Engineering Projects/Wind Turbine

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Problem Statement

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to create and test a wind turbine that would successfully converted kinetic energy from the wind into a source of electricity that can be used to supply electricity to other devices. this device will hopefully serve as an example for the concept of wind energy

Team Members

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Tolulope Ajayi

Lukas Stanley


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the previous team that worked on the wind turbine were able to create and test their wind turbine using DC motor and a dual radiator fan; they were able to use the energy generated from the wind turbine to power up 8 LED lights. for this project we will attempt to create a horizontal wind turbine that would demonstrate the concept of wind energy,and would be able to generate a measurable amount of energy that can be used to power up another device.


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EERE illust large turbine
Wind turbine int


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Tell a detailed story of the project. Describe how split up, what the obstacles were, what testing was done, what informal decisions were made, what assumptions were made, what the results were.

Decision List

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List all formal decisions made with links to their documentation such as a decision tree or decision matrix.

Material List

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1. List materials used, quantity, size, cost.
2. Describe what needs to be purchased in the future to continue working on this project.

Software List

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You installed different software packages or used already installed software. Describ the programs here.

Put one number here. Hours. Total hours that everyone worked on the project. Do not estimate. Do not talk about it. ADD.


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All projects create new tutorials of technical details future participants are going to want to know. They are going to be separate pages that are linked to here.

here are a tutorial that i found that might be helpful :

Next Steps

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List specific details, advice, describe the current problems that the next team faces associated with the project here.