Elasticity/Spinning disk

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Thin spinning disk

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Problem 1:

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A thin disk of radius is spinning about its axis with a constant angular velocity . Find the stress field in the disk using an Airy stress function and a body force potential.

An elastic disk spinning around its axis of symmetry


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The acceleration of a point () on the disk is

The body force field is

Since there is no rotational acceleration, the body force can be derived from a potential . The relations between the stresses, the Airy stress function and the body force potential are


From equations (2) and (6) , we have,

Integrating equation (7), we have

Substituting equation (9) into equation (8), we get

This constant can be set to zero without loss of generality. Therefore,

The spinning disk problem is a plane stress problem. Hence the compatibility condition is


Now, from equations (11) and (13)

Therefore, equation (12) becomes

Since the problem is axisymmetric, there can be no shear stresses, i.e. and no dependence on . From Michell's solution, the appropriate terms of the Airy stress function are

Axisymmetry also requires that , the displacement in the direction must be zero. However, if we look at Mitchell's solution, we see that is non-zero if the term is used in the Airy stress function. Hence, we reject this term and are left with

If we plug this stress function into equation (16) we see that . Therefore, equation (18) represents a homogeneous solution of equation (16). The that is a general solution of equation (16) is obtained by adding a particular solution of the equation.

One such particular solution is the stress function since the biharmonic equation must evaluate to a constant. Plugging this into equation (16) we have


Therefore, the general solution is

The corresponding stresses are (from equations (3, 4, 5)),

At , the stresses must be finite. Hence, . At , . Evaluating at we get

Substituting back into equations (22) and (23), we get