Engineering Projects/DinoModel/Howard Community College/Fall2012/p1-504-nathan

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This is designed for a person working on a project for 4 weeks as part of a 3 credit class. Please copy this form to your user page. Then delete everything in italics when filling out this form.

Week0 Activities

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Write problem/project Goal

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My goal is to recreate the way people create dinosaur action figures. Most dinosaur figures nowadays are hard and stiff, and they hardly seem too realistic. Also, they have a limited range of motion, in which some dinosaurs can't even move their mouthes (ex. ceratopsians/stegosaurs). I want to create something less stiff and more flexible. My figures will actually have an equal range of motion as their real live counterparts.

My First Task

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I will begin by creating the skull of my first prototype.

Week1 Activities

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Summary of actual work over first weekend

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I used the drumel tool, drill, and handsaw to mold wood pieces into dinosaur skull shapes. First I cut small pieces of wood from available platforms. Then I used the drumel tool to shape the edges of the piece into a narrow snout. Unlike clay, wood is hard and brittle, not soft and flexible. It requires proper precision to cut it into a specific shape without ruining it, even with specially designed tools. I decided to make Tyrannosaurus my first prototype skull. But the final product looked more like Giganotosaurus. I decided to keep it for reference (and for a future Giganotosaurus body).

Week1 Narrative

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I did some research on dinosaur skeletons to better understand their basic structure.

My Second Task

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Construct a second prototype skull with a hinge jaw.

Week2 Activities

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Summary of actual work over second weekend

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After my first prototype failed, I decided to give the Tyrannosaurus skull another try. This time, not only was I successful in molding the exact shape, but I also had a new plan. When I carved the skull out, I also left a small yet thick panel of wood at the back of the bottom of the skull. When the time comes, I can use that panel to create a functional mandible.

Week2 Narrative

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I gathered some ball joits stripped from some of my old toys to create poseable joints.

My Third task

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Complete the hinge jaw.

Week3 Activities

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Summary of actual work over third weekend

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How is what you did different than what you planned?

Week3 Narrative

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Tell a detailed story describing what you did for your team over the weekend.

My Fourth task

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Record what you are planning on doing for the team during the final weekend of project work.

Week4 Activities

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Summary of actual work over fourth weekend

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How is what you did different than what you planned?

Week4 Narrative

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Tell a detailed story describing what you did for your team over the weekend.

Complete Team Page

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Fill out the Team Form (should have already copied the form, created the team page, linked to it and started filling it out).