Engineering Projects/Engines/Howard Community College/Fall2011/550 ARM

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Jump to navigation Jump to search Caulking is an important part of home maintenance. It helps to seal cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior, preventing water damage, air leaks, and pests. However, caulking is not always easy to do correctly. It requires the right tools and materials, as well as the right skills.

Problem Statement

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Construct/ build an internal combustion engine and a Stirling engine.

Team Members

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Here is a list of links to the USER pages regarding the Engines project.



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Week One

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Debated which engine type to implement.

Decided on Stirling Engines as our topic.

Worked on the internal combustion engine model found in the engineering lab.

Worked on documenting our team's progress into our wikiversity page.

Researched our topic and reviewed past teams' documentation.

Began collecting required materials.

Week Two

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Continued working on internal combustion engine model.

Gathered materials for Stirling engine model.

Reviewed past team's documentation on Stirling engine model and found instructions and some documentation.

Updated Wikiversity pages.

Week Three

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Completed the internal combustion engine model.

Finished collecting all parts for Stirling engine project.

Week Four

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Build Stirling engine model. Finished Wikiversity documentation.


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Here is an interesting link we found to view a working model of the Stirling Engine



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During the first three weeks of this project, we built an internal combustion engine we found at the engineering lab. We faced numerous challenges, such as trying to figure out the assembling instructions found on the manual and correcting the position of misplaced parts. During these three weeks, we also learned a lot about the internal combustion engine and decided we wanted to build a model of a Stirling engine. We did this during week four and managed to get it running until one of the pieces melted.

Decision List

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Decided to assemble a model of an internal combustion engine.

Chose the Stirling Engine project.

Decided to collect materials for Stirling engine and build one.

Material List

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  • Engineering Notebooks
  • Internet capable Computers
  • Cans
  • Solid Wire
  • Caulking
  • Foam
  • Flywheel
  • Piston
  • Steel Cutters
  • Pliers

Software List

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  • Youtube (plugin)
  • Web Browser

Estimated 3 to 5 hours per student per week.


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See the link at the Poster for a series of Youtube videos detailing construction.

Detailed instructions on how to make a Stirling engine using soda cans

Next Steps

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Use lighter and stronger materials. Measure the engine's performance and try to make it faster. Our model for instance increased its rpms if we increased the intensity of the heat source, and also if cold water was placed around the cylinder.