Enterprise Resource Planning/Presales and Business Analysis/11

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Completion status: this resource is ~50% complete.
Type classification: this is a lesson resource.
Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.

Online Demo Preview

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This is a lesson part of the module ERP Presales and Business Analysis out of the Open Source ERP/Executive Diploma course conducted by a private university.


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  • Having preview resource online is a big help, and been a bazaar with contributors, there are those who provided just that.[1][2][3]


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  • Try out each reference link and go through some of the features and functions.
  • Discuss how such online demo can be used to impress and interact with the prospects.
  • In what other circumstance can such resources be used for?
  • What other kind of online resource does the project need?


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  • Publish your works in an attractive manner in your user page, stating your own views and findings providing links to your sources. Use the talk page here to score marks.
  • Create or edit sub-pages of course materials within wikiversity.
  • Discuss in the forum (link shall be provided) by offering your ideas and answering or comment on others' postings.


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  1. http://www.adempiere.com.ec:9595/
  2. http://www.testadempiere.com/webui/
  3. http://adempieredemo.metas.de/nx/nxapplet.html
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(Provided by Students - subject to edit ranking by tutor)

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(Provided by Students - subject to edit ranking by tutor)


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(Done in wikiversity as course material by the students under the guidance of the tutor)