb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
bekbati (bekbat'i)
cat'i appreciate (apreciat'i)
〔 "cat" -infinitive 〕
ŝati (cat'i)
cat'i like (lik'i) ŝati (cat'i)
cat'i to like (lik'i) ŝati (cat'i)
cat'ux atc'i would like to bad
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
cat'ux atc'i would like to do wrong
cmats'i kiss (kis'i)
〔 "cmats" -infinitive 〕
ŝmaci (cmac'i)
cud'ax bat'i should strike
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "bat" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax cat'i should like
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "cat" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax malsat'i should starve
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "malsat" -infinitive / "mals" -infinitive -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mals" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
cud'ax platc'i should please
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "platc" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax plats'i should place
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "plats" -infinitive 〕
dat'i date (dat'i)
〔 "dat" -infinitive 〕
dati (dat'i)
dat'i to date (dat'i)
debat'i debate (debat'i)
〔 "debat" -infinitive / "deb" -infinitive -happening / of- "bat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "deb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
debati (debat'i)
demokrat'i to act democratically
〔 "demokrat" -infinitive / "demokr" -infinitive -happening / "demok" -infinitive -happening -head / "dem" -infinitive -happening -head -false / of- "mok" -infinitive -happening -head / of- "mokr" -infinitive -happening / of- "mok" -infinitive -happening -head / of- "mokrat" -infinitive / of- "mokr" -infinitive -happening / of- "mok" -infinitive -happening -head 〕 〔 "demokr" -infinitive -present_passive / "demok" -infinitive -present_passive -head / "dem" -infinitive -present_passive -head -false / of- "mok" -infinitive -present_passive -head / of- "mokr" -infinitive -present_passive / of- "mok" -infinitive -present_passive -head 〕
dev'ax bat'i must strike
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "bat" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax cat'i must like
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "cat" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax malsat'i must starve
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "malsat" -infinitive / "mals" -infinitive -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mals" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
dev'ax platc'i must please
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "platc" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax plats'i must place
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "plats" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix bat'i needed to strike
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "bat" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix cat'i needed to like
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "cat" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix malsat'i needed to starve
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "malsat" -infinitive / "mals" -infinitive -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mals" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
dev'ix platc'i needed to please
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "platc" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix plats'i needed to place
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "plats" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox bat'i will need to strike
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "bat" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox cat'i will need to like
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "cat" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox malsat'i will need to starve
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "malsat" -infinitive / "mals" -infinitive -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mals" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
dev'ox platc'i will need to please
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "platc" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox plats'i will need to place
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "plats" -infinitive 〕
dilat'i expand (expand'i)
〔 "dilat" -infinitive / "dil" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "dil" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
dilati (dilat'i)
disbat'i batter (bat'i)
〔 "disbat" -infinitive / "disb" -infinitive -happening / scatter- "bat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "disb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
disbati (disbat'i)
disbat'i crush (cruc'i) disbati (disbat'i)
donats'i donate (donat'i)
〔 "donats" -infinitive / gift- "ats" -infinitive 〕
donaci (donac'i)
donats'i to bestow (bes'i)
donats'i to donate (donat'i)
drat'i wire (wir'i)
〔 "drat" -infinitive 〕
drati (drat'i)
duplikat'i duplicate (duplicat'i)
〔 two- "plikat" -infinitive / two- "plik" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "duplikat" -infinitive / "duplik" -infinitive -happening / "dupl" -infinitive -happening -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "duplik" -infinitive -present_passive / "dupl" -infinitive -present_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
duplikati (duplikat'i)
ekbat'i hit (hit'i)
〔 "ekbat" -infinitive / "ekb" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "ekb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
ekbati (ekbat'i)
ekgrat'i graze (graz'i)
〔 "ekgrat" -infinitive / "ekgr" -infinitive -happening / "ekg" -infinitive -happening -head 〕 〔 "ekgr" -infinitive -present_passive / "ekg" -infinitive -present_passive -head 〕
ekgrati (ekgrat'i)
ekspluat'i exploit (exploit'i)
〔 "ekspluat" -infinitive / "eksplu" -infinitive -happening / outside- "plu" -infinitive -happening / outside- "pluat" -infinitive / outside- "plu" -infinitive -happening / outside- additional- "at" -infinitive 〕 〔 "eksplu" -infinitive -present_passive / outside- "plu" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
ekspluati (ekspluat'i)
ekspluat'i leverage (leverag'i) ekspluati (ekspluat'i)
ekspluat'i to exploit (exploit'i) ekspluati (ekspluat'i)
elflat'i coax (coax'i)
〔 "elflat" -infinitive / "elfl" -infinitive -happening / out_of- "flat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "elfl" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
elflati (elflat'i)
em'ax atc'i tends to bad
〔 "em" -present /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
em'ax atc'i tends to do wrong
em'ix atc'i tended to bad
〔 "em" -past /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
em'ix atc'i tended to do wrong
em'ox atc'i will tend to bad
〔 "em" -future /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
em'ox atc'i will tend to do wrong
em'ux atc'i would tend to bad
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
em'ux atc'i would tend to do wrong
enbat'i drive (driv'i)
〔 "enbat" -infinitive / "enb" -infinitive -happening / in- "bat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "enb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
enbati (enbat'i)
enspats'i embrace (embrac'i)
〔 "enspats" -infinitive / in- "spats" -infinitive 〕
enspaci (ens'i)
fats'i face (fac'i)
〔 "fats" -infinitive 〕
faci (fac'i)
flat'i flatter (flat'i)
〔 "flat" -infinitive 〕
flati (flat'i)
flat'i to flatter (flat'i) flati (flat'i)
forbat'i knock (knok'i)
〔 "forbat" -infinitive / "forb" -infinitive -happening / away- "bat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "forb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
forbati (forbat'i)
format'i to format (format'i)
〔 "format" -infinitive / "form" -infinitive -happening / away- "mat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "form" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
grat'i scratch (scrat'i)
〔 "grat" -infinitive 〕
grati (grat'i)
grat'i to scratch (scrat'i) grati (grat'i)
grimats'i grimace (grimac'i)
〔 "grimats" -infinitive 〕
grimaci (grimac'i)
gvat'i observe (observ'i)
〔 "gvat" -infinitive 〕
gvati (gvat'i)
gvat'i to watch (wat'i) gvati (gvat'i)
imitatc'i mock (mok'i)
〔 some- "mitatc" -infinitive / some- "mit" -infinitive -bad / some- first_person- "tatc" -infinitive 〕 〔 "imitatc" -infinitive / "imit" -infinitive -bad / "im" -infinitive -bad -done 〕
imitaĉi (imitatc'i)
initsiat'i initiate (initiat'i)
〔 some- "nitsiat" -infinitive / some- "nitsi" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "initsiat" -infinitive / "initsi" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsiat" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "initsi" -infinitive -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
iniciati (iniciat'i)
initsiat'i pioneer (pioner'i) iniciati (iniciat'i)
initsiat'i to start (start'i)
interilat'i to interrelate (interilat'i)
〔 some- "nterilat" -infinitive / some- "nteril" -infinitive -happening / some- "nter" -infinitive -happening -tool / some- "nte" -infinitive -happening -tool -head 〕 〔 "interilat" -infinitive / "interil" -infinitive -happening / "inter" -infinitive -happening -tool / "inte" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / "in" -infinitive -happening -tool -relational / "int" -infinitive -happening -tool -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "teril" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / between- "il" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terilat" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "teril" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / between- "ilat" -infinitive / between- "il" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "interil" -infinitive -present_passive / "inter" -infinitive -present_passive -tool / "inte" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / "in" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -relational / "int" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "teril" -infinitive -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / between- "il" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
interilati (interilat'i)
interlatc'i to interlace (interlac'i)
〔 some- "nterlatc" -infinitive / some- "nterl" -infinitive -bad 〕 〔 "interlatc" -infinitive / "interl" -infinitive -bad / not_on_the_outside- "terl" -infinitive -bad / not_on_the_outside- "terlatc" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "terl" -infinitive -bad / between- "latc" -infinitive 〕
interlaĉi (interlatc'i)
interrilat'i to interact (interrilat'i)
〔 some- "nterrilat" -infinitive / some- "nterril" -infinitive -happening / some- "nterr" -infinitive -happening -tool / some- "nter" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / some- "nte" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -head 〕 〔 "interrilat" -infinitive / "interril" -infinitive -happening / "interr" -infinitive -happening -tool / "inter" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / "inte" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -head / "in" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -relational / "int" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -infinitive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -infinitive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -head / between- "ril" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terrilat" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -infinitive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -infinitive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -happening -tool -head -head / between- "rilat" -infinitive / between- "ril" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "interril" -infinitive -present_passive / "interr" -infinitive -present_passive -tool / "inter" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / "inte" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head -head / "in" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head -relational / "int" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -infinitive -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -infinitive -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -infinitive -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -infinitive -present_passive -tool -head -head / between- "ril" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
interrilati (interrilat'i)
interrilat'i to relate (interrilat'i) interrilati (interrilat'i)
kandidat'i to apply (aply'i)
〔 "kandidat" -infinitive / "kandid" -infinitive -happening / "kand" -infinitive -happening -next_generation 〕 〔 "kandid" -infinitive -present_passive / "kand" -infinitive -present_passive -next_generation 〕
kandidati (kandidat'i)
kapitulats'i to capitulate (capitulat'i)
〔 "kapitulats" -infinitive 〕
kapitulaci (kapitulac'i)
kapitulats'i to sell out kapitulaci (kapitulac'i)
kapitulats'i to surrender (surender'i) kapitulaci (kapitulac'i)
klatc'i to gossip (gosip'i)
〔 "klatc" -infinitive 〕
klaĉi (klatc'i)
klatc'i to tattle (tatl'i) klaĉi (klatc'i)
kompat'i to pity (pit'i)
〔 "kompat" -infinitive / "komp" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "komp" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
kompati (kompat'i)
kompat'i to sympathise (sympaxis'i) kompati (kompat'i)
kompat'i to sympathize (sympaxiz'i) kompati (kompat'i)
konstat'i to ascertain (ascert'i)
〔 "konstat" -infinitive / "konst" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "konst" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
konstati (konstat'i)
konstat'i to state (stat'i) konstati (konstat'i)
krakmatc'i to crunch (cruntc'i)
〔 "krakmatc" -infinitive / "krakm" -infinitive -bad 〕
krakmaĉi (krakmatc'i)
kratc'i to spit (spit'i)
〔 "kratc" -infinitive 〕
kraĉi (kratc'i)
kud'ax atc'i could be bad
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
kud'ax atc'i could do wrong
kurats'i to cure (cur'i)
〔 "kurats" -infinitive 〕
kuraci (kurac'i)
kurats'i to remedy (remedy'i) kuraci (kurac'i)
kurats'i to treat medically kuraci (kurac'i)
kvadrat'i to square (squar'i)
〔 "kvadrat" -infinitive / "kvadr" -infinitive -happening / "kvad" -infinitive -happening -head 〕 〔 "kvadr" -infinitive -present_passive / "kvad" -infinitive -present_passive -head 〕
kvadrati (kvadrat'i)
latc'i to lace (lac'i)
〔 "latc" -infinitive 〕
laĉi (latc'i)
latc'i to string (string'i) laĉi (latc'i)
malcat'i to dislike (dislik'i)
〔 "malcat" -infinitive / "malc" -infinitive -happening / opposite_of- "cat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "malc" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
malŝati (malcat'i)
malcat'i to disregard (disregard'i) malŝati (malcat'i)
malcat'i to scorn (scorn'i) malŝati (malcat'i)
malsat'i to be hungry
〔 "malsat" -infinitive / "mals" -infinitive -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mals" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
malsati (malsat'i)
malsat'i to hunger (hunger'i)
malsat'i to starve (starve'i) malsati (malsat'i)
matc'i to chew (tcew'i)
〔 "matc" -infinitive 〕
maĉi (matc'i)
matc'i to munch (muntc'i) maĉi (matc'i)
minats'i to loom (lum'i)
〔 "minats" -infinitive / first_person- "nats" -infinitive 〕
minaci (minac'i)
minats'i to risk (ris'i) minaci (minac'i)
minats'i to threaten (xreat'i) minaci (minac'i)
nomatc'i to dismiss (dismis'i)
〔 "nomatc" -infinitive / "nom" -infinitive -bad 〕
nomaĉi (nomatc'i)
parolatc'i to jabber (parolatc'i)
〔 "parolatc" -infinitive / "parol" -infinitive -bad / "par" -infinitive -bad -compared_to / "pa" -infinitive -bad -compared_to -head 〕
parolaĉi (parolatc'i)
perflat'i to coax (coax'i)
〔 "perflat" -infinitive / "perfl" -infinitive -happening / with- "flat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "perfl" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
perflati (perflat'i)
piedbat'i to kick (kik'i)
〔 "piedbat" -infinitive / "piedb" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "piedb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
piedbati (piedbat'i)
pirat'i to pirate (pirat'i)
〔 "pirat" -infinitive / "pir" -infinitive -happening / "pi" -infinitive -happening -head 〕 〔 "pir" -infinitive -present_passive / "pi" -infinitive -present_passive -head 〕
pirati (pirat'i)
platc'i pleasure (pleas'i)
〔 "platc" -infinitive 〕
platc'i to be pleasing plaĉi (platc'i)
platc'i to please (pleas'i) plaĉi (platc'i)
platc'i to please (pleas'i) plaĉi (platc'i)
plats'i to place (plac'i)
〔 "plats" -infinitive 〕
plendatc'i to whine (hwin'i)
〔 "plendatc" -infinitive / "plend" -infinitive -bad 〕
plendaĉi (plendatc'i)
pov'ax atc'i can bad
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
pov'ax atc'i can do wrong
pov'ix atc'i was able to bad
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix atc'i was able to do wrong
pov'ox atc'i will be able to bad
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox atc'i will be able to do wrong
pugnobat'i to sock (sok'i)
〔 "pugnobat" -infinitive / "pugnob" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "pugnob" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
pugnobati (pugnobat'i)
rabat'i to discount (discunt'i)
〔 "rabat" -infinitive / "rab" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "rab" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
rabati (rabat'i)
rabat'i to recess (reces'i) rabati (rabat'i)
rampatc'i to cringe (cring'i)
〔 "rampatc" -infinitive / "ramp" -infinitive -bad 〕
rampaĉi (rampatc'i)
rampatc'i to fawn (fawn'i) rampaĉi (rampatc'i)
rampatc'i to grovel (grovel'i) rampaĉi (rampatc'i)
rebat'i to counter (cunt'i)
〔 "rebat" -infinitive / "reb" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "reb" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
rebati (rebat'i)
rebat'i to rebut (rebut'i) rebati (rebat'i)
rebat'i to retaliate (retaliat'i) rebati (rebat'i)
rebat'i to retort (retort'i) rebati (rebat'i)
rekandidat'i to reapply (reaply'i)
〔 "rekandidat" -infinitive / "rekandid" -infinitive -happening / "rekand" -infinitive -happening -next_generation / "rek" -infinitive -happening -next_generation -valuable 〕 〔 "rekandid" -infinitive -present_passive / "rekand" -infinitive -present_passive -next_generation / "rek" -infinitive -present_passive -next_generation -valuable 〕
rekandidati (rekandidat'i)
rematc'i to rehash (rehac'i)
〔 "rematc" -infinitive / "rem" -infinitive -bad 〕
remaĉi (rematc'i)
retrat'i to withdraw (wixdraw'i)
〔 "retrat" -infinitive / "retr" -infinitive -happening / "ret" -infinitive -happening -head 〕 〔 "retr" -infinitive -present_passive / "ret" -infinitive -present_passive -head 〕
retrati (retrat'i)
ridatc'i to smirk (smirk'i)
〔 "ridatc" -infinitive / "rid" -infinitive -bad 〕
ridaĉi (ridatc'i)
rigardatc'i to gape (gap'i)
〔 "rigardatc" -infinitive / "rigard" -infinitive -bad 〕
rigardaĉi (rigardatc'i)
rilat'i to relate (relat'i)
〔 "rilat" -infinitive / "ril" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "ril" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
rilati (rilat'i)
sabrobat'i to slash (slac'i)
〔 "sabrobat" -infinitive / "sabrob" -infinitive -happening 〕 〔 "sabrob" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
sabrobati (sabrobat'i)
skribatc'i to scribble (skribatc'i)
〔 "skribatc" -infinitive / "skrib" -infinitive -bad 〕
skribaĉi (skribatc'i)
surfats'i to surface (surfac'i)
〔 "surfats" -infinitive / on- "fats" -infinitive 〕
surfaci (surfac'i)
〔 "svat" -infinitive 〕
svati (svat'i)
trabat'i to blow (blow'i)
〔 "trabat" -infinitive / "trab" -infinitive -happening / through- "bat" -infinitive 〕 〔 "trab" -infinitive -present_passive 〕
trabati (trabat'i)
trat'i to draw (draw'i)
〔 "trat" -infinitive 〕
trati (trat'i)
ungograt'i to scratch (scrat'i)
〔 "ungograt" -infinitive / "ungogr" -infinitive -happening / "ungog" -infinitive -happening -head / "ung" -infinitive -happening -head -construct 〕 〔 "ungogr" -infinitive -present_passive / "ungog" -infinitive -present_passive -head / "ung" -infinitive -present_passive -head -construct 〕
ungograti (ungograt'i)
universitat'i to attend eniversitiy
〔 "universitat" -infinitive / "universit" -infinitive -happening / "univers" -infinitive -happening -done 〕 〔 "universit" -infinitive -present_passive / "univers" -infinitive -present_passive -done 〕
vadatc'i to waddle (wadl'i)
〔 "vadatc" -infinitive / "vad" -infinitive -bad 〕
vadaĉi (vadatc'i)
vol'ax atc'i want to bad
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
vol'ax atc'i want to do wrong
vol'int atc'i had been wanting to bad
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
vol'int atc'i had been wanting to do wrong
vol'ix atc'i wanted to bad
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix atc'i wanted to do wrong
vol'ont atc'i will be wanting to bad
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont atc'i will be wanting to do wrong
vol'ox atc'i will want to bad
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox atc'i will want to do wrong
vol'unt atc'i would be wanting to bad
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt atc'i would be wanting to do wrong
wil'ax atc'i will be bad
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax atc'i will do wrong
wud'ax atc'i would be bad
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "atc" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax atc'i would do wrong
abat'o abbot (abot'o)
〔 "abat" -substantive / "ab" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "ab" -substantive -present_passive 〕
abato (abat'o)
admiralitat'o admiralty (admiralt'o)
〔 "admiralitat" -substantive / "admiralit" -substantive -happening / "admiral" -substantive -happening -done / "admir" -substantive -happening -done -reason / "admi" -substantive -happening -done -reason -head / "adm" -substantive -happening -done -reason -opportunity 〕 〔 "admiralit" -substantive -present_passive / "admiral" -substantive -present_passive -done / "admir" -substantive -present_passive -done -reason / "admi" -substantive -present_passive -done -reason -head / "adm" -substantive -present_passive -done -reason -opportunity 〕
admiralitato (admiralitat'o)
adresat'o addressee (adres'o)
〔 "adresat" -substantive / "adres" -substantive -happening / "adr" -substantive -happening -owner / "ad" -substantive -happening -owner -head 〕 〔 "adres" -substantive -present_passive / "adr" -substantive -present_passive -owner / "ad" -substantive -present_passive -owner -head 〕
adresato (adresat'o)
advokat'o advocate (at'o)
〔 "advokat" -substantive / "advok" -substantive -happening / "adv" -substantive -happening -false 〕 〔 "advok" -substantive -present_passive / "adv" -substantive -present_passive -false 〕
advokat'o attorney (at'o) advokato (advokat'o)
advokat'o lawyer (lawyer'o) advokato (advokat'o)
aerospats'o aerospace (aeros'o)
〔 "aerospats" -substantive 〕
aerospaco (aeros'o)
aerostat'o balloon (balun'o)
〔 "aerostat" -substantive / "aerost" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "aerost" -substantive -present_passive 〕
aerostato (aerostat'o)
agats'o aggravation (agravat'o)
〔 "agats" -substantive 〕
agaco (agac'o)
agregat'o aggregate (agregat'o)
〔 "agregat" -substantive / "agreg" -substantive -happening / "agr" -substantive -happening -extreme / "ag" -substantive -happening -extreme -head 〕 〔 "agreg" -substantive -present_passive / "agr" -substantive -present_passive -extreme / "ag" -substantive -present_passive -extreme -head 〕
agregato (agregat'o)
akrobat'o acrobat (acrobat'o)
〔 "akrobat" -substantive / "akrob" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "akrob" -substantive -present_passive 〕
akrobato (akrobat'o)
amat'o love (lov'o)
〔 "amat" -substantive / "am" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "am" -substantive -present_passive 〕
amato (amat'o)
amat'o loved (lov'o)
amfiteatr'o amphitheater (amfixeater'o)
〔 "amfiteatr" -substantive / "amfiteat" -substantive -head / "amfite" -substantive -head -happening 〕
amfiteatro (amfiteatr'o)
amfiteatr'o amphitheatre (amfixeatr'o) amfiteatro (amfiteatr'o)
animstat'o morale (moral'o)
〔 "animstat" -substantive / "animst" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "animst" -substantive -present_passive 〕
animstato (animstat'o)
anstat'o relief (anstat'o)
〔 "anstat" -substantive / "anst" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "anst" -substantive -present_passive 〕
anstataŭo (anstat'o)
aparat'o apparatus (aparat'o)
〔 "aparat" -substantive / "apar" -substantive -happening / "apa" -substantive -happening -head / "ap" -substantive -happening -collection 〕 〔 "apar" -substantive -present_passive / "apa" -substantive -present_passive -head / "ap" -substantive -present_passive -collection 〕
aparato (aparat'o)
aparat'o appliance (aplianc'o) aparato (aparat'o)
aparat'o device (devic'o) aparato (aparat'o)
aparat'o gadget (gadget'o) aparato (aparat'o)
aparat'o gizmo (gizm'o) aparato (aparat'o)
apatc'o gangster (gangster'o)
〔 "apatc" -substantive / "ap" -substantive -bad 〕
apaĉo (apatc'o)
aristokrat'o aristocrat (aristocrat'o)
〔 "aristokrat" -substantive / "aristokr" -substantive -happening / "aristok" -substantive -happening -head / "arist" -substantive -happening -head -false 〕 〔 "aristokr" -substantive -present_passive / "aristok" -substantive -present_passive -head / "arist" -substantive -present_passive -head -false 〕
aristokrato (aristokrat'o)
asekurat'o policyholder (policyholder'o)
〔 "asekurat" -substantive / "asekur" -substantive -happening / "aseku" -substantive -happening -head / "asek" -substantive -happening -cost / "as" -substantive -happening -cost -starting 〕 〔 "asekur" -substantive -present_passive / "aseku" -substantive -present_passive -head / "asek" -substantive -present_passive -cost / "as" -substantive -present_passive -cost -starting 〕
asekurato (asekurat'o)
asistat'o beneficiary (beneficiary'o)
〔 "asistat" -substantive / "asist" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "asist" -substantive -present_passive 〕
asistato (asistat'o)
atc'o a bad thing
〔 "atc" -substantive 〕
avenkatc'o porridge (poridg'o)
〔 "avenkatc" -substantive / "avenk" -substantive -bad 〕
avenkaĉo (avenkatc'o)
awdats'o audacity (audacity'o)
〔 "awdats" -substantive 〕
aŭdaco (awdac'o)
awtokrat'o autocrat (autocrat'o)
〔 "awtokrat" -substantive / "awtokr" -substantive -happening / "awtok" -substantive -happening -head / "awt" -substantive -happening -head -false 〕 〔 "awtokr" -substantive -present_passive / "awtok" -substantive -present_passive -head / "awt" -substantive -present_passive -head -false 〕
aŭtokrato (awtokrat'o)
awtomat'o automaton (automat'o)
〔 "awtomat" -substantive / "awtom" -substantive -happening / "awt" -substantive -happening -degree 〕 〔 "awtom" -substantive -present_passive / "awt" -substantive -present_passive -degree 〕
aŭtomato (awtomat'o)
awtoritat'o authority (auxorit'o)
〔 "awtoritat" -substantive / "awtorit" -substantive -happening / "awtor" -substantive -happening -done / "awto" -substantive -happening -done -head / "awt" -substantive -happening -done -value 〕 〔 "awtorit" -substantive -present_passive / "awtor" -substantive -present_passive -done / "awto" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / "awt" -substantive -present_passive -done -value 〕
aŭtoritato (awtoritat'o)
awtostrat'o highway (hiqway'o)
〔 "awtostrat" -substantive / "awtostr" -substantive -happening / "awt" -substantive -happening -will_lead / "awtost" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "awtostr" -substantive -present_passive / "awt" -substantive -present_passive -will_lead / "awtost" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
aŭtostrato (awtostrat'o)
bandatc'o gang (gang'o)
〔 "bandatc" -substantive / "band" -substantive -bad 〕
bandaĉo (bandatc'o)
bapto-patr'o godfather (godfaxer'o)
〔 "bapto-patr" -substantive / "bapto-pat" -substantive -head / "bapto-p" -substantive -head -happening 〕
bapto-patro (bapto-patr'o)
baptopatr'o godfather (godfaxer'o)
〔 "baptopatr" -substantive / "baptopat" -substantive -head / "baptop" -substantive -head -happening / "bapt" -substantive -head -happening -in_a_group 〕
baptopatro (baptopatr'o)
bat'o blow (blow'o)
〔 "bat" -substantive 〕
bato (bat'o)
bekbat'o peck (pek'o)
〔 "bekbat" -substantive / "bekb" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "bekb" -substantive -present_passive 〕
bekbato (bekbat'o)
blat'o chip (tcip'o)
〔 "blat" -substantive 〕
blato (blat'o)
blat'o cockroach (cokroat'o) blato (blat'o)
boat'o boat (boat'o)
〔 "boat" -substantive / "bo" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "bo" -substantive -present_passive 〕
boato (boat'o)
bonstat'o prosperity (prosperit'o)
〔 "bonstat" -substantive / "bonst" -substantive -happening / good- "stat" -substantive 〕 〔 "bonst" -substantive -present_passive 〕
bonstato (bonstat'o)
bravulatc'o bully (buly'o)
〔 "bravulatc" -substantive / "bravul" -substantive -bad / "brav" -substantive -bad -person 〕
bravulaĉo (bravulatc'o)
bruatc'o row (row'o)
〔 "bruatc" -substantive / "bru" -substantive -bad 〕
bruaĉo (bruatc'o)
bubatc'o brat (brat'o)
〔 "bubatc" -substantive / "bub" -substantive -bad 〕
bubaĉo (bubatc'o)
burokrat'o bureaucrat (bureaucrat'o)
〔 "burokrat" -substantive / "burokr" -substantive -happening / "burok" -substantive -happening -head / "bur" -substantive -happening -head -false / "bu" -substantive -happening -head -false -head 〕 〔 "burokr" -substantive -present_passive / "burok" -substantive -present_passive -head / "bur" -substantive -present_passive -head -false / "bu" -substantive -present_passive -head -false -head 〕
burokrato (burokrat'o)
cat'o taste (tast'o)
〔 "cat" -substantive 〕
ŝato (cat'o)
cmats'o kiss (kis'o)
〔 "cmats" -substantive 〕
ŝmaco (cmac'o)
ctat'o state (stat'o)
〔 "ctat" -substantive 〕
ŝtato (ctat'o)
culatc'o shoelace (coelac'o)
〔 "culatc" -substantive / "cul" -substantive -bad 〕
ŝulaĉo (culatc'o)
culdat'o creditor (credit'o)
〔 "culdat" -substantive / "culd" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "culd" -substantive -present_passive 〕
ŝuldato (culdat'o)
dat'o date (dat'o)
〔 "dat" -substantive 〕
dato (dat'o)
debat'o debate (debat'o)
〔 "debat" -substantive / "deb" -substantive -happening / of- "bat" -substantive 〕 〔 "deb" -substantive -present_passive 〕
debato (debat'o)
demokrat'o democrat (democrat'o)
〔 "demokrat" -substantive / "demokr" -substantive -happening / "demok" -substantive -happening -head / "dem" -substantive -happening -head -false / of- "mok" -substantive -happening -head / of- "mokr" -substantive -happening / of- "mok" -substantive -happening -head / of- "mokrat" -substantive / of- "mokr" -substantive -happening / of- "mok" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "demokr" -substantive -present_passive / "demok" -substantive -present_passive -head / "dem" -substantive -present_passive -head -false / of- "mok" -substantive -present_passive -head / of- "mokr" -substantive -present_passive / of- "mok" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
demokrato (demokrat'o)
dilat'o expansion (expansion'o)
〔 "dilat" -substantive / "dil" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "dil" -substantive -present_passive 〕
dilato (dilat'o)
diplomat'o diplomat (diplomat'o)
〔 "diplomat" -substantive / "diplom" -substantive -happening / "dipl" -substantive -happening -degree 〕 〔 "diplom" -substantive -present_passive / "dipl" -substantive -present_passive -degree 〕
diplomato (diplomat'o)
donats'o donation (donat'o)
〔 "donats" -substantive / gift- "ats" -substantive 〕
donaco (donac'o)
donats'o gift (gift'o) donaco (donac'o)
donats'o present (pres'o) donaco (donac'o)
drat'o wire (wir'o)
〔 "drat" -substantive 〕
drato (drat'o)
duonmonat'o fortnight (fortniqt'o)
〔 two- "onmonat" -substantive / two- "onmon" -substantive -happening / two- "onm" -substantive -happening -part 〕 〔 "duonmonat" -substantive / "duonmon" -substantive -happening / "duonm" -substantive -happening -part 〕 〔 "duonmon" -substantive -present_passive / "duonm" -substantive -present_passive -part 〕
duonmonato (duonmonat'o)
duplikat'o duplicate (duplicat'o)
〔 two- "plikat" -substantive / two- "plik" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "duplikat" -substantive / "duplik" -substantive -happening / "dupl" -substantive -happening -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "duplik" -substantive -present_passive / "dupl" -substantive -present_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
duplikato (duplikat'o)
ekbat'o hit (hit'o)
〔 "ekbat" -substantive / "ekb" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "ekb" -substantive -present_passive 〕
ekbato (ekbat'o)
ekspluat'o exploitation (exploit'o)
〔 "ekspluat" -substantive / "eksplu" -substantive -happening / outside- "plu" -substantive -happening / outside- "pluat" -substantive / outside- "plu" -substantive -happening / outside- additional- "at" -substantive 〕 〔 "eksplu" -substantive -present_passive / outside- "plu" -substantive -present_passive 〕
ekspluato (ekspluat'o)
erinats'o hedgehog (hedgehog'o)
〔 "erinats" -substantive 〕
erinaco (erinac'o)
etat'o list (list'o)
〔 "etat" -substantive / "et" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "et" -substantive -present_passive 〕
etato (etat'o)
etat'o muster (must'o) etato (etat'o)
etat'o payroll (payrol'o) etato (etat'o)
fakultat'o faculty (cul'o)
〔 "fakultat" -substantive / "fakult" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "fakult" -substantive -present_passive 〕
fakultato (fakultat'o)
fakultat'o school (cul'o) fakultato (fakultat'o)
fandodrat'o fuse (fus'o)
〔 "fandodrat" -substantive / "fandodr" -substantive -happening / "fandod" -substantive -happening -head / "fand" -substantive -happening -head -previous_generation 〕 〔 "fandodr" -substantive -present_passive / "fandod" -substantive -present_passive -head / "fand" -substantive -present_passive -head -previous_generation 〕
fandodrato (fandodrat'o)
fats'o face (fac'o)
〔 "fats" -substantive 〕
faco (fac'o)
favorat'o protege (prot'o)
〔 "favorat" -substantive / "favor" -substantive -happening / "favo" -substantive -happening -head / "fav" -substantive -happening -value 〕 〔 "favor" -substantive -present_passive / "favo" -substantive -present_passive -head / "fav" -substantive -present_passive -value 〕
favorato (favorat'o)
femfrat'o sister (sist'o)
〔 "femfrat" -substantive / "femfr" -substantive -happening / "femf" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "femfr" -substantive -present_passive / "femf" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
fratino (frat'o)
ferdrat'o wire (wir'o)
〔 "ferdrat" -substantive / "ferdr" -substantive -happening / "ferd" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "ferdr" -substantive -present_passive / "ferd" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
ferdrato (ferdrat'o)
fieratc'o conceit (conc'o)
〔 "fieratc" -substantive / "fier" -substantive -bad / "fie" -substantive -bad -head / "fi" -substantive -bad -element 〕
fieraĉo (fieratc'o)
flat'o flattery (flat'o)
〔 "flat" -substantive 〕
flato (flat'o)
forbat'o destruction (destruct'o)
〔 "forbat" -substantive / "forb" -substantive -happening / away- "bat" -substantive 〕 〔 "forb" -substantive -present_passive 〕
forbato (forbat'o)
format'o format (format'o)
〔 "format" -substantive / "form" -substantive -happening / away- "mat" -substantive 〕 〔 "form" -substantive -present_passive 〕
formato (format'o)
fosfat'o phosphate (fosfat'o)
〔 "fosfat" -substantive / "fosf" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "fosf" -substantive -present_passive 〕
fosfato (fosfat'o)
frat'o brother (broxer'o)
〔 "frat" -substantive 〕
frato (frat'o)
frat'o friar (friar'o) frato (frat'o)
frat'o sibling (sibling'o) frato (frat'o)
fregat'o frigate (frigat'o)
〔 "fregat" -substantive / "freg" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "freg" -substantive -present_passive 〕
fregato (fregat'o)
gagat'o jet (jet'o)
〔 "gagat" -substantive / "gag" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "gag" -substantive -present_passive 〕
gagato (gagat'o)
gepatr'o parent (par'o)
〔 "gepatr" -substantive / "gepat" -substantive -head / "gep" -substantive -head -happening 〕
gepatro (gepatr'o)
geriatr'o geriatrist (geriatr'o)
〔 "geriatr" -substantive / "geriat" -substantive -head / "geri" -substantive -head -happening 〕
geriatro (geriatr'o)
glats'o window (window'o)
〔 "glats" -substantive 〕
glaco (glac'o)
golyat'o goliath (goliax'o)
〔 "golyat" -substantive / "goly" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "goly" -substantive -present_passive 〕
goljato (goljat'o)
granat'o grenade (grenad'o)
〔 "granat" -substantive / "gran" -substantive -happening / canceled- "nat" -substantive 〕 〔 "gran" -substantive -present_passive 〕
granato (granat'o)
granat'o pomegranate (pomegranat'o) granato (granat'o)
grats'o grace (grac'o)
〔 "grats" -substantive 〕
graco (grac'o)
grimats'o grimace (grimac'o)
〔 "grimats" -substantive 〕
grimaco (grimac'o)
guvernat'o pupil (pupil'o)
〔 "guvernat" -substantive / "guvern" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "guvern" -substantive -present_passive 〕
guvernato (guvernat'o)
gvat'o watch (wat'o)
〔 "gvat" -substantive 〕
gvato (gvat'o)
hepat'o liver (liver'o)
〔 "hepat" -substantive / "hep" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "hep" -substantive -present_passive 〕
hepato (hepat'o)
herbatc'o weed (wed'o)
〔 "herbatc" -substantive / "herb" -substantive -bad 〕
herbaĉo (herbatc'o)
hidrat'o hydrate (hydrat'o)
〔 "hidrat" -substantive / "hidr" -substantive -happening / "hid" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "hidr" -substantive -present_passive / "hid" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
hidrato (hidrat'o)
homatc'o creature (homatc'o)
〔 "homatc" -substantive / "hom" -substantive -bad 〕
homaĉo (homatc'o)
inatc'o bitch (inatc'o)
〔 some- "natc" -substantive 〕 〔 "inatc" -substantive / "in" -substantive -bad / not_on_the_outside- "atc" -substantive 〕
inaĉo (inatc'o)
initsiat'o inception (incept'o)
〔 some- "nitsiat" -substantive / some- "nitsi" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "initsiat" -substantive / "initsi" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsiat" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "initsi" -substantive -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -substantive -present_passive 〕
iniciato (iniciat'o)
initsiat'o initiation (initiat'o) iniciato (iniciat'o)
initsiat'o initiative (initiat'o) iniciato (iniciat'o)
interesat'o constituency (interesat'o)
〔 some- "nteresat" -substantive / some- "nteres" -substantive -happening / some- "nter" -substantive -happening -owner / some- "nte" -substantive -happening -owner -head 〕 〔 "interesat" -substantive / "interes" -substantive -happening / "inter" -substantive -happening -owner / "inte" -substantive -happening -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -owner -head / "in" -substantive -happening -owner -relational / "int" -substantive -happening -owner -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -happening -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "teres" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -happening -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -owner -head / between- "es" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "teresat" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "teres" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -happening -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -owner -head / between- "esat" -substantive / between- "es" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "interes" -substantive -present_passive / "inter" -substantive -present_passive -owner / "inte" -substantive -present_passive -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -present_passive -owner -head / "in" -substantive -present_passive -owner -relational / "int" -substantive -present_passive -owner -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -present_passive -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -present_passive -owner -head / not_on_the_outside- "teres" -substantive -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -present_passive -owner / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -present_passive -owner -head / between- "es" -substantive -present_passive 〕
interesato (interesat'o)
interfats'o interface (interfac'o)
〔 some- "nterfats" -substantive 〕 〔 "interfats" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "terfats" -substantive / between- "fats" -substantive 〕
interfaco (interfac'o)
interpats'o armistice (armis'o)
〔 some- "nterpats" -substantive 〕 〔 "interpats" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "terpats" -substantive / between- "pats" -substantive 〕
interpaco (interpac'o)
interrilat'o interrelationship (interrilat'o)
〔 some- "nterrilat" -substantive / some- "nterril" -substantive -happening / some- "nterr" -substantive -happening -tool / some- "nter" -substantive -happening -tool -head / some- "nte" -substantive -happening -tool -head -head 〕 〔 "interrilat" -substantive / "interril" -substantive -happening / "interr" -substantive -happening -tool / "inter" -substantive -happening -tool -head / "inte" -substantive -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -tool -head -head / "in" -substantive -happening -tool -head -relational / "int" -substantive -happening -tool -head -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -substantive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -substantive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -tool -head -head / between- "ril" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terrilat" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -substantive -happening / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -substantive -happening -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -happening -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -happening -tool -head -head / between- "rilat" -substantive / between- "ril" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "interril" -substantive -present_passive / "interr" -substantive -present_passive -tool / "inter" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head / "inte" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head -head / "in" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head -relational / "int" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head -element / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -substantive -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head -head / not_on_the_outside- "terril" -substantive -present_passive / not_on_the_outside- "terr" -substantive -present_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "ter" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head / not_on_the_outside- "te" -substantive -present_passive -tool -head -head / between- "ril" -substantive -present_passive 〕
interrilato (interrilat'o)
interrilat'o relationship (interrilat'o) interrilato (interrilat'o)
interspats'o interval (interval'o)
〔 some- "nterspats" -substantive 〕 〔 "interspats" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "terspats" -substantive / between- "spats" -substantive 〕
interspaco (inters'o)
kalkulaparat'o calculator (calculat'o)
〔 "kalkulaparat" -substantive / "kalkulapar" -substantive -happening / "kalkulapa" -substantive -happening -head / "kalkulap" -substantive -happening -collection / "kalkul" -substantive -happening -collection -apparatus / "kalk" -substantive -happening -collection -apparatus -person 〕 〔 "kalkulapar" -substantive -present_passive / "kalkulapa" -substantive -present_passive -head / "kalkulap" -substantive -present_passive -collection / "kalkul" -substantive -present_passive -collection -apparatus / "kalk" -substantive -present_passive -collection -apparatus -person 〕
kalkulaparato (kalkulaparat'o)
kandidat'o applicant (aplicant'o)
〔 "kandidat" -substantive / "kandid" -substantive -happening / "kand" -substantive -happening -next_generation 〕 〔 "kandid" -substantive -present_passive / "kand" -substantive -present_passive -next_generation 〕
kandidato (kandidat'o)
kandidat'o candidate (candidat'o) kandidato (kandidat'o)
kantat'o cantata (kantat'o)
〔 "kantat" -substantive / "kant" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "kant" -substantive -present_passive 〕
kantato (kantat'o)
kapitulats'o capitulation (capitulat'o)
〔 "kapitulats" -substantive 〕
kapitulaco (kapitulac'o)
kapitulats'o surrender (surender'o) kapitulaco (kapitulac'o)
karbonat'o carbonate (carbonat'o)
〔 "karbonat" -substantive / "karbon" -substantive -happening / "karb" -substantive -happening -part 〕 〔 "karbon" -substantive -present_passive / "karb" -substantive -present_passive -part 〕
karbonato (karbonat'o)
karbonhidrat'o carbohydrate (carbohydrat'o)
〔 "karbonhidrat" -substantive / "karbonhidr" -substantive -happening / "karbonhid" -substantive -happening -head / "karbonh" -substantive -happening -head -next_generation 〕 〔 "karbonhidr" -substantive -present_passive / "karbonhid" -substantive -present_passive -head / "karbonh" -substantive -present_passive -head -next_generation 〕
karbonhidrato (karbonhidrat'o)
karitat'o charity (karitat'o)
〔 "karitat" -substantive / "karit" -substantive -happening / "kar" -substantive -happening -done / "ka" -substantive -happening -done -head 〕 〔 "karit" -substantive -present_passive / "kar" -substantive -present_passive -done / "ka" -substantive -present_passive -done -head 〕
karitato (karitat'o)
kat'o cat (cat'o)
〔 "kat" -substantive 〕
kato (kat'o)
kats'o penis (penis'o)
〔 "kats" -substantive 〕
kaco (kac'o)
kavernatc'o hole (hol'o)
〔 "kavernatc" -substantive / "kavern" -substantive -bad 〕
kavernaĉo (kavernatc'o)
khat'o hut (hut'o)
〔 "khat" -substantive 〕
khato (khat'o)
kilovatt'o kilowatt (kilowat'o)
〔 "kilovatt" -substantive / what- "lovatt" -substantive 〕
kilovatto (kilovat'o)
klatc'o dirt (dirt'o)
〔 "klatc" -substantive 〕
klaĉo (klatc'o)
klatc'o gossip (gosip'o) klaĉo (klatc'o)
klimat'o climate (climat'o)
〔 "klimat" -substantive / "klim" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "klim" -substantive -present_passive 〕
klimato (klimat'o)
klubatc'o joint (joint'o)
〔 "klubatc" -substantive / "klub" -substantive -bad 〕
klubaĉo (klubatc'o)
komat'o coma (com'o)
〔 "komat" -substantive / "kom" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "kom" -substantive -present_passive 〕
komato (komat'o)
komitat'o committee (comit'o)
〔 "komitat" -substantive / "komit" -substantive -happening / "kom" -substantive -happening -done 〕 〔 "komit" -substantive -present_passive / "kom" -substantive -present_passive -done 〕
komitato (komitat'o)
kompat'o compassion (compasion'o)
〔 "kompat" -substantive / "komp" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "komp" -substantive -present_passive 〕
kompato (kompat'o)
kompat'o mercy (mercy'o) kompato (kompat'o)
konat'o familiar (konat'o)
〔 "konat" -substantive / "kon" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "kon" -substantive -present_passive 〕
konato (konat'o)
konstat'o determination (determinat'o)
〔 "konstat" -substantive / "konst" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "konst" -substantive -present_passive 〕
konstato (konstat'o)
kontsernat'o constituency (constit'o)
〔 "kontsernat" -substantive / "kontsern" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "kontsern" -substantive -present_passive 〕
koncernato (koncernat'o)
kontsernat'o protagonist (protagonist'o) koncernato (koncernat'o)
kontsernat'o stakeholder (stakeholder'o) koncernato (koncernat'o)
koordinat'o coordinate (curdinat'o)
〔 "koordinat" -substantive / "koordin" -substantive -happening / "koord" -substantive -happening -grammatical_feminine 〕 〔 "koordin" -substantive -present_passive / "koord" -substantive -present_passive -grammatical_feminine 〕
koordinato (kordinat'o)
koramat'o partner (part'o)
〔 "koramat" -substantive / "koram" -substantive -happening / "kor" -substantive -happening -time / "ko" -substantive -happening -time -head 〕 〔 "koram" -substantive -present_passive / "kor" -substantive -present_passive -time / "ko" -substantive -present_passive -time -head 〕
koramato (koramat'o)
korbat'o beat (beat'o)
〔 "korbat" -substantive / "korb" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "korb" -substantive -present_passive 〕
korbato (korbat'o)
korbat'o heartbeat (beat'o) korbato (korbat'o)
krakmatc'o crunch (cruntc'o)
〔 "krakmatc" -substantive / "krakm" -substantive -bad 〕
krakmaĉo (krakmatc'o)
kratc'o spitting (spit'o)
〔 "kratc" -substantive 〕
kraĉo (kratc'o)
kravat'o necktie (nekt'o)
〔 "kravat" -substantive / "krav" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "krav" -substantive -present_passive 〕
kravato (kravat'o)
kravat'o tie (ti'o) kravato (kravat'o)
kunfrat'o fellow (felow'o)
〔 "kunfrat" -substantive / "kunfr" -substantive -happening / "kunf" -substantive -happening -head / with- "frat" -substantive 〕 〔 "kunfr" -substantive -present_passive / "kunf" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
kunfrato (kunfrat'o)
kurats'o cure (cur'o)
〔 "kurats" -substantive 〕
kuraco (kurac'o)
kuratsat'o patient (patient'o)
〔 "kuratsat" -substantive / "kurats" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "kurats" -substantive -present_passive 〕
kuracato (kuracat'o)
kutimatc'o vice (vic'o)
〔 "kutimatc" -substantive / "kutim" -substantive -bad / "kut" -substantive -bad -idea 〕
kutimaĉo (kutimatc'o)
kvadrat'o square (squar'o)
〔 "kvadrat" -substantive / "kvadr" -substantive -happening / "kvad" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "kvadr" -substantive -present_passive / "kvad" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
kvadrato (kvadrat'o)
laborsindikat'o union (union'o)
〔 "laborsindikat" -substantive / "laborsindik" -substantive -happening / "laborsind" -substantive -happening -reminiscent_of / "labors" -substantive -happening -reminiscent_of -worthy 〕 〔 "laborsindik" -substantive -present_passive / "laborsind" -substantive -present_passive -reminiscent_of / "labors" -substantive -present_passive -reminiscent_of -worthy 〕
laborsindikato (laborsindikat'o)
lat'o ribbon (ribon'o)
〔 "lat" -substantive 〕
lato (lat'o)
lat'o slat (slat'o) lato (lat'o)
latc'o lace (lac'o)
〔 "latc" -substantive 〕
laĉo (latc'o)
lats'o weariness (wearines'o)
〔 "lats" -substantive 〕
lawreat'o laureate (laureat'o)
〔 "lawreat" -substantive / "lawre" -substantive -happening / according_to- "re" -substantive -happening / according_to- "reat" -substantive / according_to- "re" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "lawre" -substantive -present_passive / according_to- "re" -substantive -present_passive 〕
laŭreato (lawreat'o)
lawreat'o winner (winer'o) laŭreato (lawreat'o)
lingvatc'o gibberish (giberic'o)
〔 "lingvatc" -substantive / "lingv" -substantive -bad / third_person- "ngvatc" -substantive 〕
lingvaĉo (lingvatc'o)
magistrat'o municipality (municipal'o)
〔 "magistrat" -substantive / "magistr" -substantive -happening / "mag" -substantive -happening -has_lead / "magist" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "magistr" -substantive -present_passive / "mag" -substantive -present_passive -has_lead / "magist" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
magistrato (magistrat'o)
magnat'o magnate (magnat'o)
〔 "magnat" -substantive / "magn" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "magn" -substantive -present_passive 〕
magnato (magnat'o)
magnat'o mogul (mogul'o) magnato (magnat'o)
magnat'o tycoon (tycun'o) magnato (magnat'o)
malcat'o disdain (disdain'o)
〔 "malcat" -substantive / "malc" -substantive -happening / opposite_of- "cat" -substantive 〕 〔 "malc" -substantive -present_passive 〕
malŝato (malcat'o)
malfavorat'o underdog (underdog'o)
〔 "malfavorat" -substantive / "malfavor" -substantive -happening / "malfavo" -substantive -happening -head / opposite_of- "favo" -substantive -happening -head / "malfav" -substantive -happening -value / "malf" -substantive -happening -value -capable / opposite_of- "fav" -substantive -happening -value / opposite_of- "favor" -substantive -happening / opposite_of- "favo" -substantive -happening -head / opposite_of- "fav" -substantive -happening -value / opposite_of- "favorat" -substantive / opposite_of- "favor" -substantive -happening / opposite_of- "favo" -substantive -happening -head / opposite_of- "fav" -substantive -happening -value 〕 〔 "malfavor" -substantive -present_passive / "malfavo" -substantive -present_passive -head / opposite_of- "favo" -substantive -present_passive -head / "malfav" -substantive -present_passive -value / "malf" -substantive -present_passive -value -capable / opposite_of- "fav" -substantive -present_passive -value / opposite_of- "favor" -substantive -present_passive / opposite_of- "favo" -substantive -present_passive -head / opposite_of- "fav" -substantive -present_passive -value 〕
malfavorato (malfavorat'o)
malkompat'o harshness (harc'o)
〔 "malkompat" -substantive / "malkomp" -substantive -happening / opposite_of- "komp" -substantive -happening / opposite_of- "kompat" -substantive / opposite_of- "komp" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "malkomp" -substantive -present_passive / opposite_of- "komp" -substantive -present_passive 〕
malkompato (malkompat'o)
malpats'o acrimony (acrimony'o)
〔 "malpats" -substantive / opposite_of- "pats" -substantive 〕
malpaco (malpac'o)
malpats'o conflict (conflict'o) malpaco (malpac'o)
malsat'o hunger (hunger'o)
〔 "malsat" -substantive / "mals" -substantive -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -substantive 〕 〔 "mals" -substantive -present_passive 〕
malsato (malsat'o)
malsat'o starvation (starvat'o) malsato (malsat'o)
mandat'o mandate (mandat'o)
〔 "mandat" -substantive / "mand" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "mand" -substantive -present_passive 〕
mandato (mandat'o)
mandat'o term (term'o) mandato (mandat'o)
mandat'o warrant (warant'o) mandato (mandat'o)
mandat'o writ (writ'o) mandato (mandat'o)
manplat'o palm (palm'o)
〔 "manplat" -substantive / "manpl" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "manpl" -substantive -present_passive 〕
manplato (manplat'o)
marsoldat'o marine (marin'o)
〔 "marsoldat" -substantive / "marsold" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "marsold" -substantive -present_passive 〕
marsoldato (marsoldat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o)
〔 "mat" -substantive 〕
mato (mat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o) mato (mat'o)
matc'o mastication (mastic'o)
〔 "matc" -substantive 〕
maĉo (matc'o)
matr'o father (faxer'o)
〔 "matr" -substantive / "mat" -substantive -head 〕
patro (patr'o)
matr'o mother (moxer'o) patrino (patr'o)
matr'o parent (par'o) patro (patr'o)
matrats'o matress (matres'o)
〔 "matrats" -substantive 〕
matraco (matrac'o)
matrats'o mattress (matres'o) matraco (matrac'o)
mattc'o match (matc'o)
〔 "mattc" -substantive 〕
matĉo (matc'o)
mayoritat'o majority (majorit'o)
〔 "mayoritat" -substantive / "mayorit" -substantive -happening / "mayor" -substantive -happening -done / "mayo" -substantive -happening -done -head / "may" -substantive -happening -done -value 〕 〔 "mayorit" -substantive -present_passive / "mayor" -substantive -present_passive -done / "mayo" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / "may" -substantive -present_passive -done -value 〕
majoritato (majoritat'o)
megavatt'o megawatt (megawat'o)
〔 "megavatt" -substantive / mega- "vatt" -substantive 〕
megavatto (megavat'o)
merkat'o market (market'o)
〔 "merkat" -substantive / "merk" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "merk" -substantive -present_passive 〕
merkato (merkat'o)
metsenat'o patron (pat'o)
〔 "metsenat" -substantive / "metsen" -substantive -happening / "mets" -substantive -happening -goal 〕 〔 "metsen" -substantive -present_passive / "mets" -substantive -present_passive -goal 〕
mecenato (mecenat'o)
mikroklimat'o microclimate (microclimat'o)
〔 "mikroklimat" -substantive / "mikroklim" -substantive -happening / "mikrokl" -substantive -happening -idea / first_person- "krokl" -substantive -happening -idea / first_person- "kroklim" -substantive -happening / first_person- "krokl" -substantive -happening -idea / first_person- "kroklimat" -substantive / first_person- "kroklim" -substantive -happening / first_person- "krokl" -substantive -happening -idea 〕 〔 "mikroklim" -substantive -present_passive / "mikrokl" -substantive -present_passive -idea / first_person- "krokl" -substantive -present_passive -idea / first_person- "kroklim" -substantive -present_passive / first_person- "krokl" -substantive -present_passive -idea 〕
mikroklimato (mikroklimat'o)
minats'o menace (menac'o)
〔 "minats" -substantive / first_person- "nats" -substantive 〕
minaco (minac'o)
minats'o spectre (spectr'o) minaco (minac'o)
minats'o threat (xreat'o) minaco (minac'o)
minoritat'o minority (minorit'o)
〔 "minoritat" -substantive / "minorit" -substantive -happening / "minor" -substantive -happening -done / "mino" -substantive -happening -done -head / first_person- "no" -substantive -happening -done -head / "min" -substantive -happening -done -value / first_person- "nor" -substantive -happening -done / first_person- "no" -substantive -happening -done -head / first_person- "norit" -substantive -happening / first_person- "nor" -substantive -happening -done / first_person- "no" -substantive -happening -done -head / first_person- "noritat" -substantive / first_person- "norit" -substantive -happening / first_person- "nor" -substantive -happening -done / first_person- "no" -substantive -happening -done -head 〕 〔 "minorit" -substantive -present_passive / "minor" -substantive -present_passive -done / "mino" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / first_person- "no" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / "min" -substantive -present_passive -done -value / first_person- "nor" -substantive -present_passive -done / first_person- "no" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / first_person- "norit" -substantive -present_passive / first_person- "nor" -substantive -present_passive -done / first_person- "no" -substantive -present_passive -done -head 〕
minoritato (minoritat'o)
monat'o month (monx'o)
〔 "monat" -substantive / "mon" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "mon" -substantive -present_passive 〕
monato (monat'o)
mondonats'o donation (donation'o)
〔 "mondonats" -substantive 〕
mondonaco (mondonac'o)
monhelpat'o beneficiary (beneficiary'o)
〔 "monhelpat" -substantive / "monhelp" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "monhelp" -substantive -present_passive 〕
monhelpato (monhelpat'o)
mortobat'o coup de grâce
〔 "mortobat" -substantive / "mortob" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "mortob" -substantive -present_passive 〕
mortobato (mortobat'o)
nekonat'o stranger (nekonat'o)
〔 "nekonat" -substantive / "nekon" -substantive -happening / "nek" -substantive -happening -part / no,_not- "kon" -substantive -happening / neither- "on" -substantive -happening / no,_not- "konat" -substantive / no,_not- "kon" -substantive -happening / neither- "onat" -substantive / neither- "on" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "nekon" -substantive -present_passive / "nek" -substantive -present_passive -part / no,_not- "kon" -substantive -present_passive / neither- "on" -substantive -present_passive 〕
nekonato (nekonat'o)
nitrat'o nitrate (nitrat'o)
〔 "nitrat" -substantive / "nitr" -substantive -happening / "nit" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "nitr" -substantive -present_passive / "nit" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
nitrato (nitrat'o)
numeroplat'o plate (plat'o)
〔 "numeroplat" -substantive / "numeropl" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "numeropl" -substantive -present_passive 〕
numeroplato (numeroplat'o)
oblat'o wafer (wafer'o)
〔 "oblat" -substantive / "obl" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "obl" -substantive -present_passive 〕
oblato (oblat'o)
obsedat'o freak (freak'o)
〔 "obsedat" -substantive / "obsed" -substantive -happening / "obs" -substantive -happening -repetition 〕 〔 "obsed" -substantive -present_passive / "obs" -substantive -present_passive -repetition 〕
obsedato (obsedat'o)
operats'o operation (operation'o)
〔 "operats" -substantive 〕
operaco (operac'o)
palat'o palate (palat'o)
〔 "palat" -substantive / "pal" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "pal" -substantive -present_passive 〕
palato (palat'o)
palats'o palace (palac'o)
〔 "palats" -substantive 〕
palaco (palac'o)
pankreat'o pancreas (pancreas'o)
〔 "pankreat" -substantive / "pankre" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "pankre" -substantive -present_passive 〕
pankreato (pankreat'o)
pat'o check (tcek'o)
〔 "pat" -substantive 〕
pato (pat'o)
pat'o pan (pan'o) pato (pat'o)
patcy'o dad (dad'o)
〔 "patcy" -substantive 〕 〔 "patc" -substantive -familiar 〕
paĉjo (patcj'o)
patcy'o daddy (dad'o) paĉjo (patcj'o)
patr'o father (faxer'o)
〔 "patr" -substantive / "pat" -substantive -head 〕
patro (patr'o)
patr'o mother (moxer'o) patrino (patr'o)
patr'o parent (par'o) patro (patr'o)
pats'o peace (peac'o)
〔 "pats" -substantive 〕
paco (pac'o)
payats'o clown (clown'o)
〔 "payats" -substantive 〕
pajaco (pajac'o)
payats'o jester (jes'o) pajaco (pajac'o)
piedbat'o kick (kik'o)
〔 "piedbat" -substantive / "piedb" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "piedb" -substantive -present_passive 〕
piedbato (piedbat'o)
pirat'o pirate (pirat'o)
〔 "pirat" -substantive / "pir" -substantive -happening / "pi" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "pir" -substantive -present_passive / "pi" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
pirato (pirat'o)
plagiat'o plagiarism (plagiarism'o)
〔 "plagiat" -substantive / "plagi" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "plagi" -substantive -present_passive 〕
plagiato (plagiat'o)
plat'o plate (plat'o)
〔 "plat" -substantive 〕
plato (plat'o)
platc'o appeal (apeal'o)
〔 "platc" -substantive 〕
plaĉo (platc'o)
platc'o liking (liking'o)
plats'o place (plac'o)
〔 "plats" -substantive 〕
placo (plac'o)
plats'o plaza (plaz'o) placo (plac'o)
plats'o square (squar'o) placo (plac'o)
plenboat'o boatload (boat'o)
〔 "plenboat" -substantive / "plenbo" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "plenbo" -substantive -present_passive 〕
plenboato (plenboat'o)
postulat'o postulate (postulat'o)
〔 "postulat" -substantive / "postul" -substantive -happening / "post" -substantive -happening -person / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -substantive -happening / after- "ul" -substantive -happening / at_the_rate_of- "stulat" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -substantive -happening / after- "ulat" -substantive / after- "ul" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "postul" -substantive -present_passive / "post" -substantive -present_passive -person / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -substantive -present_passive / after- "ul" -substantive -present_passive 〕
postulato (postulat'o)
prapatr'o ancestor (ancestor'o)
〔 "prapatr" -substantive / "prapat" -substantive -head / "prap" -substantive -head -happening / ancestral- "pat" -substantive -head / ancestral- "patr" -substantive / ancestral- "pat" -substantive -head 〕
prapatro (prapatr'o)
prapatr'o forefather (forefaxer'o) prapatro (prapatr'o)
predikat'o predicate (predicat'o)
〔 "predikat" -substantive / "predik" -substantive -happening / "pred" -substantive -happening -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "predik" -substantive -present_passive / "pred" -substantive -present_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
predikato (predikat'o)
prelat'o prelate (prelat'o)
〔 "prelat" -substantive / "prel" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "prel" -substantive -present_passive 〕
prelato (prelat'o)
primat'o primate (primat'o)
〔 "primat" -substantive / "prim" -substantive -happening / about- "mat" -substantive 〕 〔 "prim" -substantive -present_passive 〕
primato (primat'o)
prioritat'o precedence (prioritat'o)
〔 "prioritat" -substantive / "priorit" -substantive -happening / "prior" -substantive -happening -done / "prio" -substantive -happening -done -head / about- "o" -substantive -happening -done -head / "pri" -substantive -happening -done -value / about- "or" -substantive -happening -done / about- "o" -substantive -happening -done -head / about- "orit" -substantive -happening / about- "or" -substantive -happening -done / about- "o" -substantive -happening -done -head / about- "oritat" -substantive / about- "orit" -substantive -happening / about- "or" -substantive -happening -done / about- "o" -substantive -happening -done -head 〕 〔 "priorit" -substantive -present_passive / "prior" -substantive -present_passive -done / "prio" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / about- "o" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / "pri" -substantive -present_passive -done -value / about- "or" -substantive -present_passive -done / about- "o" -substantive -present_passive -done -head / about- "orit" -substantive -present_passive / about- "or" -substantive -present_passive -done / about- "o" -substantive -present_passive -done -head 〕
prioritato (prioritat'o)
prioritat'o priority (prioritat'o) prioritato (prioritat'o)
prostat'o prostate (prostat'o)
〔 "prostat" -substantive / "prost" -substantive -happening / on_account_of- "stat" -substantive 〕 〔 "prost" -substantive -present_passive 〕
prostato (prostat'o)
protektat'o protege (prot'o)
〔 "protektat" -substantive / "protekt" -substantive -happening / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -happening / on_account_of- "tektat" -substantive / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "protekt" -substantive -present_passive / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -present_passive 〕
protektato (protektat'o)
protektorat'o protectorate (protectorat'o)
〔 "protektorat" -substantive / "protektor" -substantive -happening / "protekto" -substantive -happening -head / on_account_of- "tekto" -substantive -happening -head / "protekt" -substantive -happening -value / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -happening -value / on_account_of- "tektor" -substantive -happening / on_account_of- "tekto" -substantive -happening -head / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -happening -value / on_account_of- "tektorat" -substantive / on_account_of- "tektor" -substantive -happening / on_account_of- "tekto" -substantive -happening -head / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -happening -value 〕 〔 "protektor" -substantive -present_passive / "protekto" -substantive -present_passive -head / on_account_of- "tekto" -substantive -present_passive -head / "protekt" -substantive -present_passive -value / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -present_passive -value / on_account_of- "tektor" -substantive -present_passive / on_account_of- "tekto" -substantive -present_passive -head / on_account_of- "tekt" -substantive -present_passive -value 〕
protektorato (protektorat'o)
psikiatr'o psychiatrist (psytciatr'o)
〔 "psikiatr" -substantive / "psikiat" -substantive -head / "psiki" -substantive -head -happening 〕
psikiatro (psikiatr'o)
pugnobat'o blow (blow'o)
〔 "pugnobat" -substantive / "pugnob" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "pugnob" -substantive -present_passive 〕
pugnobato (pugnobat'o)
rabat'o discount (discunt'o)
〔 "rabat" -substantive / "rab" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "rab" -substantive -present_passive 〕
rabato (rabat'o)
rabat'o rebate (rebat'o) rabato (rabat'o)
radioaparat'o radio (radi'o)
〔 "radioaparat" -substantive / "radioapar" -substantive -happening / "radioapa" -substantive -happening -head / "radioap" -substantive -happening -collection / "radio" -substantive -happening -collection -apparatus 〕 〔 "radioapar" -substantive -present_passive / "radioapa" -substantive -present_passive -head / "radioap" -substantive -present_passive -collection / "radio" -substantive -present_passive -collection -apparatus 〕
radioaparato (radioaparat'o)
rat'o rat (rat'o)
〔 "rat" -substantive 〕
rato (rat'o)
rebat'o retaliation (retaliat'o)
〔 "rebat" -substantive / "reb" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "reb" -substantive -present_passive 〕
rebato (rebat'o)
rebat'o retort (retort'o) rebato (rebat'o)
referat'o paper (paper'o)
〔 "referat" -substantive / "refer" -substantive -happening / "refe" -substantive -happening -head / "ref" -substantive -happening -element 〕 〔 "refer" -substantive -present_passive / "refe" -substantive -present_passive -head / "ref" -substantive -present_passive -element 〕
referato (referat'o)
regalat'o guest (guest'o)
〔 "regalat" -substantive / "regal" -substantive -happening / "reg" -substantive -happening -reason 〕 〔 "regal" -substantive -present_passive / "reg" -substantive -present_passive -reason 〕
regalato (regalat'o)
regat'o subject (subject'o)
〔 "regat" -substantive / "reg" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "reg" -substantive -present_passive 〕
regato (regat'o)
renegat'o renegade (renegad'o)
〔 "renegat" -substantive / "reneg" -substantive -happening / "ren" -substantive -happening -extreme 〕 〔 "reneg" -substantive -present_passive / "ren" -substantive -present_passive -extreme 〕
renegato (renegat'o)
renegat'o turncoat (turncoat'o) renegato (renegat'o)
rentabilitat'o profitability (profitabilit'o)
〔 "rentabilitat" -substantive / "rentabilit" -substantive -happening / "rentabil" -substantive -happening -done / "rentab" -substantive -happening -done -tool 〕 〔 "rentabilit" -substantive -present_passive / "rentabil" -substantive -present_passive -done / "rentab" -substantive -present_passive -done -tool 〕
rentabilitato (rentabilitat'o)
retrat'o withdrawal (wixdraw'o)
〔 "retrat" -substantive / "retr" -substantive -happening / "ret" -substantive -happening -head 〕 〔 "retr" -substantive -present_passive / "ret" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
retrato (retrat'o)
rezultat'o result (result'o)
〔 "rezultat" -substantive / "rezult" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "rezult" -substantive -present_passive 〕
rezultato (rezultat'o)
rilat'o relation (relat'o)
〔 "rilat" -substantive / "ril" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "ril" -substantive -present_passive 〕
rilato (rilat'o)
rilat'o relationship (relat'o)
rilat'o relevance (relevanc'o) rilato (rilat'o)
sagats'o ingenuity (ingenuity'o)
〔 "sagats" -substantive 〕
sagaco (sagac'o)
sagats'o savvy (savy'o) sagaco (sagac'o)
sagats'o sense (sens'o)
sagats'o shrewdness (crewd'o) sagaco (sagac'o)
salat'o salad (salad'o)
〔 "salat" -substantive / "sal" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "sal" -substantive -present_passive 〕
salato (salat'o)
sanstat'o shape (cap'o)
〔 "sanstat" -substantive / "sanst" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "sanst" -substantive -present_passive 〕
sanstato (sanstat'o)
sat'o satiety (sat'o)
〔 "sat" -substantive 〕
sato (sat'o)
savboat'o lifeboat (lifeboat'o)
〔 "savboat" -substantive / "savbo" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "savbo" -substantive -present_passive 〕
savboato (savboat'o)
seatl'o seattle (seatl'o)
〔 "seatl" -substantive 〕
seatlo (seatl'o)
sekretariat'o secretariat (secretariat'o)
〔 "sekretariat" -substantive / "sekretari" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "sekretari" -substantive -present_passive 〕
sekretariato (sekretariat'o)
senat'o senate (senat'o)
〔 "senat" -substantive / "sen" -substantive -happening / without- "at" -substantive 〕 〔 "sen" -substantive -present_passive 〕
senato (senat'o)
sensats'o feeling (feling'o)
〔 "sensats" -substantive / without- "sats" -substantive 〕
sensaco (sens'o)
sentematc'o sentimentality (sentematc'o)
〔 "sentematc" -substantive / "sentem" -substantive -bad / "sent" -substantive -bad -tendency / without- "tem" -substantive -bad / without- "tematc" -substantive / without- "tem" -substantive -bad 〕
sentemaĉo (sentematc'o)
sindikat'o association (asociat'o)
〔 "sindikat" -substantive / "sindik" -substantive -happening / "sind" -substantive -happening -reminiscent_of / reflexive- "ndik" -substantive -happening / reflexive- "ndikat" -substantive / reflexive- "ndik" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "sindik" -substantive -present_passive / "sind" -substantive -present_passive -reminiscent_of / reflexive- "ndik" -substantive -present_passive 〕
sindikato (sindikat'o)
sindikat'o syndicate (syndicat'o) sindikato (sindikat'o)
skarlat'o scarlet (scarlet'o)
〔 "skarlat" -substantive / "skarl" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "skarl" -substantive -present_passive 〕
skarlato (skarlat'o)
soldat'o soldier (soldier'o)
〔 "soldat" -substantive / "sold" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "sold" -substantive -present_passive 〕
soldato (soldat'o)
sonat'o sonata (sonat'o)
〔 "sonat" -substantive / "son" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "son" -substantive -present_passive 〕
sonato (sonat'o)
sortobat'o vicissitude (vicisit'o)
〔 "sortobat" -substantive / "sortob" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "sortob" -substantive -present_passive 〕
sortobato (sortobat'o)
spats'o space (spac'o)
〔 "spats" -substantive 〕
spaco (spac'o)
spinats'o spinach (spinatc'o)
〔 "spinats" -substantive 〕
spinaco (spinac'o)
stat'o state (stat'o)
〔 "stat" -substantive 〕
stato (stat'o)
statsiplat'o dial (dial'o)
〔 "statsiplat" -substantive / "statsipl" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "statsipl" -substantive -present_passive 〕
staciplato (staciplat'o)
stigmat'o scar (scar'o)
〔 "stigmat" -substantive / "stigm" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "stigm" -substantive -present_passive 〕
stigmato (stigmat'o)
strat'o street (stret'o)
〔 "strat" -substantive 〕
strato (strat'o)
stratulatc'o punk (punk'o)
〔 "stratulatc" -substantive / "stratul" -substantive -bad / "strat" -substantive -bad -person 〕
stratulaĉo (stratulatc'o)
subkomitat'o subcommittee (subcomit'o)
〔 "subkomitat" -substantive / "subkomit" -substantive -happening / "subkom" -substantive -happening -done / "subk" -substantive -happening -done -degree / beneath- "kom" -substantive -happening -done / beneath- "komit" -substantive -happening / beneath- "kom" -substantive -happening -done / beneath- "komitat" -substantive / beneath- "komit" -substantive -happening / beneath- "kom" -substantive -happening -done 〕 〔 "subkomit" -substantive -present_passive / "subkom" -substantive -present_passive -done / "subk" -substantive -present_passive -done -degree / beneath- "kom" -substantive -present_passive -done / beneath- "komit" -substantive -present_passive / beneath- "kom" -substantive -present_passive -done 〕
subkomitato (subkomitat'o)
sulfat'o sulphate (sulfat'o)
〔 "sulfat" -substantive / "sulf" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "sulf" -substantive -present_passive 〕
sulfato (sulfat'o)
supermerkat'o supermarket (supermarket'o)
〔 "supermerkat" -substantive / "supermerk" -substantive -happening / above- "merk" -substantive -happening / above- "merkat" -substantive / above- "merk" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "supermerk" -substantive -present_passive / above- "merk" -substantive -present_passive 〕
supermerkato (supermerkat'o)
surfats'o surface (surfac'o)
〔 "surfats" -substantive / on- "fats" -substantive 〕
surfaco (surfac'o)
surogat'o alternative (surogat'o)
〔 "surogat" -substantive / "surog" -substantive -happening / "sur" -substantive -happening -construct / "su" -substantive -happening -construct -head / on- "og" -substantive -happening / on- "ogat" -substantive / on- "og" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "surog" -substantive -present_passive / "sur" -substantive -present_passive -construct / "su" -substantive -present_passive -construct -head / on- "og" -substantive -present_passive 〕
surogato (surogat'o)
surogat'o surrogate (surogat'o) surogato (surogat'o)
suspektat'o suspect (suspect'o)
〔 "suspektat" -substantive / "suspekt" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "suspekt" -substantive -present_passive 〕
suspektato (suspektat'o)
teatr'o theater (xeater'o)
〔 "teatr" -substantive / "teat" -substantive -head / "te" -substantive -head -happening 〕
teatro (teatr'o)
teatr'o theatre (xeatr'o) teatro (teatr'o)
tersurfats'o ground (grund'o)
〔 "tersurfats" -substantive 〕
tersurfaco (ters'o)
titanat'o titanate (titanat'o)
〔 "titanat" -substantive / "titan" -substantive -happening / "tit" -substantive -happening -member / that- "tan" -substantive -happening / that- "tanat" -substantive / that- "tan" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "titan" -substantive -present_passive / "tit" -substantive -present_passive -member / that- "tan" -substantive -present_passive 〕
titanato (titanat'o)
tomat'o tomato (tomat'o)
〔 "tomat" -substantive / "tom" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "tom" -substantive -present_passive 〕
tomato (tomat'o)
tonatc'o twang (twang'o)
〔 "tonatc" -substantive / "ton" -substantive -bad 〕
tonaĉo (tonatc'o)
trafat'o target (target'o)
〔 "trafat" -substantive / "traf" -substantive -happening / through- "fat" -substantive 〕 〔 "traf" -substantive -present_passive 〕
trafato (trafat'o)
traktat'o treatise (treat'o)
〔 "traktat" -substantive / "trakt" -substantive -happening / through- "ktat" -substantive 〕 〔 "trakt" -substantive -present_passive 〕
traktato (traktat'o)
traktat'o treaty (treat'o) traktato (traktat'o)
trat'o bill (bil'o)
〔 "trat" -substantive 〕
trato (trat'o)
tratat'o drawee (draw'o)
〔 "tratat" -substantive / "trat" -substantive -happening / through- "tat" -substantive 〕 〔 "trat" -substantive -present_passive 〕
tratato (tratat'o)
trawmat'o trauma (traum'o)
〔 "trawmat" -substantive / "trawm" -substantive -happening / through- "wmat" -substantive 〕 〔 "trawm" -substantive -present_passive 〕
traŭmato (trawmat'o)
treynat'o trainee (train'o)
〔 "treynat" -substantive / "treyn" -substantive -happening / very- "ynat" -substantive 〕 〔 "treyn" -substantive -present_passive 〕
trejnato (trejnat'o)
trinitat'o trinity (trinit'o)
〔 three- "nitat" -substantive / three- "nit" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "trinitat" -substantive / "trinit" -substantive -happening / "trin" -substantive -happening -done 〕 〔 "trinit" -substantive -present_passive / "trin" -substantive -present_passive -done 〕
trinitato (trinitat'o)
tselat'o target (target'o)
〔 "tselat" -substantive / "tsel" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "tsel" -substantive -present_passive 〕
celato (celat'o)
tsiferoplat'o dial (dial'o)
〔 "tsiferoplat" -substantive / "tsiferopl" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "tsiferopl" -substantive -present_passive 〕
ciferoplato (ciferoplat'o)
tsiferplat'o face (fac'o)
〔 "tsiferplat" -substantive / "tsiferpl" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "tsiferpl" -substantive -present_passive 〕
ciferplato (ciferplat'o)
tsikatr'o scar (scar'o)
〔 "tsikatr" -substantive / "tsikat" -substantive -head / "tsik" -substantive -head -happening 〕
cikatro (cikatr'o)
ultimat'o ultimatum (ultimat'o)
〔 "ultimat" -substantive / "ultim" -substantive -happening / "ult" -substantive -happening -idea 〕 〔 "ultim" -substantive -present_passive / "ult" -substantive -present_passive -idea 〕
ultimato (ultimat'o)
ungograt'o scratch (scrat'o)
〔 "ungograt" -substantive / "ungogr" -substantive -happening / "ungog" -substantive -happening -head / "ung" -substantive -happening -head -construct 〕 〔 "ungogr" -substantive -present_passive / "ungog" -substantive -present_passive -head / "ung" -substantive -present_passive -head -construct 〕
ungograto (ungograt'o)
universitat'o university (universit'o)
〔 "universitat" -substantive / "universit" -substantive -happening / "univers" -substantive -happening -done 〕 〔 "universit" -substantive -present_passive / "univers" -substantive -present_passive -done 〕
universitato (universitat'o)
vat'o watt (wat'o)
〔 "vat" -substantive 〕
vato (vat'o)
vatt'o watt (wat'o)
〔 "vatt" -substantive 〕
vatto (vat'o)
velboat'o sailboat (sailboat'o)
〔 "velboat" -substantive / "velbo" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "velbo" -substantive -present_passive 〕
velboato (velboat'o)
vendoplats'o marketplace (marketplac'o)
〔 "vendoplats" -substantive / come- "doplats" -substantive 〕
vendoplaco (vendoplac'o)
〔 "vinatc" -substantive / "vin" -substantive -bad / second_person- "natc" -substantive 〕
vinaĉo (vinatc'o)
virfrat'o brother (broxer'o)
〔 "virfrat" -substantive / "virfr" -substantive -happening / "virf" -substantive -happening -head / second_person- "rfrat" -substantive 〕 〔 "virfr" -substantive -present_passive / "virf" -substantive -present_passive -head 〕
frato (frat'o)
yudjat'o accused (acused'o)
〔 "yudjat" -substantive / "yudj" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "yudj" -substantive -present_passive 〕
juĝato (judjat'o)
yudjat'o defendant (defendant'o) juĝato (judjat'o)
zorgat'o charge (tcarg'o)
〔 "zorgat" -substantive / "zorg" -substantive -happening 〕 〔 "zorg" -substantive -present_passive 〕
zorgato (zorgat'o)
bat'u should strike
〔 "bat" -suggestive 〕
cat'u should like
〔 "cat" -suggestive 〕
malsat'u ought to starve
〔 "malsat" -suggestive / "mals" -suggestive -happening / opposite_of- "sat" -suggestive 〕 〔 "mals" -suggestive -present_passive 〕
malsat'u should starve
platc'u ought to please
〔 "platc" -suggestive 〕
platc'u please (pleas'u)
platc'u should please
plats'u ought to place
〔 "plats" -suggestive 〕
plats'u should place
advokat'ow a lawyer (lawyer'ow)
〔 "advokat" -singular substantive / "advok" -singular substantive -happening / "adv" -singular substantive -happening -false 〕 〔 "advok" -singular substantive -present_passive / "adv" -singular substantive -present_passive -false 〕
advokat'ow an advocate (at'ow)
advokat'oy advocates (at'oy)
〔 "advokat" -plural substantive / "advok" -plural substantive -happening / "adv" -plural substantive -happening -false 〕 〔 "advok" -plural substantive -present_passive / "adv" -plural substantive -present_passive -false 〕
advokat'oy lawyers (lawyer'oy)
aerostat'ow a balloon (balun'ow)
〔 "aerostat" -singular substantive / "aerost" -singular substantive -happening 〕 〔 "aerost" -singular substantive -present_passive 〕
aerostat'oy balloons (balun'oy)
〔 "aerostat" -plural substantive / "aerost" -plural substantive -happening 〕 〔 "aerost" -plural substantive -present_passive 〕
anstat'wi in place of (anstat'wi)
〔 "anstat" -preposition / "anst" -preposition -happening 〕 〔 "anst" -preposition -present_passive 〕
anstat'wi instead of (anstat'wi) anstataŭ (anstat'wi)
advokat'own an advocate (at'own)
〔 "advokat" -accusative_singular substantive / "advok" -accusative_singular substantive -happening / "adv" -accusative_singular substantive -happening -false 〕 〔 "advok" -accusative_singular substantive -present_passive / "adv" -accusative_singular substantive -present_passive -false 〕
advokat'oyn advocates (at'oyn)
〔 "advokat" -accusative_plural substantive / "advok" -accusative_plural substantive -happening / "adv" -accusative_plural substantive -happening -false 〕 〔 "advok" -accusative_plural substantive -present_passive / "adv" -accusative_plural substantive -present_passive -false 〕
advokat'oyz advocates (at'oyz)
〔 "advokat" -nominative_plural substantive / "advok" -nominative_plural substantive -happening / "adv" -nominative_plural substantive -happening -false 〕 〔 "advok" -nominative_plural substantive -present_passive / "adv" -nominative_plural substantive -present_passive -false 〕
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Latin, Yiddish, Esperanto.

Esper' English Latin Yiddish Esperanto
akurat'a accurate (acurat'a) accuratus (acurat'a) akurata (akurat'a)
amat'a loved (lov'a) amatus (amat'a) amata (amat'a)
delikat'a delicate (delicat'a) delicatus (delicat'a) delikata (delikat'a)
privat'a private (privat'a) privatus (privat'a) privata (privat'a)
sagats'a sagacious (sagacius'a) sagax (sagax'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sat'a satisfied (sat'a) satis (sat'a) zat (zat'a) sata (sat'a)
cat'i to like (lik'i) shetsn (shet'i) ŝati (cat'i)
kompat'i to pity (pit'i) compati (compat'i) kompati (kompat'i)
platc'i to be pleasing placet (plac'i) plaĉi (platc'i)
platc'i to please (pleas'i) placet (plac'i) plaĉi (platc'i)
blat'o chip (tcip'o) blatta (blat'o) blato (blat'o)
boat'o boat (boat'o) bot (bot'o) boato (boat'o)
ctat'o state (stat'o) shtat (shtat'o) ŝtato (ctat'o)
donats'o donation (donat'o) donatio (donati'o) donaco (donac'o)
drat'o wire (wir'o) drot (drot'o) drato (drat'o)
erinats'o hedgehog (hedgehog'o) erinaceus (erinaceus'o) erinaco (erinac'o)
frat'o brother (broxer'o) frater (frat'o) frato (frat'o)
kandidat'o candidate (candidat'o) candidatus (candidat'o) kandidato (kandidat'o)
komitat'o committee (comit'o) komitet (komitet'o) komitato (komitat'o)
kvadrat'o square (squar'o) kvadrat (kvadrat'o) kvadrato (kvadrat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o) mat (mat'o) mato (mat'o)
matr'o father (faxer'o) pater (pater'o) patro (patr'o)
matr'o mother (moxer'o) mater (mater'o) patrino (patr'o)
matr'o parent (par'o) parente (par'o) patro (patr'o)
matrats'o matress (matres'o) matrats (matrats'o) matraco (matrac'o)
monat'o month (monx'o) monat (monat'o) monato (monat'o)
pat'o pan (pan'o) patella (pat'o) pato (pat'o)
patr'o father (faxer'o) pater (pater'o) patro (patr'o)
patr'o mother (moxer'o) mater (mater'o) patrino (patr'o)
patr'o parent (par'o) parente (par'o) patro (patr'o)
pirat'o pirate (pirat'o) pirata (pirat'o) pirato (pirat'o)
plats'o place (plac'o) plats (plats'o) placo (plac'o)
rilat'o relation (relat'o) relatio (relat'o) rilato (rilat'o)
senat'o senate (senat'o) senatus (senat'o) senato (senat'o)
stat'o state (stat'o) status (stat'o) stato (stat'o)
teatr'o theatre (xeatr'o) theatrum (theatr'o) teatro (teatr'o)
tomat'o tomato (tomat'o) tomat (tomat'o) tomato (tomat'o)
tsikatr'o scar (scar'o) cicatrix (cicatr'o) cikatro (cikatr'o)
universitat'o university (universit'o) universitas (universit'o) universitato (universitat'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, French, Russian, Greek, Esperanto.

Esper' English French Russian Greek Esperanto
akurat'a accurate (acurat'a) accurat (acurat'a) aккyрaтный (akyrat'a) akurata (akurat'a)
amat'a loved (lov'a) aimé (aim'a) amata (amat'a)
delikat'a delicate (delicat'a) délicat (delicat'a) дeликaтный (delyikat'a) delikata (delikat'a)
glat'a smooth (smux'a) гладкий (gladkyi'a) glata (glat'a)
lats'a weary (weary'a) lâche (lach'a) laca (lac'a)
plat'a flat (flat'a) plat (plat'a) plata (plat'a)
sagats'a sagacious (sagacius'a) sagace (sagac'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
agats'i aggravate (agravat'i) agacer (agacer'i) agaci (agac'i)
bat'i to beat (beat'i) battre (bat'i) bati (bat'i)
bat'i to strike (strike'i) battre (bat'i) bati (bat'i)
ekspluat'i to exploit (exploit'i) exploiter (exploit'i) эксплуатировать (eksрluatyirovat'i) ekspluati (ekspluat'i)
flat'i to flatter (flat'i) flatter (flat'i) flati (flat'i)
grat'i to scratch (scrat'i) gratter (grat'i) grati (grat'i)
gvat'i to watch (wat'i) guetter (guet'i) gvati (gvat'i)
konstat'i to state (stat'i) constater (constat'i) konstati (konstat'i)
kratc'i to spit (spit'i) cracher (crac'i) kraĉi (kratc'i)
matc'i to chew (tcew'i) mâcher (mac'i) maĉi (matc'i)
svat'i свaтaть (svatat'i) svati (svat'i)
abat'o abbot (abot'o) aббaт (abat'o) abato (abat'o)
advokat'o lawyer (lawyer'o) aдвокат (advokat'o) advokato (advokat'o)
aerostat'o balloon (balun'o) aэрoстат (aerostat'o) aerostato (aerostat'o)
akrobat'o acrobat (acrobat'o) acrobate (acrobat'o) aкробaт (akrobat'o) akrobato (akrobat'o)
amfiteatr'o amphitheater (amfixeater'o) aмфитеатр (amfyitieatr'o) amfiteatro (amfiteatr'o)
aparat'o apparatus (aparat'o) aппaрaт (aрarat'o) aparato (aparat'o)
aristokrat'o aristocrat (aristocrat'o) aristocrate (aristocrat'o) aристoрaт (aryistorat'o) aristokrato (aristokrat'o)
awtoritat'o authority (auxorit'o) aвтoритeт (avtoryitet'o) aŭtoritato (awtoritat'o)
blat'o chip (tcip'o) blatte (blat'o) blato (blat'o)
boat'o boat (boat'o) bateau (bat'o) boato (boat'o)
burokrat'o bureaucrat (bureaucrat'o) bureaucrate (bureaucrat'o) бюрoкрaт (byrokrat'o) burokrato (burokrat'o)
ctat'o state (stat'o) штaт (сtat'o) ŝtato (ctat'o)
dat'o date (dat'o) date (dat'o) дaтa (dat'o) dato (dat'o)
demokrat'o democrat (democrat'o) démocrate (democrat'o) дeмократ (demokrat'o) demokrato (demokrat'o)
diplomat'o diplomat (diplomat'o) diplomate (diplomat'o) дипломaт (dyiрlomat'o) diplomato (diplomat'o)
donats'o donation (donat'o) donation (donation'o) donaco (donac'o)
fakultat'o faculty (cul'o) faculté (facult'o) факyльтет (fakyltiet'o) fakultato (fakultat'o)
granat'o grenade (grenad'o) грaнaт (granat'o) granato (granat'o)
grats'o grace (grac'o) grâce (grac'o) graco (grac'o)
grimats'o grimace (grimac'o) grimace (grimac'o) grimaco (grimac'o)
hepat'o liver (liver'o) hepar (hepar'o) hepato (hepat'o)
initsiat'o initiative (initiat'o) initiative (initiat'o) инициативa (yinyitsyiat'o) iniciato (iniciat'o)
kandidat'o candidate (candidat'o) candidat (candidat'o) кандидaт (kandyidat'o) kandidato (kandidat'o)
kapitulats'o capitulation (capitulat'o) capitulation (capitulation'o) кaпитyляция (kaрyitylryts'o) kapitulaco (kapitulac'o)
kat'o cat (cat'o) кoт (kot'o) kato (kat'o)
klimat'o climate (climat'o) climat (climat'o) климaт (klyimat'o) klimato (klimat'o)
komitat'o committee (comit'o) comité (comit'o) комитeт (komyitet'o) komitato (komitat'o)
korbat'o beat (beat'o) battement du coeur korbato (korbat'o)
kravat'o necktie (nekt'o) cravate (cravat'o) kravato (kravat'o)
kvadrat'o square (squar'o) квaдрaт (kvadrat'o) kvadrato (kvadrat'o)
lat'o ribbon (ribon'o) latte (lat'o) lato (lat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o) mat (mat'o) мaт (mat'o) mato (mat'o)
matrats'o matress (matres'o) мaтрaс (matras'o) matraco (matrac'o)
minats'o menace (menac'o) menace (menac'o) minaco (minac'o)
palats'o palace (palac'o) palace (palac'o) palaco (palac'o)
pats'o peace (peac'o) paix (paix'o) paco (pac'o)
pirat'o pirate (pirat'o) pirate (pirat'o) пирaт (рyirat'o) pirato (pirat'o)
plagiat'o plagiarism (plagiarism'o) plagiat (plagiat'o) плaгиaт (рlagyiat'o) plagiato (plagiat'o)
plats'o place (plac'o) place (plac'o) placo (plac'o)
rat'o rat (rat'o) rat (rat'o) rato (rat'o)
rezultat'o result (result'o) résultat (resultat'o) рeзyльтaт (rezyltat'o) rezultato (rezultat'o)
rilat'o relation (relat'o) rélation (relat'o) rilato (rilat'o)
senat'o senate (senat'o) sénata (senat'o) сeнaт (senat'o) senato (senat'o)
sindikat'o syndicate (syndicat'o) syndicat (syndicat'o) синдикaт (syindyikat'o) sindikato (sindikat'o)
soldat'o soldier (soldier'o) soldat (soldat'o) сoлдaт (soldat'o) soldato (soldat'o)
spats'o space (spac'o) espace (es'o) spaco (spac'o)
stigmat'o scar (scar'o) stigmate (stigmat'o) stigmato (stigmat'o)
surfats'o surface (surfac'o) surface (surfac'o) surfaco (surfac'o)
surogat'o surrogate (surogat'o) (surogat'o) сyррoгaт (surogat'o) (surogat'o) surogato (surogat'o)
teatr'o theatre (xeatr'o) théatre (theatr'o) тeaтр (teatr'o) teatro (teatr'o)
tsikatr'o scar (scar'o) cicatrice (cicatr'o) cikatro (cikatr'o)
universitat'o university (universit'o) université (universit'o) университет (unyiviersyitiet'o) universitato (universitat'o)
vat'o watt (wat'o) ватa (vat'o) vato (vat'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Italian, Lithuanian, Spanish, Esperanto.

Esper' English Italian Lithuanian Spanish Esperanto
anstat' instead of (anstat') (anstat') (anstat') en lugar de (anstat') anstataŭ (anstat')
cud' bat' should strike debe huelgar
cud' cat' should like debe que gustar
cud' malsat' should starve debe morir de hambre
cud' platc' should please debe dar placer
cud' plats' should place debe poner
dev' bat' must strike debe huelgar
dev' cat' must like debe que gustar
dev' malsat' must starve debe morir de hambre
dev' platc' must please debe dar placer
dev' plats' must place debe poner
advokat'a legal (legal'a) ley (ley'a)
akurat'a accurate (acurat'a) accurato (acurat'a) akurata (akurat'a)
akurat'a exact (exact'a) exacta (eksact'a)
amat'a loved (lov'a) amato (amat'a) amado (amad'a) amata (amat'a)
aplikat'a applied (aplied'a) applicato (aplicat'a) aplicada (aplicad'a) aplikata (aplikat'a)
aristokrat'a aristocratic (aristocrat'a) aristocrático (aristocrat'a) aristokrata (aristokrat'a)
awtomat'a automatic (automat'a) automático (automat'a) aŭtomata (awtomat'a)
awtoritat'a authoritarian (auxorit'a) autoritario (aut'a)
burokrat'a bureaucratic (bureaucrat'a) burocrático (burocrat'a)
ctat'a state (stat'a) estado (est'a) ŝtata (ctat'a)
delikat'a delicate (delicat'a) delicato (delicat'a) delikatus (delikat'a) delikata (delikat'a)
delikat'a fine (fin'a) multa (mult'a)
demokrat'a democratic (democrat'a) democrático (democrat'a) demokrata (demokrat'a)
diplomat'a diplomatic (diplomat'a) diplomática (diplomat'a) diplomata (diplomat'a)
donats'a gift (gift'a) regalo (regal'a)
ekspluat'a exploitative (exploit'a) explotación (eksplot'a)
format'a formed (formed'a) formado (formad'a)
frat'a fraternal (frat'a) fraternal (frat'a)
glat'a smooth (smux'a) suave (suav'a) glata (glat'a)
grats'a gracious (grac'a) gracioso (graci'a)
hepat'a liver (liver'a) hígado (higad'a)
kandidat'a candidate (candidat'a) candidato (candidat'a)
kompat'a compassionate (compasion'a) compasivo (compasiv'a) kompata (kompat'a)
kurats'a medicinal (medicinal'a) medicinal (medicinal'a)
kvadrat'a square (squar'a) plaza (plaz'a) kvadrata (kvadrat'a)
lats'a tired (tired'a) cansado (cans'a) laca (lac'a)
lats'a weary (weary'a) cansado (cans'a) laca (lac'a)
malsat'a hungry (hungry'a) hambre (hambr'a) malsata (malsat'a)
minats'a threatening (xreat'a) amenaza (amenaz'a) minaca (minac'a)
monat'a monthly (monx'a) mensual (mensual'a) monata (monat'a)
patr'a paternal (pater'a) paternal (pater'a) patra (patr'a)
pats'a peaceful (peac'a) pacífico (pacific'a) paca (pac'a)
plat'a flat (flat'a) plana (plan'a) plata (plat'a)
platc'a pleasant (pleas'a) agradable (agradabl'a) plaĉa (platc'a)
privat'a private (privat'a) privato (privat'a) privatus (privat'a) privado (privad'a) privata (privat'a)
rilat'a related (relat'a) relacionados (relacion'a) rilata (rilat'a)
rilat'a relational (relat'a) relacionados (relacion'a) rilata (rilat'a)
sagats'a sagacious (sagacius'a) sagace (sagac'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sagats'a smart (smart'a) astuto (as'a) sagaca (sagac'a)
sat'a satisfied (sat'a) satisfecho (satisfet'a) sata (sat'a)
surfats'a surface (surfac'a) superficie (superfici'a) surfaca (surfac'a)
tcirkawat'a surrounded (tcirkawat'a) (tcirkawat'a) (tcirkawat'a) rodeado (tcirkawat'a) (tcirkawat'a)
〔 "abat" -adverb / "ab" -adverb -happening 〕 〔 "ab" -adverb -present_passive 〕
disminuir (disminuir'e)
akurat'e exactly (exact'e) exactamente (eksact'e)
awtomat'e automatically (automat'e) automáticamente (automat'e) aŭtomate (awtomat'e)
boat'e by boat por barco
delikat'e gently (gent'e) suavemente (suavement'e)
glat'e smoothly (smux'e) sin problemas glate (glat'e)
lats'e wearily (wearily'e) cansancio (cans'e)
pats'e peacefully (peac'e) pacíficamente (pacific'e) pace (pac'e)
plat'e flatly (flat'e) placa (plac'e) plate (plat'e)
platc'e pleasantly (pleas'e) agradable (agradabl'e)
privat'e privately (privat'e) privada (privad'e) private (privat'e)
rilat'e related (relat'e) relacionados (relacion'e)
sagats'e judiciously (judicius'e) juiciosamente (huicios'e)
sat'e full (ful'e) completo (complet'e) sate (sat'e)
tcirkawat'e while being surrounded (tcirkawat'e) (tcirkawat'e) (tcirkawat'e) rodeado (tcirkawat'e) ĉirkaŭate (tcirkawat'e)
universitat'e in connection with a university por universidad
bat'i to beat (beat'i) battere (bat'i) huelga (huelg'i) bati (bat'i)
bat'i to strike (strike'i) battere (bat'i) huelga (huelg'i) bati (bat'i)
cat'i to like (lik'i) como (com'i) ŝati (cat'i)
cud'ax bat'i should strike debe huelgar
cud'ax cat'i should like debe que gustar
cud'ax malsat'i should starve debe morir de hambre
cud'ax platc'i should please debe dar placer
cud'ax plats'i should place debe poner
dat'i to date (dat'i) dar una fecha
demokrat'i to act democratically actar de democracia
dev'ax bat'i must strike debe huelgar
dev'ax cat'i must like debe que gustar
dev'ax malsat'i must starve debe morir de hambre
dev'ax platc'i must please debe dar placer
dev'ax plats'i must place debe poner
donats'i to donate (donat'i) donar (donar'i)
ekspluat'i to exploit (exploit'i) eksploatuoti (eksploatuot'i) explotar (eksplot'i) ekspluati (ekspluat'i)
flat'i to flatter (flat'i) plano (plan'i) flati (flat'i)
format'i to format (format'i) formato (format'i)
grat'i to scratch (scrat'i) grattare (grat'i) cero (cer'i) grati (grat'i)
gvat'i to watch (wat'i) reloj (reloh'i) gvati (gvat'i)
initsiat'i to start (start'i) inicio (inici'i)
kapitulats'i to capitulate (capitulat'i) capitular (capitular'i) kapitulaci (kapitulac'i)
klatc'i to gossip (gosip'i) chismes (tcismes'i) klaĉi (klatc'i)
kompat'i to pity (pit'i) compatire (compat'i) compasión (compasion'i) kompati (kompat'i)
konstat'i to state (stat'i) estado (est'i) konstati (konstat'i)
kratc'i to spit (spit'i) saliva (saliv'i) kraĉi (kratc'i)
kurats'i to treat medically curar (curar'i) kuraci (kurac'i)
latc'i to string (string'i) allacciare (alac'i) laĉi (latc'i)
malsat'i to be hungry tener hambre malsati (malsat'i)
malsat'i to hunger (hunger'i) tener hambre
malsat'i to starve (starve'i) morir de hambre malsati (malsat'i)
matc'i to chew (tcew'i) chew (tcew'i) maĉi (matc'i)
minats'i to threaten (xreat'i) amenazan (amenaz'i) minaci (minac'i)
platc'i to be pleasing piacere (piac'i) placer (plac'i) plaĉi (platc'i)
platc'i to please (pleas'i) piacere (piac'i) placer (plac'i) plaĉi (platc'i)
platc'i to please (pleas'i) dar placer plaĉi (platc'i)
plats'i to place (plac'i) poner (poner'i)
rebat'i to counter (cunt'i) ribattere (ribat'i) contador (cont'i) rebati (rebat'i)
universitat'i to attend eniversitiy ir al universidad
abat'o abbot (abot'o) abate (abat'o) abad (abad'o) abato (abat'o)
advokat'o advocate (at'o) abogado (abogad'o)
advokat'o lawyer (lawyer'o) advokatas (advokat'o) advokato (advokat'o)
aerostat'o balloon (balun'o) aerostato (aerostat'o) aerostatas (aerostat'o) globo (glob'o) aerostato (aerostat'o)
akrobat'o acrobat (acrobat'o) acrobata (acrobat'o) akrobatas (akrobat'o) acróbata (acrobat'o) akrobato (akrobat'o)
amat'o loved (lov'o) amado (amad'o)
amfiteatr'o amphitheater (amfixeater'o) amfiteatras (amfiteatr'o) anfiteatro (anfiteatr'o) amfiteatro (amfiteatr'o)
aparat'o apparatus (aparat'o) apparato (aparat'o) aparatas (aparat'o) aparato (aparat'o)
aparat'o device (devic'o) dispositivo (disposit'o) aparato (aparat'o)
aristokrat'o aristocrat (aristocrat'o) aristokratas (aristokrat'o) aristócrata (aristocrat'o) aristokrato (aristokrat'o)
awtomat'o automaton (automat'o) autómata (automat'o) aŭtomato (awtomat'o)
awtoritat'o authority (auxorit'o) autoritetas (autoritet'o) autoridad (aut'o) aŭtoritato (awtoritat'o)
bat'o blow (blow'o) golpe (golp'o) bato (bat'o)
blat'o chip (tcip'o) blatta (blat'o) chips (tcips'o) blato (blat'o)
boat'o boat (boat'o) barco (barc'o) boato (boat'o)
burokrat'o bureaucrat (bureaucrat'o) burocrate (burocrat'o) biurokratas (biurokrat'o) burócrata (burocrat'o) burokrato (burokrat'o)
ctat'o state (stat'o) stato (stat'o) estado (est'o) ŝtato (ctat'o)
dat'o date (dat'o) dato (dat'o) data (dat'o) fecha (fet'o) dato (dat'o)
demokrat'o democrat (democrat'o) demokratas (demokrat'o) demócrata (democrat'o) demokrato (demokrat'o)
diplomat'o diplomat (diplomat'o) diplomatas (diplomat'o) diplomático (diplomat'o) diplomato (diplomat'o)
donats'o donation (donat'o) donazione (donazion'o) donaco (donac'o)
donats'o gift (gift'o) regalo (regal'o) donaco (donac'o)
drat'o wire (wir'o) alambre (alambr'o) drato (drat'o)
ekspluat'o exploitation (exploit'o) explotación (eksplot'o) ekspluato (ekspluat'o)
erinats'o hedgehog (hedgehog'o) erizo (eriz'o) erinaco (erinac'o)
fakultat'o faculty (cul'o) facoltà (facolt'o) fakultetas (fakultet'o) facultad (facult'o) fakultato (fakultat'o)
frat'o brother (broxer'o) fratello (frat'o) hermano (herman'o) frato (frat'o)
granat'o grenade (grenad'o) granatas (granat'o) granada (granad'o) granato (granat'o)
grats'o grace (grac'o) gracia (graci'o) graco (grac'o)
grimats'o grimace (grimac'o) cara (car'o) grimaco (grimac'o)
hepat'o liver (liver'o) hígado (higad'o) hepato (hepat'o)
initsiat'o initiative (initiat'o) iniziativa (iniziat'o) iniciatyva (iniciat'o) iniciativa (inici'o) iniciato (iniciat'o)
kandidat'o candidate (candidat'o) candidato (candidat'o) kandidatas (kandidat'o) kandidato (kandidat'o)
kapitulats'o capitulation (capitulat'o) capitolazione (capitolazion'o) kapituliacija (kapituliacij'o) capitulación (capitulacion'o) kapitulaco (kapitulac'o)
kat'o cat (cat'o) kate (kat'o) gato (gat'o) kato (kat'o)
klimat'o climate (climat'o) klimatas (klimat'o) climático (climat'o) klimato (klimat'o)
komitat'o committee (comit'o) comitato (comitat'o) komitetas (komitet'o) comité (comit'o) komitato (komitat'o)
kompat'o compassion (compasion'o) compasión (compasion'o) kompato (kompat'o)
korbat'o beat (beat'o) battito del cuore vencer (vencer'o) korbato (korbat'o)
kravat'o necktie (nekt'o) cravatta (cravat'o) corbata (corbat'o) kravato (kravat'o)
kvadrat'o square (squar'o) quadrato (quadrat'o) kvadratas (kvadrat'o) plaza (plaz'o) kvadrato (kvadrat'o)
lat'o ribbon (ribon'o) cinta (cint'o) lato (lat'o)
latc'o lace (lac'o) encaje (enc'o) laĉo (latc'o)
lats'o weariness (wearines'o) cansancio (cans'o)
malsat'o hunger (hunger'o) hambre (hambr'o) malsato (malsat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o) matto (mat'o) matas (mat'o) mato (mat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o) estera (est'o) mato (mat'o)
matr'o father (faxer'o) padre (padr'o) patro (patr'o)
matr'o mother (moxer'o) madre (madr'o) patrino (patr'o)
matr'o parent (par'o) padre (padr'o) patro (patr'o)
matrats'o matress (matres'o) materassa (materas'o) matracas (matracas'o) matraco (matrac'o)
matrats'o mattress (matres'o) colchón (coltcon'o) matraco (matrac'o)
merkat'o market (market'o) mercato (mercat'o) mercado (mercad'o) merkato (merkat'o)
minats'o menace (menac'o) minaccia (minaci'o) minaco (minac'o)
minats'o threat (xreat'o) amenaza (amenaz'o) minaco (minac'o)
monat'o month (monx'o) meses (meses'o) monato (monat'o)
palats'o palace (palac'o) mansión (mans'o) palaco (palac'o)
pat'o pan (pan'o) padella (padel'o) pan (pan'o) pato (pat'o)
patr'o father (faxer'o) padre (padr'o) patro (patr'o)
patr'o mother (moxer'o) madre (madr'o) patrino (patr'o)
patr'o parent (par'o) padre (padr'o) patro (patr'o)
pats'o peace (peac'o) pace (pac'o) paz (paz'o) paco (pac'o)
pirat'o pirate (pirat'o) pirata (pirat'o) piratas (pirat'o) pirata (pirat'o) pirato (pirat'o)
plagiat'o plagiarism (plagiarism'o) plagiatas (plagiat'o) plagio (plagi'o) plagiato (plagiat'o)
plat'o plate (plat'o) placa (plac'o) plato (plat'o)
platc'o liking (liking'o) gusto (gust'o)
plats'o place (plac'o) lugar (lugar'o) placo (plac'o)
rat'o rat (rat'o) ratto (rat'o) rata (rat'o) rato (rat'o)
rezultat'o result (result'o) risultato (risultat'o) rezultatas (rezultat'o) resultado (result'o) rezultato (rezultat'o)
rilat'o relation (relat'o) rilazione (rilazion'o) relación (relacion'o) rilato (rilat'o)
rilat'o relationship (relat'o) relación (relacion'o)
sagats'o sense (sens'o) sentido (sentid'o)
senat'o senate (senat'o) senato (senat'o) senato (senat'o)
sindikat'o syndicate (syndicat'o) sindacato (sindacat'o) sindikatas (sindikat'o) sindikato (sindikat'o)
soldat'o soldier (soldier'o) soldato (soldat'o) soldado (soldad'o) soldato (soldat'o)
spats'o space (spac'o) espacio (es'o) spaco (spac'o)
spinats'o spinach (spinatc'o) spinaccia (spinaci'o) espinacas (espinacas'o) spinaco (spinac'o)
stat'o state (stat'o) stato (stat'o) estado (est'o) stato (stat'o)
strat'o street (stret'o) strada (strada'o) calle (caly'o) strato (strat'o)
surfats'o surface (surfac'o) superficie (superfici'o) surfaco (surfac'o)
surogat'o surrogate (surogat'o) surrogato (surogat'o) surogatas (surogat'o) sustituto (surogat'o) surogato (surogat'o)
teatr'o theatre (xeatr'o) teatro (teatr'o) teatras (teatr'o) teatro (teatr'o)
tomat'o tomato (tomat'o) tomate (tomat'o) tomato (tomat'o)
tsikatr'o scar (scar'o) cicatriz (cicatr'o) cikatro (cikatr'o)
universitat'o university (universit'o) università (universit'o) universitetas (universitet'o) universidad (universidad'o) universitato (universitat'o)
vat'o watt (wat'o) vata (vat'o) vatios (vat'o) vato (vat'o)
vinatc'o vinaccia (vinac'o) vinaĉo (vinatc'o)
bat'u should strike debe huelgar
cat'u should like debe que gustar
malsat'u ought to starve debe morir de hambre
malsat'u should starve debe morir de hambre
platc'u ought to please debe dar placer
platc'u please (pleas'u) por favor
platc'u should please debe dar placer
plats'u ought to place debe poner
plats'u should place debe poner
advokat'ow a lawyer (lawyer'ow) un abogado
advokat'oy lawyers (lawyer'oy) abogados (abogad'oy)
aerostat'ow a balloon (balun'ow) un globo
aerostat'oy balloons (balun'oy) globos (glob'oy)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, German, Polish, Dutch, Esperanto.

Esper' English German Polish Dutch Esperanto
anstat' instead of (anstat') anstatt (anstat') (anstat') (anstat') anstataŭ (anstat')
akurat'a accurate (acurat'a) akkurat (akurat'a) akuratny (akurat'a) akurata (akurat'a)
delikat'a delicate (delicat'a) delikat (delikat'a) delikatny (delikat'a) delikata (delikat'a)
glat'a smooth (smux'a) glatt (glat'a) gładki (gladk'a) glata (glat'a)
plat'a flat (flat'a) platt (plat'a) plata (plat'a)
privat'a private (privat'a) privat (privat'a) prywatny (prywat'a) privata (privat'a)
sat'a satisfied (sat'a) satt (sat'a) sata (sat'a)
cat'i to like (lik'i) schätzen (schat'i) ŝati (cat'i)
ekspluat'i to exploit (exploit'i) eksploatować (eksploat'i) ekspluati (ekspluat'i)
klatc'i to gossip (gosip'i) klatschen (klatsc'i) klaĉi (klatc'i)
konstat'i to state (stat'i) konstatieren (konstat'i) konstati (konstat'i)
abat'o abbot (abot'o) Abt (abt'o) abato (abat'o)
advokat'o lawyer (lawyer'o) Advokat (advokat'o) adwokat (adwokat'o) advokato (advokat'o)
akrobat'o acrobat (acrobat'o) Akrobat (akrobat'o) akrobato (akrobat'o)
aparat'o apparatus (aparat'o) Apparat (aparat'o) aparat (aparat'o) aparato (aparat'o)
aristokrat'o aristocrat (aristocrat'o) Aristokrat (aristokrat'o) aristokrato (aristokrat'o)
awtoritat'o authority (auxorit'o) Autorität (autoritat'o) aŭtoritato (awtoritat'o)
boat'o boat (boat'o) Boot (bot'o) boato (boat'o)
burokrat'o bureaucrat (bureaucrat'o) Bürokrat (burokrat'o) biurokrat (biurokrat'o) burokrato (burokrat'o)
ctat'o state (stat'o) Staat (stat'o) ŝtato (ctat'o)
demokrat'o democrat (democrat'o) Demokrat (demokrat'o) demokrato (demokrat'o)
diplomat'o diplomat (diplomat'o) Diplomat (diplomat'o) dyplomata (dyplomat'o) diplomato (diplomat'o)
drat'o wire (wir'o) Draht (draht'o) drut (drut'o) drato (drat'o)
fakultat'o faculty (cul'o) Fakultat (fakultat'o) fakultato (fakultat'o)
granat'o grenade (grenad'o) Granatapfel (granat'o) granato (granat'o)
initsiat'o initiative (initiat'o) Initiative (initiat'o) inicjatywa (inicjat'o) iniciato (iniciat'o)
kandidat'o candidate (candidat'o) Kandidat (kandidat'o) kandydat (kandydat'o) kandidato (kandidat'o)
kapitulats'o capitulation (capitulat'o) Kapitulation (kapitulation'o) kapitulaco (kapitulac'o)
kat'o cat (cat'o) kot (kot'o) kato (kat'o)
komitat'o committee (comit'o) Komität (komitat'o) komitet (komitet'o) komitato (komitat'o)
kravat'o necktie (nekt'o) Krawatte (krawat'o) krawat (krawat'o) kravato (kravat'o)
kvadrat'o square (squar'o) Quadrat (quadrat'o) kwadrat (kwadrat'o) kvadrato (kvadrat'o)
lat'o ribbon (ribon'o) Latte (lat'o) lato (lat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o) Matt (mat'o) mato (mat'o)
mat'o mat (mat'o) Matte (mat'o) mata (mat'o) mato (mat'o)
matrats'o matress (matres'o) Matratze (matratz'o) materac (materac'o) matraco (matrac'o)
merkat'o market (market'o) Markt (markt'o) merkato (merkat'o)
monat'o month (monx'o) Monat (monat'o) monato (monat'o)
palats'o palace (palac'o) palac (palac'o) palaco (palac'o)
pat'o pan (pan'o) patelnia (pat'o) pato (pat'o)
pirat'o pirate (pirat'o) Pirat (pirat'o) pirato (pirat'o)
plats'o place (plac'o) Platz (platz'o) plac (plac'o) placo (plac'o)
rat'o rat (rat'o) Ratte (rat'o) rato (rat'o)
rezultat'o result (result'o) Resultat (resultat'o) rezultat (rezultat'o) rezultato (rezultat'o)
senat'o senate (senat'o) Senat (senat'o) senato (senat'o)
sindikat'o syndicate (syndicat'o) Syndikat (syndikat'o) sindikato (sindikat'o)
soldat'o soldier (soldier'o) Soldat (soldat'o) soldato (soldat'o)
strat'o street (stret'o) straat (strat'o) strato (strat'o)
surogat'o surrogate (surogat'o) Surrogat (surogat'o) surogat (surogat'o) (surogat'o) surogato (surogat'o)
teatr'o theatre (xeatr'o) Theater (theater'o) teatr (teatr'o) teatro (teatr'o)
tomat'o tomato (tomat'o) Tomate (tomat'o) tomato (tomat'o)
universitat'o university (universit'o) Universität (universitat'o) uniwersytet (uniwersytet'o) universitato (universitat'o)
vat'o watt (wat'o) Watte (wat'o) wata (wat'o) vato (vat'o)
anstat'wi instead of (anstat'wi) anstatt (anstat'wi) (anstat'wi) (anstat'wi) anstataŭ (anstat'wi)