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The Universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.

宇宙 是 所有的 空间 和 时间 以及 它们的 内容,包括 行星,恒星,星系 以及 所有 其他的 物质 形式 和 能量。

Astronomers can use telescopes to look at very distant galaxies

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Astronomers can use telescopes to look at very distant galaxies. This is how they see what the universe looked like a long time ago. This is because the light from distant parts of the universe takes a very long time to reach us.

天文学家可以通过望远镜来观察极远的星系。他们所看到的宇宙是久以前的样子。 这是因为光需要用很长的时间从遥远的宇宙遥远区域传播到我们这里。


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Astronomy is a natural science. It is the study of everything outside the atmosphere of Earth.

It studies celestial objects (such as stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and nebulae) and processes (such as supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic microwave background radiation). This includes the physical and chemical properties of these objects and processes.

天文学 是 一门 自然科学。它是 研究 地球 大气层 以外的 一切事物。

它 研究 天体(如 恒星,星系,行星,月球,小行星,彗星 和 星云)和 过程(如 超新星爆炸,gamma射线爆发 和 宇宙微波背景辐射)。这 包括 这些 物体 和 过程的 物理 和 化学的 特性。

Astronomical object

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Astronomical object refers to something that astronomy studies. It may be any body or structure in the observable universe. This includes objects like nebulae, star clusters, galaxy clusters, galaxies, stars, protostars, planets, satellites, comets, asteroids. Objects on the Earth are not usually included, except recently landed meteorites.

天体 是指 天文学研究的 物体。它 可能是 可观察的 宇宙中的 任何 物体 或 结构。这 包括 星云,星团,星系团,星系,恒星,原恒星,行星,卫星,彗星,小行星 等 物体。地球上的 物体 通常 不包括 在内,除了 近期 登陆的 陨石。

Black hole

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Black hole is the center of a galaxy where its attractive force is very strong that the light around it is pulled into it. So the central area is dark and called a black hole.

黑洞 是 一个 星系 的 中心,它 的 吸力 非常 强大,它 周围 的 光 被 它 吸 进去。所以 中心 地区 是 黑暗 的,因而 叫做 黑洞。

Black hole is a huge sky object

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A black hole is a huge sky object. It is the center of a galaxy. It is called black hole because the light around it is absorbed by it and cannot escape, so we cannot see it.

黑洞是一个巨大的天体。 它是一个星系的中心。 它被称为黑洞,因为周围的光被它吸收而无法逃脱,所以我们看不到它。


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Cosmology is the study of the structure and changes in the present universe.

Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang Theory, which brings together observational astronomy and particle physics.

宇宙学 是 研究 当前 宇宙的 结构 和 变化。

现代 宇宙学 由 大爆炸理论 支配,汇集了 观测天文学 和 粒子物理学。

Invention of telescope

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The invention of the telescope in the Netherlands, 1608, was a milestone in astronomy.


Natural satellite

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A natural satellite in astronomy is a smaller body which moves around a larger body. The smaller body is held in orbit by gravitation. The term is used for moons which go around planets, and it is also used for small galaxies which orbit larger galaxies.

天文学中的 天然卫星 是 一个 较小的 天体,围绕 一个 较大的 天体 运行。较小的 天体 被 引力 吸引 沿着 轨道 运行。该术语 用于 围绕 行星 运行的 月亮,也 用于 围绕 较大 星系 运行的 小星系。

Radiation astronomy

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Radiation astronomy is the astronomy that studies various radiations from the outer space, especially at night.

辐射天文学 是 研究 来自 外太空 的 各种 辐射 的 天文学,尤其是 在 夜间。

Fúshè tiānwénxué shì yánjiū láizì wàitàikōng de gèzhǒng fúshè de tiānwénxué, yóuqíshì zài yèjiān.

Supermassive black hole

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A supermassive black hole is a black hole with a mass that is between 105 and 1010 the mass of the sun. Scientists are confident that almost all galaxies, including the Milky Way, have supermassive black holes at their centers.


Earth's radio signals may never reach certain spatial regions

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Even if the universe always exists, the Earth's radio signals may never reach certain spatial regions, because space may expand faster than the speed of light.


Ideas to explain the universe

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Many people in history had ideas to explain the universe. Most early models had the Earth at the centre of the Universe.

历史上许多人都有解释宇宙的想法。 大多数早期模型都将地球置于宇宙的中心。

It is widely believed that the universe is everything that exists

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It is widely believed that the universe is everything that exists.


Observable universe is an observer-centered sphere

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Regardless of the shape of the entire universe, the observable universe is an observer-centered sphere. Anywhere in the universe has its own observable universe, which may or may not overlap with the universe seen on Earth.

无论整个宇宙的形状如何,可观察的宇宙都是以观察者为中心的球体。 宇宙中的任何地方都有自己的可观测宇宙,它可能与地球上看到的宇宙重叠也可能不重叠。

Physicists are currently unsure if anything existed before the Big Bang

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Physicists are currently unsure if anything existed before the Big Bang. They are also unsure whether the size of the universe is infinite.

物理学家目前不确定大爆炸之前是否存在任何事物。 他们也不确定宇宙的大小是否是无限的。

Science is understanding how the universe and the things in it work

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Science is understanding how the universe and the things in it work.


Some ancient Greeks thought that the Universe has infinite space and has existed forever

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Some ancient Greeks thought that the Universe has infinite space and has existed forever.


Some matter in the universe goes away from us faster than the speed of light, so we cannot see the matter and energy, and the matter is called dark matter

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Some matter in the universe goes away from us faster than the speed of light, so we cannot see the matter and energy, and the matter is called dark matter.


The most common scientific model of the universe is called the Big Bang Theory

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The most common scientific model of the universe is called the Big Bang Theory. The universe is released from the contracted matter and energy.

最常见的宇宙科学模型称为宇宙大爆炸理论。 宇宙从收缩的物质和能量中释放出来。

The observable universe is the things that can be seen from Earth

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The observable universe is the things that can be seen from Earth. That is light or other signals which can reach the Earth.

可观察的宇宙是可以从地球上看到的东西。 那是可以到达地球的光或其他信号。

The universe consists of countless stars, planets, huge gas clouds and space

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The universe consists of countless stars, planets, huge gas clouds and space. Space and its matter are called the universe.

宇宙由无数的恒星,行星,巨大的气体云和空间组成。 空间及其物质被称为宇宙。

The universe is huge, and its volume may be infinite

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The universe is huge, and its volume may be infinite. What can be observed is a space that spans at least 93 billion light years.

宇宙是巨大的,它的体积可能是无限的。 可以观察到的是一个跨越至少930亿光年的空间。

The universe is infinite

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The universe is infinite. It has no beginning and no ending.

宇宙是无限的。 它没有开始也没有结束。

The universe is the name we use to describe everything that exists in space

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The universe is the name we use to describe everything that exists in space.


There may be more than 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe

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There may be more than 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
