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Educational Media Awareness Campaign/Astronomy/POTD 6

From Wikiversity

Andromeda Galaxy
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has captured stunning infrared views of the famous Andromeda galaxy to reveal insights that were only hinted at in visible light. This Spitzer's 24-micron mosaic is the sharpest image ever taken of the dust in another spiral galaxy.

This image uses a frequency of light that dramatic contrasts with the traditional view at visible wavelengths, where there is more starlight than dust. The center of the galaxy in this view is dominated by a large bulge that overwhelms the inner spirals seen in dust. The dust lanes are faintly visible in places, but only where they can be seen in silhouette against background stars.

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Andromeda Galaxy - Astronomy images

This image is a part of the
Educational Media Awareness Campaign, raising awareness among educators about the availability and usage of millions of free internet media in education.