Engineering Projects/Corn Starch/Howard Community College/fall2012/p2-550-ma

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Problem Statement

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Fix the cable that was connected to the amplifier, test the oscillator, and connect the oscillator to the speaker.

Team Members

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So far, we have been trying to get a general summary of what the previous group has done and what we need to do to move the project forward.


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Over the last couple of classes, we spent time setting up our team pages and our wiki pages. We also spent time getting associated with what the previous team has done, and what problems they faced. We are going to spend time going over each individuals pages so that we can avoid the mistakes they made, and find ways to push the project forward. going to read over the We will also gauge how far they got, and decide whether or not we should use the same methods they did, or use new ones.

Decision List

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Material List

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Software List

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Next Steps

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Our next stepsis to get some information. We are going to review the previous' teams work on the cornstarch project, and we will also look online for cornstarch projects elsewhere. Once we have done some research we're going to see what mistakes the previous team has made, and how we are going to fix and avoid them. We will try and start where the other team left off, so we will figure out if the problem with the cable was due to malfunction of the cable or miss connection of the amplifier, test the oscillator with the oscilloscope, and find a way to connect the oscillator to the speaker board