A computer is a machine (mostly electronic) that is able to take information (input), and process it to make new information (output).
计算机 是 一种 能够 获取 信息(输入)并 处理 它 以 产生 新信息(输出)的 机器(主要 是 电子 的)。
Based on what information the computer has gotten
[edit | edit source]Based on what information the computer has gotten, it can decide to do stuff with it.
Basic computer consists of three main parts
[edit | edit source]The basic computer consists of three main parts: input/output, processor, and memory.
[edit | edit source]A byte has 8 bits. It is a number between 0 and 255 (28=256).
[edit | edit source]一个 byte 有 8个 bit。它是 一个 介乎 0 到 255 之间的 数字(28=256)。
Yīgè byte yǒu 8 gè bit. Tā shì yīgè jièhū 0 dào 255 zhījiān de shùzì (28=256).
Central processing unit
[edit | edit source]The central processing unit (CPU) is an important part of every computer. The CPU sends signals to control the other parts of the computer, almost like the brain controls the body.
中央处理单元(CPU)是每台计算机的重要组成部分。 CPU发送信号来控制计算机的其他部分,几乎就像大脑控制身体一样。
Components help the computer works
[edit | edit source]The way components inside a computer fit together helps describe how the computer works.
[edit | edit source]Computation is the act of determining (working out) something by processing information. It involves using specific rules, either mathematical or logical. It may or may not involve using numbers; the computation of numbers and arithmetic is generally called calculation. The study of computation is called computer science.
计算 是 通过 处理信息 确定(算出)某事物的 行为。它 涉及 使用 特定 规则,数学 或 逻辑。它 可能 或 可能不涉及 使用 数字; 数字 和 算术的 计算 通常 被称为 计数。计算研究 被称为 计算机科学。
Computer can perform logical operations
[edit | edit source]A computer is a device that can be instructed to automatically perform a series of arithmetic or logical operations through programming.
[edit | edit source]计算机 是 可以 被 指示 通过 编程 自动 执行 一系列 算术 或 逻辑 运算 的 设备。
Jìsuànjī shì kěyǐ bèi zhǐshì tōngguò biānchéng zìdòng zhíxíng yīxìliè suànshù huò luójí yùnsuàn de shèbèi.
Computer engineering
[edit | edit source]Computer engineering is the practice of making computers and their parts. Computer engineers are always trying to make new parts smaller and better. They can also work on software, especially software for embedded systems (specialized electronics like cell-phones and satellite receivers, not a general-purpose computer).
计算机工程 是 制造 计算机 及其 零件的 实践。计算机工程师 总是 试图 让 新零件 更小 更好。它们 还可以 处理 软件,尤其是 嵌入式系统的 软件(专用电子设备,如 手机 和 卫星接收器,而不是 通用计算机)。
Computer engineers
[edit | edit source]Computer engineers try to build machines that act as if they were intelligent. This is related to computer science and is called Artificial intelligence (man-made "intelligence").
计算机工程师试图建立像智能一样的机器。 这与计算机科学有关,被称为人工智能(人造智能)。
Computer executes the program
[edit | edit source]When the computer follows the instructions in the program, we say that it executes the program.
当 计算机 遵循 程序 中 的 指令 时,我们 说 它 执行 程序。
Computer hardware
[edit | edit source]Computer hardware includes the physical parts or components of a computer, such as the central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer data storage, graphic card, sound card, speakers and motherboard. By contrast, software is instructions that can be stored and run by hardware.
计算机硬件 包括 计算机的 物理部件 或 组件,例如 中央处理单元,监视器,键盘,计算机数据存储器,图形卡,声卡,扬声器 和 主板。相比之下,软件 是 可以 由 硬件 存储 和 运行的 指令。
Computer input
[edit | edit source]You can put data into a computer by your keyboard, a mouse, a trackpad, a camera, an infrared sensor; anything that will give the computer more information about the world around it.
您可以通过键盘,鼠标,触控板,相机,红外传感器将数据输入计算机; 任何可以为计算机提供有关周围世界的更多信息的东西。
Computer is a "box"
[edit | edit source]A computer is a "box" that you put some "stuff" in, the box does "stuff" with it, and then the box has some way of showing the world what it's done.
[edit | edit source]计算机 是 一个 “盒子”,你 把 一些 “东西” 放 进去,盒子 里面 有 “东西”,然后 盒子 有 办法 向 世界 展示 它 做了 什么。
Jìsuànjī shì yīgè “hézi”, nǐ bǎ yīxiē “dōngxī” fàng jìnqù, hézi lǐmiàn yǒu “dōngxī”, ránhòu hézi yǒu bànfǎ xiàng shìjiè zhǎnshì tā zuòle shénme.
Computer is a tool for solving data problems
[edit | edit source]A computer is a tool for solving data problems.
[edit | edit source]计算机 是 解决 数据 问题 的 工具。
Jìsuànjī shì jiějué shùjù wèntí de gōngjù.
Computer is an electronic device
[edit | edit source]A computer is an electronic device that takes input or output such as numbers, text, sound, image, animations, video, etc., processes it, and converts it into meaningful information that could be understood, presenting the changed input (processed input) as output.
[edit | edit source]计算机 是 一种 电子设备,可以 接收 输入 或 输出,如 数字,文本,声音,图像,动画,视频 等,对 其 进行 处理,并 将 其 转换为 可理解的 有意义 信息,呈现 更改过的 输入(处理后的 输入) 作为 输出。
Jìsuànjī shì yī zhǒng diànzǐ shèbèi, kěyǐ jiēshōu shūrù huò shūchū, rú shùzì, wénběn, shēngyīn, túxiàng, dònghuà, shìpín děng, duì ta'men jìnxíng chǔlǐ, bìng baa ta'men zhuǎnhuàn wéi kě lǐjiě de yǒu yìyì xìnxī, chéngxiàn genggaai'guo de shūrù (chǔlǐ hòu de shūrù) zuòwéi shūchū.
Computer is composed of five crucial parts
[edit | edit source]A computer is composed of five crucial parts:
- An input device
- A storage facility to hold numbers for processing
- A processor or number calculator
- A control unit to direct tasks to be performed
- An output device
计算机 由 五个 关键 部分 组成:
- 输入 设备
- 用于 保存 数字 以 进行 处理 的 存储 设施
- 处理器 或 数字 计算器
- 用于 指导 要 执行 的 任务 的 控制 单元
- 输出 设备
Computer monitor
[edit | edit source]A computer monitor is an electronic device that shows pictures for computers. Monitors often look similar to televisions. The main difference between a monitor and a television is that a monitor does not have a television tuner to change channels. Monitors often have higher display resolution than televisions. A high display resolution makes it easier to see smaller letters and fine graphics.
计算机监视器 是 一种 显示 计算机 图像的 电子设备。监视器 通常 与 电视 类似。监视器 和 电视机 之间的 主要 区别 是 监视器 没有 电视调谐器 来 改变 频道。监视器 通常 比 电视机 有 更高的 显示分辨率。高显示分辨率 使得 更容易 看到 较小的 字母 和 精细图形。
Computer network
[edit | edit source]It is possible to connect a number of computers and other electronic devices to create a computer network. The computers and devices which are part of the network can "talk" to each other and exchange information. In addition to the computers and devices which are connected, other devices are often needed for the network to work correctly. Examples for such devices include hubs and switches. Different kinds of network can be connected to each other with a router. In general, networks that use cables to connect can operate at higher speeds than those using wireless technology.
可以 连接 多个 计算机 和 其他 电子设备 以 创建 计算机网络。作为 网络 一部分的 计算机 和 设备 可以 彼此 “交谈” 并 交换信息。除了 连接的 计算机 和 设备 之外,网络 通常 还 需要 其他 设备 才能 正常工作。这种 设备的 示例 包括 集线器 和 交换机。不同种类的 网络 可以 通过 路由器 相互连接。通常,使用 电缆 连接的 网络 可以 比 使用 无线技术的 网络 以 更高的 速度 运行。
Computer performs a wide range of tasks
[edit | edit source]Computer programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks.
Computer processes information based on data
[edit | edit source]A computer will process information differently based on what kind of data it's gotten.
计算机 将 根据 获取 的 数据 类型 对 信息 进行 不同 的 处理。
Computer program
[edit | edit source]A computer program is a collection of instructions for performing a specific task that is designed to solve a specific class of problems. The instructions of a program are designed to be executed by a computer and it is required that a computer is able to execute programs in order for it to function.
计算机程序 是 用于 执行 旨在 解决 特定 类别 问题的 特定 任务的 指令的 集合。程序的 指令 被设计为 由 计算机 执行,并且 要求 计算机 能够 执行 程序 以使 其 起作用。
Computer programming is the process of executing commands using formulas
[edit | edit source]Computer programming is the process of executing commands using formulas.
计算机编程 是 使用 公式 执行 命令 的 过程。
Computer science
[edit | edit source]Computer science is the study of manipulating, managing, transforming and encoding information.
There are many different areas in computer science. Some areas consider problems in an abstract manner, while some need special machines, called computers.
A person who works with computers will often need mathematics, science, and logic in order to design and work with computers.
计算机科学 是 对 信息 进行 操纵,管理,转换 和 编码的 研究。
计算机科学 有 许多 不同的 领域。一些 领域 以 抽象的 方式 考虑 问题,而 一些 领域 需要 特殊的 机器,称为 计算机。
使用 计算机的 人 通常 需要 数学,科学 和 逻辑 才能 设计 和 使用 计算机。
Computer shows the world what it's done
[edit | edit source]Once the computer has done some processing, there should be a way to show the world what it's done. This is usually done through a screen, but can also be done with a speaker, LEDs, a laser, a robotic arm; all of these are called outputs.
一旦计算机完成了一些处理,就应该有一种方法向世界展示它做了什么。 这通常通过屏幕完成,但也可以通过扬声器,LED,激光器,机械臂完成; 所有这些都称为输出。
Computer uses a program to process information
[edit | edit source]A computer decides how to process information using a set of instructions it has, called a program.
[edit | edit source]计算机 决定 如何 使用 它 所具有的 一组 指令 来 处理 信息,称为 程序。
Jìsuànjī juédìng rúhé shǐyòng tā suǒ jùyǒu de yī zǔ zhǐlìng lái chǔlǐ xìnxī, chēngwéi chéngxù.
Computer virus
[edit | edit source]A computer virus is a program that is able to copy itself when it is run. Often, computer viruses are run as a part of other programs. Biological viruses also work that way, as they copy themselves as part of other organisms. This is how the computer virus got its name.
计算机病毒 是 一种 能够 在 运行 时 自行 复制的 程序。通常,计算机病毒 作为 其他 程序的 一部分 运行。生物病毒 也 以 这种 方式 起 作用,因为 它们 将 自身 复制为 其他 生物的 一部分。这 就是 计算机病毒 取名的 原因。
Computers are used as control systems
[edit | edit source]Computers are used as control systems for a variety of industrial and consumer devices.
计算机 被用作 各种 工业 和 消费 设备的 控制系统。
[edit | edit source]Computing is any activity that uses computers. It includes developing hardware and software, and using computers to manage and process information, communicate and entertain. Computing is a critically important, integral component of modern industrial technology. Major computing disciplines include computer engineering, software engineering, computer science, information systems, and information technology.
计算 是 使用 计算机 的 任何 活动。它 包括 开发 硬件 和 软件,以及 使用 计算机 来 管理 和 处理 信息,进行 交流 和 娱乐。计算 是 现代工业技术的 一个 至关重要的 组成部分。主要的 计算学科 包括 计算机工程,软件工程,计算机科学,信息系统 和 信息技术。
CPU processes the data
[edit | edit source]The CPU processes the data based on the input data and the program installed in the computer memory.
[edit | edit source]In computer science, data usually means unchecked messages.
在 计算机科学中,数据 通常 意味着 未经检查的 信息。
He opened the computer so we could get a look at the circuit board
[edit | edit source]He opened the computer so we could get a look at the circuit board.
Information can be stored in the computer memory
[edit | edit source]The information can be stored in the computer memory or presented through an Output Device.
Information processing
[edit | edit source]Information processing is the change (processing) of information in any manner detectable by an observer. As such, it is a process that describes everything that happens (changes) in the universe, from the falling of a rock (a change in position) to the printing of a text file from a digital computer system.
信息处理 是 以 观察者 可检测的 任何 方式 改变(处理)信息。因此,它是 一个 描述 宇宙中 发生(变化)的 一切的 过程,从 石头的 坠下(位置的 变化)到 从 数字计算机系统 打印 文本文件。
Information systems
[edit | edit source]Information systems (IS) is the study of how people put data into computers to create useful information.
信息系统(IS)是 研究 人们 如何 将 数据 放入 计算机 以 创建 有用 信息。
Input and output provide a way to interact with a computer
[edit | edit source]Input and output provide a way to interact with a computer.
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Display
- Power Button
- Camera
- 键盘
- 鼠标
- 显示
- 电源按钮
- 相机
[edit | edit source]The Internet is the biggest world-wide communication network of computers. Internet has millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry many different kinds of information. The term is sometimes abbreviated as "the net". The World Wide Web is one of its biggest services. It is used by a few billion people all over the world.
Internet 是 世界上 最大的 计算机通信网络。Internet 拥有 数以百万计的 小型的 民用,学术,商业 和 政府 网络,它们 共同 传送 许多 不同类型的 信息。该术语 有时 缩写为 “网”。World Wide Web 是其 最大的 服务 之一。它 被 全世界 数十亿人 使用。
Machine translation
[edit | edit source]Machine translation is sometimes abbreviated as MT and is part of computational linguistics. It focuses on the use of computer software to translate text or speech from one natural language to another.
机器翻译 有时 缩写为 MT,是 计算语言学的 一部分。 它 侧重于 使用 计算机软件 将 文本 或 语音 从 一种 自然语言 翻译成 另一种 自然语言。
Markup language
[edit | edit source]A markup language is a computer language. It is made up of a set of instructions, and of data. It is not the same as a programming language, as only programming languages can have if statements and other conditional statements.
markup语言 是 一种 计算机语言。它由 一组 指令 和 数据 组成。它 与 编程语言 不同,因为 只有 编程语言 才能 有 if语句 和 其他 条件语句。
Modern computers can follow a common set of operations called programs
[edit | edit source]Modern computers can follow a common set of operations called programs.
[edit | edit source]A motherboard is a circuit board in a computer that is interconnected with hardware devices.
[edit | edit source]A communication network is a group of things that are connected together using some form of talking or other communication to transfer information or data. The pattern by which things are connected is called a network topology. A television network, for example, connects television stations. Computer networks are numerous.
通信网络 是 使用 某种 形式的 通话 或 其他 通信 连接 在一起 以 传输 信息 或 数据的 一组 事物。事物 连接的 模式 称为 网络topology。例如,电视网络 连接 电视台。计算机网络 很多。
Network topology
[edit | edit source]
Network topology is the layout of the connections (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network.
网络 topology 是 计算机 网络 的 连接(链路,节点 等)的 布局。
Program is a series of instructions
[edit | edit source]A program is a series of instructions that tell the computer how to perform a task.
程序 是 一系列 指令,告诉 计算机 如何 执行 任务。
Programming language
[edit | edit source]A programming language is a language used to express a program.
编程语言 是 用于 表达 程序 的 语言。
Server (computing)
[edit | edit source]In computing, a server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients".
在 信息处理技术中,服务器 是 计算机程序 或 设备,为 其他 程序 或 设备 提供 功能,被称为 “客户端”。
[edit | edit source]Computer software (often called just software) is a set of instructions and associated documentation that tells a computer what to do or how to perform a task or it can mean all the software on a computer, including the applications and the operating system. Applications are programs that do a specific thing, such as a game or a word processor. The operating system (Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, etc.) is software that helps the applications run, and controls the display and the keyboard.
计算机软件(通常 称为 软件)是 一组 指令 和 相关文档,它 告诉 计算机 该做 什么 或 如何 执行任务,或者 它 可以 指 计算机上的 所有软件,包括 应用程序 和 操作系统。应用程序 是 执行 特定操作的 程序,例如 游戏 或 文字处理程序。操作系统(Mac OS,Microsoft Windows,Linux 等)是 帮助 应用程序 运行 并 控制 显示器 和 键盘的 软件。
Software engineering
[edit | edit source]Software engineering is a field of engineering, for designing and writing programs for computers or other electronic devices.
软件工程 是 一个 工程领域,用于 为 计算机 或 其他 电子设备 设计 和 编写程序。
Sound card helps to input and output audio signals
[edit | edit source]The sound card helps to input and output audio signals to and from the computer under the control of a computer program.
The CPU processes the data according to data or programs in the memory
[edit | edit source]The CPU processes the data according to data or programs in the memory. For example, when you press the power button on your computer, data or programs are automatically sent from memory to the processor.
CPU根据存储器中的数据或程序处理数据。 例如,当您按计算机上的电源按钮时,数据或程序会自动从内存发送到处理器。
The first personal computer was created in 1976
[edit | edit source]The first personal computer was created in 1976.
The memory gives your computer a place to store information
[edit | edit source]The memory gives your computer a place to store information that it might need in order to process data well.
The stuff you put into a computer is called data
[edit | edit source]The stuff you put into a computer is called data, and gets into the computer using the input.
Web browser
[edit | edit source]A web browser is a computer application on all modern computers. They are now also a common feature on mobile phones or other mobile devices and tablets such as iPads or Android tablets.
网络浏览器 是 所有 现代 电脑的 电脑 应用程序。它们 现在 也是 手机 或 其他 移动设备 和 平板电脑(如 iPad 或 Android 平板电脑)的 常见 功能。
[edit | edit source]A website is a set of webpages that are joined together. People look at websites with a computer of some kind, sometimes including the computer inside mobile telephones and televisions. The websites are kept on computers called web servers.
网站 是 一组 连接 在一起的 网页。人们 用 某种 计算机 看 网站,有时 包括 移动电话 和 电视机内的 计算机。这些 网站 保存 在 称为 Web服务器的 计算机上。
What the computer does with information is known as processing
[edit | edit source]What the computer does with information is known as processing.