Engineering Projects/Coanda/Howard Community College/Spring2012/p501acm2.0

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Problem Statement

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To learn how to manipulate the Coanda effect such that static objects are able to gain lift and momentum.

Team Members

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Throughout the the latter three of the four weeks spend in development of this project, each member of our team had completed a separate task; all tasks were aimed in examining the posibilities of utilizing the Coanda effect in modern situations, as well as in future technology.

The first task dealt with the construction of two cardboard tubes; each of which contained a unique cut out that was used to expel air emitting from a air pump, used to inflate inflatable matresses. Two blades were constructed of aluminum sheet metal and duct tape, and bent, as much as possible to the curve of the tube. A skateboard like wheeled platform was constucted from detachable cart wheels and a plank of wood. The purpose of this object was to create a platform which sharp air flow, manipulated by the form of the air tube and blades would emit, and b powerful enough such that this platform could move without manual or mechanical assistance. During construction, various tests validated the cardboard tubes' function of demonstrating the Coanda effect. Both end of the cardboard tubes were enclosed with plastic cups. One example in particular, is how a small string could wrap around the from of the tubes utilizing only the sharp air flow manipulated by the curved blades. A demonstration can be shown here. The constuction of a complete Coanda effect based vehichle was the goal of this task; however, the hassles of final construction proved no good in proving the effect. The goal was to affix both cardboard tubes, and the air pump sources to the wheeled platform. The long drying Epoxy resin, poorly constructed cardboard lunette to hold the tubes in suspenstion and lack of room to fit the air pump between them impeded the testing and completion of the final design. Therefore, the design of the vehicle was alterated and an image of what would have been a final design was posted, instead.

The second task related to the project was similar to the first; the goal of this task was to utilize the Coanda effect to get a platform to move, but this time, not forward, but in a rotational (spinning) motion. Cardboard tubes, much like the ones used in the first task, were constructed to simply move objects about its form. This was done by cuting three simple openings in the cardboard tubes; two were cut on opposite ends (and on opposite sides) of the tube in order to release air emitting from an alternative air supply. As third was located midpoint between the two other openings, the alternative air source would be plug into there. Over the course of the second task, many ideas for how to supply a stronger flow of air were considered in the construction of the tube. The AC supply from a domestic house heater was used in order to create a stong air flow that could flow through the tube, was well as the air pump up hooked up to a 12V battery. A wooden platform, not wheeled like in the first task, was affixed with some handles. The goal of this was to secure the cardboard tube between the two handles such that when the platform began to spin, and the cardboard would not fall off the platform.


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Week1 - The first week dealt with deliberations among team members on how to continue going about the Coanda project; we ultimately decided to split the project up into two goals. Ezenwachi was responsible for the single tube Coanda effect platform, and Watson beacme responsible to demonstrating how the Coanda effect can move static objects.

Week2 - The second week started the design process. Several designs of devices that could demonstrate the Coanda effect were drawn, the most popular one recommended by class mates was implemented. Materials such as sheet metal and Epoxy resin were brought and some class resoruces were utilized as well. Due to some out-of-class issues, attendance by both team members began to shift thus causing a delay in construction of the tubes. Nonetheless, certain components were created, such as the wheeled platform, in preparation for testing. The recommended design was computer simulated via Google SketchUp.

Week3 - Construction and elementary testing proved the efficiency of the tubes in demonstrating the Coanda effect, the most notable achievement was having a string curve about 45 degrees around the form of the slot-wing tube. Power supplies such as 12V AC batteries (Watson), AC supply from domestic heaters (Chima) were tested in increasing the air flow in the air pumps, which proved successful; however, not enough to lift or move a static object from rest. In the mean time, the constuction of the Coanda apparatuses became hectic because of the poor materials used in creating them.

Week4 - During the final week, the results of our testing and experiments were reviewed and were documented. We were, nonetheless, able to prove that the Coanda effect can manipulate, with the help of a powerful air flow, the forms around it.

Individual Work

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Marcus' individual story and work completed
Chima's individual story and work completed

Decision List

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The consensual agreement to split the second Coanda project up into two tracks were based upon a deliberation on whether or not to continue working with the first Coanda project. In presentation of ideas, the team came up with three options:

  • Continue enhancing the previous Coanda projects from previous semesters
    • The Coanda hovercraft
    • The Coanda helicopter motor (favored by Chima Ezenwachi, and former team member Adam Rodriguez)
  • Create a new project based on the movement of static objects (favored by Marcus Watson)

We decided to spit the project to "cover more ground" in developing Coanda related prospects in technology. Which led to Watson developing a Coanda powered vehicle and Ezenwachi continuing with the development of the spinning helicopter motor.

Material List

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In construction of tubing

  • (1) One large 80 cm cardboard tube, about 6 cm in diameter. Was cut into two equal sections of 40 cm each.
  • (1) One smaller 30 cm cardboard tube, about 5 cm in diaterer.
  • (1) cordless Dremmel saw.
  • (1) Buzz saw.
  • (1) Ream of pink marking tape.

In construction of platforms

  • (1) One 61 cm by 15.2 cm wooden plank.
  • (4) Four roller wheels.
  • (1) Ream of duct tape.
  • (1) One tube of Epoxy resin glue.

In construciton of blades

In use for testing

Software List

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16 h 42 m


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Online research was essential to the development of the project. Websites including documentation blogs of physicist Jean-Louis Nandin, the Meridian Internation Aeronautics Institute, and several YouTube videos were referenced throughout the course of planning, construction, and testing. Explainations of certain Coanda demonstrations are explained via our individual work pages.

Next Steps

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Remnants of this project could lead to future ENES 100 project ides such as a wind tunnel using a reverse engineered air source, such as the air pump, along with a wheeled platform, to simulate flight. Another is to use the molded aluminum to create an air brush chassis that can be hooked up to an InkJet motor programmed to make unique designs on t-shirts, or maybe even cars. Despite the mild success of the intended projects, our team was able to demonstrate the Coanda effect through uncommon means and provide a idea basket for how to manipulate the Coanda effect to enhance future technologies, and to better society. Research, design, and the implementation of planning are critical aspects of a future Coanda engineering project.