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A vitamin is a chemical compound that is needed in small amounts for the human body to work correctly. They include Vitamin A, many B vitamins (like B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12), Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. For example, citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons contain vitamin C.

维生素 是 一种 少量 需要的 化合物,可以 使 人体 正常工作。它们 包括 维生素A,许多 B族维生素(如B1,B2,B3,B6 和 B12),维生素C,维生素D,维生素E 和 维生素K。例如,柑橘类水果 如 橙子 和 柠檬中 含有 维生素C。

B vitamins

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B vitamins are a group of 8 vitamins. They have an important job in the metabolism of cells. Each B vitamin is a cofactor (a coenzyme) for some key metabolic processes or it is a precursor needed to make one.

B族维生素 是 一组 8种 维生素。它们 在 细胞代谢 方面 有着 重要的 工作。每种 B族维生素 都是 一种 辅酶,用于 一些 关键的 代谢过程,或者 是 一种 制造辅酶的 前体。

Bran is rich in nutrients

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Bran is particularly rich in dietary fiber and essential fatty acids and contains significant quantities of starch, protein, vitamins, and dietary minerals.


Food fortification

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Food fortification or enrichment is the process of adding micronutrients (essential trace elements and vitamins) to food. Sometimes it's a purely commercial choice to provide extra nutrients in a food, while other times it is a public health policy which aims to reduce the number of people with dietary deficiencies within a population. Staple foods of a region can lack particular nutrients due to the soil of the region or from inherent inadequacy of a normal diet. Addition of micronutrients to staples and condiments can prevent large-scale deficiency diseases in these cases.

食品强化 或 丰富化 是 向 食品 添加 微量营养素(必需的 微量元素 和 维生素)的 过程。有时候,在 食物中 提供 额外的 营养素 是 一种 纯粹的 商业选择,而 有时候 它是 一种 公共卫生政策,旨在 减少 人群中 饮食缺乏的 人数。由于 该 地区的 土壤 或 正常饮食 固有的 不足,一个 地区的 主食 可能 缺乏 特定的 营养素。在 主食 和 调味品中 添加 微量营养素 可以 预防 这些 病例中的 大规模 缺乏症。

Shípǐn qiánghuà huò fēngfùhuà shì xiàng shípǐn tiānjiā weiliahng yíngyǎngsù (bìxū de weiliahng yuánsù hé wéishēngsù) de guòchéng. Yǒushíhòu, zài shíwù zhong tígōng éwài de yíngyǎngsù shì yī zhǒng chúncuì de shāngyè xuǎnzé, ér yǒushíhòu tā shì yī zhǒng gōnggòng wèishēng zhèngcè, zhǐzài jiǎnshǎo rénqún zhōng yǐnshí quēfá de rénshù. Yóuyú gāi dìqū de tǔrǎng huò zhèngcháng yǐnshí gùyǒu de bùzú, yīgè dìqū de zhǔshí kěnéng quēfá tèdìng de yíngyǎngsù. Zài zhǔshí hé tiáowèipǐn zhōng tiānjiā weiliahng yíngyǎngsù kěyǐ yùfáng zhèxiē bìnglì zhōng de dàguīmó quēfázhèng.

Food processing can decrease nutrition

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Food processing can decrease nutrition. Nutritional losses depend on food and processing methods. For example, heat can destroy vitamin C. Therefore, canned fruits have lower levels of vitamin C than their fresh alternatives.

食品加工会减少营养。 营养损失取决于食物和加工方法。 例如热可以破坏维生素C。 因此罐装水果的维生素C含量低于其新鲜的替代品。

Shípǐn jiāgōng huì jiǎnshǎo yíngyǎng. Yíngyǎng sǔnshī qǔjué yú shíwù hé jiāgōng fāngfǎ. Lìrú rè kěyǐ pòhuài wéishēngsù C. Yīncǐ guànzhuāng shuǐguǒ de wéishēngsù C hánliàng dīyú qí xīnxiān de tìdàipǐn.

Fresh fruits are generally high in fiber, vitamin C, and water

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Fresh fruits are generally high in fiber, vitamin C, and water.


How yogurt is good for health

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Yogurt has a lot of protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 in it. It is healthier than milk is. Many people who are lactose-allergic can eat yogurt, because much of the lactose in the milk has become lactic acid.

Yogurt also has medical uses, and in preventing antibiotic-related diarrhea.

酸奶中 含有 大量的 蛋白质,钙,核黄素,维生素B6 和 维生素B12。它 比 牛奶 更健康。许多 乳糖过敏的 人 可以 吃 酸奶,因为 牛奶中的 大部分 乳糖 已经 变成 乳酸。

酸奶 还 具有 医疗用途,并 用于 预防 抗生素有关的 腹泻。

Huangyabai (Chinese cabbage) is rich in vitamin C (26 mg/100g) and has a fair amount of calcium (40 mg/100g)

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Huangyabai (Chinese cabbage) is rich in vitamin C (26 mg/100g) and has a fair amount of calcium (40 mg/100g). It tastes mildly aromatic.

黄芽白(大白菜)含有丰富的维生素C(26毫克/100克),含有相当数量的钙(40毫克/100克)。 它味道温和芳香。

In some cases, gray hair may be caused by thyroid deficiencies, Waardenburg syndrome or a vitamin B12 deficiency

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In some cases, gray hair may be caused by thyroid deficiencies, Waardenburg syndrome or a vitamin B12 deficiency.


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Low vitamin C intake and high serum levels are related with higher cataract rates, but vitamin C supplement has not proven can prevent cataract.



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Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid, is an organic compound and is, depending on the definition used, one of the 20 to 80 essential human nutrients, namely vitamin B3. It can be dissolved in water. It plays a very important role in the metabolism of living cells.

烟酸 是 一种 有机化合物,取决于 所用的 定义,它是 20到80种 人体 必需 营养素 之一,也就是 维生素B3。它 可以 溶于水。它 在 活细胞的 新陈代谢中 起着 非常 重要的 作用。

Parsnip is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially potassium

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Parsnip is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially potassium.

欧防风(又名 芹菜萝卜、黄萝卜)富含 维生素 和 矿物质,尤其是 钾。


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Pellagra is a disease caused by a lack of the vitamin niacin (vitamin B3). Symptoms include inflamed skin, diarrhea, dementia, and sores in the mouth. Areas of the skin exposed to either sunlight or friction are typically affected first. Over time affected skin may become darker, stiff, begin to peel, or bleed.

糙皮病 是 由 缺乏 维生素 烟酸(维生素B3)引起的 疾病。症状 包括 皮肤发炎,腹泻,痴呆 和 口腔溃疡。通常 首先 受到 阳光照射 或 摩擦的 皮肤 区域 受到 影响。随着 时间的 推移,受影响的 皮肤 可能 变得 更暗,僵硬,开始 剥落 或 流血。

People can get scurvy if lack of vitamin C

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People can get scurvy if lack of vitamin C.

如果 缺乏 维生素C,人们 会 患 坏血病。


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Riboflavin is one of the B vitamins (vitamin B2). The B and C vitamins are the vitamins that dissolve in water. A healthy person's gut can easily take riboflavin from food and pass it on to the blood for the body to use. The body needs the B vitamins to get energy from food. Without riboflavin and the other B vitamins people's bodies cannot use fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

核黄素 是 B族维生素 之一(维生素B2)。 B 和 C维生素 是 溶于水的 维生素。健康 人的 肠道 可以 很容易地 从 食物中 摄取 核黄素,并 将 其 传递 给 血液 供 身体 使用。身体 需要 B族维生素 来 从 食物中 获取 能量。如果 没有 核黄素 和 其他 B族维生素,人体 不能 使用 脂肪,碳水化合物 和 蛋白质。

Riboflavin is in the vitamin B group

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Riboflavin is in the vitamin B group.


Rice bran lowers lipid levels

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Rice bran contains tocotrienols (a form of vitamin E), gamma-oryzanol and beta-sitosterol; all these constituents may contribute to the lowering of the plasma levels of the various parameters of the lipid profile.

米糠含有生育三烯酚(一种维生素E),γ-谷维素和β-谷甾醇; 所有这些成分可能有助于降低脂质谱的各种参数的血浆水平。


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Spinach is a green, leafy vegetable. It comes from southwestern and central Asia. Its flowers are small and yellow. Spinach is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate. Spinach, along with other green, leafy vegetables, is rich in iron.

菠菜 是 一种 绿色 多叶 蔬菜。它 来自 西南亚 和 中亚。它的 花朵 小而黄。菠菜 富含 维生素K,维生素A,维生素C 和 叶酸。菠菜 和 其他 绿色 多叶 蔬菜 一样 富含 铁。

Studies have shown that vitamin E has an anti-aging effect

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Studies have shown that vitamin E has an anti-aging effect.


Sunflower oil is a rich source of vitamin E

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Sunflower oil is a rich source of vitamin E.



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Thiamine (or thiamin) is vitamin B1. It is a water-soluble vitamin of the B complex. Its phosphate derivatives take part in many cellular processes. Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) is a coenzyme in the catabolism of sugars and amino acids.

Lack of thiamine causes beriberi.

硫胺素 就是 维生素B1。它是 B复合物的 水溶性 维生素。其 磷酸盐 衍生物 参与 许多 细胞过程。硫胺焦磷酸(TPP)是 糖 和 氨基酸 分解代谢中的 辅酶。

缺乏 硫胺素 会 导致 脚气病。

Vegetables supply dietary fiber and are important sources of essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements

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Vegetables supply dietary fiber and are important sources of essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Particularly important are the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E.

蔬菜 提供 膳食 纤维,是 必需 维生素、矿物质 和 微量 元素 的 重要 来源。特别 重要 的 是 抗氧化 维生素 A、C 和 E。

Vitamin A

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Vitamin A is a vitamin, a group of organic chemicals including retinal and several carotenoids. The human body does not make these chemicals, and must take them from food. Carrots and liver are both rich in vitamin A. Many parts of the body need vitamin A. For example, vitamin A helps sight and is good for the immune system. It is also important for a growing embryo.

维生素A 是 一种 维生素,一组 有机 化学物质,包括 视黄醛 和 几种 类胡萝卜素。人体 不制造 这些 化学物质,必须 从 食物中 摄取。红萝卜 和 肝 都 含有 丰富的 维生素A. 身体的 许多 部位 都 需要 维生素A. 例如,维生素A 有助于 保持 视力,对 免疫系统 有益。对于 不断 增长的 胚胎 也 很重要。

Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated nutrients

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Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated nutrients including retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and some carotenoids (most commonly beta-carotene).


Vitamin B12

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Vitamin B12 is also called cobalamin. It has a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. It is one of the eight B vitamins.

维生素B12 也 被称为 钴胺素。它 在 大脑 和 神经系统的 正常功能 以及 血液的 形成中 起着 关键作用。它是 八种 B族维生素 之一。

Vitamin B12 helps maintain healthy red blood cells

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Vitamin B12 helps maintain healthy red blood cells.


Vitamin B2 is used as a dietary supplement

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Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is a vitamin found in food and used as a dietary supplement.


Vitamin B6

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Vitamin B6 refers to a group of chemically similar compounds which can be interconverted in biological systems. Vitamin B6 is part of the vitamin B group of essential nutrients. Its active form, pyridoxal-5-phosphate (p5p), serves as a coenzyme in some 100 enzyme reactions in amino acid, glucose, and lipid metabolism.

维生素B6 是指 一组 可以 在 生物系统中 相互转化的 类似化合物。维生素B6 是 维生素B群 必需营养素的 一部分。其 活性形式,吡哆醛5磷酸(p5p),在 氨基酸,葡萄糖 和 脂质代谢的 约 100种 酶素反应中 用作 辅酶。

Vitamin B6 is involved in many aspects of macronutrient metabolism

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Vitamin B6 is involved in many aspects of macronutrient metabolism.


Vitamin C

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Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vitamin. It is found in fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. It is one of the water soluble vitamins.

维生素C,也 被称为 抗坏血酸,是 一种 维生素。它 存在于 新鲜 水果,浆果 和 蔬菜。它是 水溶性 维生素 之一。

Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables

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Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables. It is one of the water-soluble vitamins.

维生素C 存在于 蔬果中。它是 水溶性 维生素 之一。

Vitamin C is important for wound healing

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Vitamin C is important for wound healing.

维生素C 对 伤口愈合 很重要。

Vitamin D

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Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin. It is a steroid hormone, which is made in the body under the right conditions. However, if the body does not make enough, it can also be obtained from food sources.

维生素D 实际上 并不是 一种 维生素。它是 一种 类固醇激素,在 适当的 条件下 在 体内 合成。但是,如果 身体 合成得 不够,也 可以 从 食物来源 获得。

Vitamin E

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Vitamin E is a vitamin. There are eight forms of it, E1 to E8. It can be found in vegetable oils. Very often it is also added to lotions and creams for the skin. It is supposed to help the healing of the skin, after burns and injuries, and lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

维生素E 是 一种 维生素。它 有 八种 形式,E1 到 E8。它 可以 在 植物油中 找到。很多时候 它 也 被添加 到 皮肤的 乳液 和 面霜中。它 应该 有助于 皮肤 愈合,烧伤 和 受伤后,并 降低 心脏病 和 癌症的 风险。

Vitamin E is supposed to help the healing of the skin, after burns and injuries, and lower the risk of heart disease and cancer

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Vitamin E is supposed to help the healing of the skin, after burns and injuries, and lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.


Vitamin is an essential micronutrient

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A vitamin is an organic molecule which is an essential micronutrient that an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism.

维生素 是 一种 有机分子,是 一种 必需的 微量营养素,有机体 需要 少量 使其 新陈代谢 正常运作。

Vitamin K

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Vitamin K is a vitamin which is soluble in fat. It is probably best known for its role in the coagulation (clotting) of blood. However, it also serves other important functions in the body.

维生素K 是 一种 可溶于脂肪的 维生素。它 可能 以其 在 凝血中的 作用 而 闻名。但是,它 也 在 体内 扮演 其他 重要 功能。

Vitamin K is a vitamin

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Vitamin K is a vitamin. It is soluble in fat. The most famous is its role in blood clotting.

维生素K是一种维生素。 它可溶于脂肪。 最着名的是它在血液凝固中的作用。

Vitamins are a kind of compound

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Vitamins are a kind of compound. The body needs a small amount of vitamins to keep the body functioning properly.

维生素 是 一种 化合物。 身体 需要 少量的 维生素 来 保持 身体 正常运作。